Sentences with phrase «in later decades»

But in the late decades of the 20th century it is becoming increasingly difficult to exercise that form of mind control.
Really like is without age and many have found the romance of their life in their later decades and so can you.
We're all stumbling along and taking chances to pave the way for seasons of harvest in later decades.
In later decades however, both bone and muscle losses can accelerate again, for those adults not strength training, that is.
The higher emissions are in the near term, the greater the required emissions reductions in later decades for limiting warming.
Our bodies haven't started developing the problems they do in later decades.
The author found decisive help in Whitehead, and, out of that, what has been called in later decades «process theology,» was born.
These works, intended to be seen in the round, exemplify the heightened architectural quality of her work in the later decades of her career.
The same rationale would be used for the expansion of Daylight Saving in later decades, including its national formalization in the 1960s.
Inadequate as the representation of certain groups may be, American political life clearly includes the active participation of many ethnic and racial groups besides the Anglo - Saxons in the late decades of the 20th century.
Evangelicals in the later decades of the 20th century rejected the widespread embrace of universalism, a one - sided focus on social justice, and neglect of evangelism in the World Council of Churches and many mainline denominations.
Hopkins says that «clergymen were among the leading diagnosticians of the industrial maladjustments of the late «seventies, «13 and their work became more thorough in later decades.
That type of potty training in the west must be what caused the pendulum to swing so far to the other end in later decades.
This would suggest that countries where aggressive nutritional support was instituted in later decades should see the survival benefit in the near future.
In the modern society, most of the people tend to lack the skills of aging well — the unhappy mix of bad food choices, sedentary office jobs and piles of mismanaged emotional stress comes with an awful price that is usually felt a lot stronger in the later decades of life.
In the early decades the mannequin measurements come close, but in later decades fall far below a healthy BMI (note also that the WHO standard for «healthy» BMI goes down to 18.6..
The pantsuit and powersuit would elevate in the later decade and steady its position as a clothing piece of and for equality.
In her wall text, Zabel writes, «By exploding traditional modes of easel painting, Pop artists of the 1960s radically expanded the possibilities of how art is made and how it is viewed; thus they opened up multiple pathways for artists coming to maturity in later decades of the twentieth century.»
This fantastic, mythical quality only intensified in later decades.
Pop Art reached its peak in the mid-1960s, but would continue to influence artists in later decades, with artists like Warhol being a huge inspiration for generations of new artists.
If one thinks, say, of André Derain or Oscar Kokoschka there is a similar gulf between their earlier work (on which their reputation rests) and the work they produced in the later decades of their long lives.
Nor did many talented American photographers who came of age in the later decades of the 20th century.
A professor of art history at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Kirschke broadened her research for the symposium presentation, exploring the work of African American political cartoonists in later decades, from 1940 - 1970.
Yet despite critical acclaim, Chicago has only recently achieved larger art - world visibility in the later decades of her life.
fraom 1860» ies all the way to 1930 form a long continuert rather smooth curve, just like we have seen in later decades.
The slight warming occurred in latest decades has mostly eliminated the danger of summer frosts that frequently impeded fruitful cultivation, and thus extensive areas are now grown with alfalfa for livestock or grains such as barley or quinoa (a South American kind of cereal with high protein content).
Both heat and drought (when it happens, which will be more often in later decades) will be more severe.
e.g., the bucket change - point and the degrading climate network in the later decades of the 20th century.
Rather than allowing higher emissions in the early decades and assuming they'll be offset by negative CO2 emissions in later decades (as in the IPCC's rapid - mitigation pathway, RCP 2.6) or by allowing lower non-CO2 emissions, this pathway emphasizes the need for immediate and dramatic mitigation.
Some of us found decisive help in Whitehead, and, out of that, what has been called in later decades «process theology,» was born.
These works, intended to be viewed in the round, exemplify the heightened architectural quality of her work in the later decades of her career.
While this biography suffers at times from overly detailed accounts of the supporting players in Neel's life and from the author's occasional repetition, it is immensely absorbing, and soars at the end as Neel, in the later decades of her life, finally receives «the recognition she so long deserved.»
Until 1900 the British Isles provided the larger contingents, but in later decades the churches of the United States assumed an increasing role in the enterprise and in 1914 were contributing more money than were the British Churches.
In later decades, other scientists got much more rigorous in their study of fear, in many cases turning to rats rather than people as their test subjects.
In later decades, foresters replanted clear - cuts as plantations of spruce and pine.
In later decades, school districts expanded the «public option» in education; by 1960, 90 percent of high - school age students were enrolled.
In later decades, his artist friends included representatives of pop, minimalist, and conceptual art as well.
In the»70s, she created massive soft - sculpture installations out of urethane foam, and, in later decades, she returned to depicting female figures, exploring their line - drawn abstraction against stylized, rainbow - colored backgrounds.
While such a rise would not be a world disaster, in the late decades of this century it would bring significant everyday problems, and occasional storm - surge catastrophes, to populous coastal areas from Bangladesh to New Orleans.
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