Sentences with phrase «in living patterns»

The 2 million weddings and 1 million divorces each year also add to changes in living patterns.
«A change in living patterns is a sign of something — it could be positive or negative,» says Michael Soon Lee, CRS ®, GRI, broker - owner of Realty Unlimited in Dublin, Calif. «If sales associates stop pursuing their hobbies, stop exercising, and develop bags under their eyes, they may have some issue in their life.»
Especially because the new report is consistent with a multitude of information showing changes in living patterns and lifestyle preferences, we should shift more public resources into transit, to keep up with and strengthen the trends toward more sustainable modes of transportation....
Unseen forces that have held family members captive in life patterns not previously understood come to light.
Stuck in a life pattern you want to change?

Not exact matches

It's about creating patterns in your life that bring about the best you possible.
«This book helps you understand the deep patterns in the journeys of successful women — showing what drives us to success but also to exhaustion — and how we can integrate masculine and feminine forces in our lives
As someone who studies human behavior for a living, Van Edwards shares key insights for establishing rapport, building charisma, and decoding behavior patterns in order to transform our interactions with people.
It is such an integral part of so many people's social lives and patterns of communication, and it has so few real competitors, that I think it is in some ways more like a public utility than like a private company.
We need to revise our economies «to reduce wealth inequality and ensure that prices, taxation, and incentive systems take into account the real costs which consumption patterns impose on our environment,» the scientists said, adding: «We must recognize, in our day - to - day lives and in our governing institutions, that Earth with all its life is our only home.»
By studying these patterns and applying these tools, strategies, and principles in your own life, you're accelerating your journey to success.
«I've repeated patterns in my life,» he said cryptically as we settled into a small conference room for the first in a series of long conversations.
Starting in the mid-1980s, researchers from University College London spent twenty years examining the relationship between sleep patterns and life expectancy in more than 10,000 British civil servants.
Available in a variety of colors and patterns to match your living room decor, it folds up neatly when not in your lap.
On January 24, 2013, we hosted a Live Online Trading Webinar in which we conducted simple and objective technical analysis of various stock chart patterns that attendees requested us to review.
We live with considerable uncertainty about the sustainability of the pattern of relatively low risk premia and reduction in the cost of insurance against future macroeconomic and financial volatility.
We have patterned responses to just about everything in life.
Instead, there was a short - lived bounce that inevitably attracted some «late to the party» Charlies who were not paying attention to the bearish volume patterns in the market.
Pattern Energy Group has 2,644 MW of wind projects in the U.S., Canada, and Chile that have an average 14 year contract life remaining.
As a Holistic Life Coach and Yogi, I am on a quest to find more ways to change this pattern and to get out of this spinning tornado in our heads.
The index doesn't reflect changes in the quality of items over time and can't tell us much about the spending patterns of the poor, or of people living outside of urban areas.
I noticed a disturbing pattern of behavior on Facebook in early 2016 surrounding Black Lives Matter, the Democratic primaries and Brexit.
With A.I.'s ability to learn human speech patterns (think of Siri or Google's Cortana), and adaptability to human wants and needs, as well as their living habits (think Alexa or the Google Home), Elon Musk is firm in his conviction that A.I. will only bring destruction.
In that moment, it was not my life that flashed before my eyes but a tableau, revealing the ingrained patterns of my long practiced selfishness.
This is our reality: All day long God is reaching into our condition, sending certain thoughts and desires, arousing certain emotions and calming unhealthy patterns, calling us further towards love / life, showing us that he is to be experienced in every piece of His creation and known in every ordinary fraction - of - a-second.
Every victim of burnout will tell you that unhealthy patterns of living and working that they learned in their youth caused their downfall later in life.
This decision should not be interpreted as an incipient feminism in Southern Baptist life (out of more than forty thousand churches, only a few dozen have female pastors), but rather as an affirmation of a pattern of cooperation that has served Baptist mission causes well for more than a century.
Can the world really afford the patterns that we're living in?
I grew to love this pattern of daily prayer, and it managed to change my life, immersing me in the Psalms and the rest of Holy Scripture, as well as in the early Christian canticles and hymns.
They say that the patterns of worship and religious education seem designed to preserve the connections to the countries from which their Muslim communities emigrated, while these young folks want their faith to guide them in their lives in America.
This pattern has shown itself in my life in a way that is undeniable to me.
Our bodies» patterns of life tell us that our brain can't focus longer than 90 minutes at a time without a 20 - 30 minute break in between.
But I don't think we live in such a time, at least not with respect to the sadly familiar patterns of crime and police violence when it comes to race.
Not only are those sensible ways of living but they're also things that create community, interdependence, the sort of life that we're made for together — and break the patterns of unsustainability and also land us in a place where we're the wealthiest country in the world and also one of the most lonely, medicated and depressed people in the world.
The interview format used by the Oliner team had over 450 items and consisted of six main parts: a) characteristics of the family household in which respondents lived in their early years, including relationships among family members; b) parental education, occupation, politics, and religiosity, as well as parental values, attitudes, and disciplinary approaches; c) respondent's childhood and adolescent years - education, religiosity, and friendship patterns, as well as self - described personality characteristics; d) the five - year period just prior to the war — marital status, occupation, work colleagues, politics, religiosity, sense of community, and psychological closeness to various groups of people; if married, similar questions were asked about the spouse; e) the immediate prewar and war years, including employment, attitudes toward Nazis, whether Jews lived in the neighborhood, and awareness of Nazi intentions toward Jews; all were asked to describe their wartime lives and activities, whom they helped, and organizations they belonged to; f) the years after the war, including the present — relations with children and personal and community — helping activities in the last year; this section included forty - two personality items comprising four psychological scales.
This pattern resembled, in some respects, Bonhoeffer's organization of community life at Finkenwalde, with its antiphonal reading of the Psalms, stated hours of prayer, hymn singing, and silence.
In a familiar pattern, she comes to see the inadequacies of her hyper - intellectualized view of life and begins to experience the emotions she never acknowledged in herself, as well as gaining sympathy for otherIn a familiar pattern, she comes to see the inadequacies of her hyper - intellectualized view of life and begins to experience the emotions she never acknowledged in herself, as well as gaining sympathy for otherin herself, as well as gaining sympathy for others.
The variations in the lives of the saints suggests that holy people do not conform to a predetermined pattern.
Croesus» hubris results in the loss of his kingdom, and his freedom, to Cyrus, who in turn repeats the pattern: After gaining great wealth, he decides - even though Croesus himself warns him against it - to invade a poor country, and he loses not only the war with the Massagetae but also his life.
If one has built a career, a home and family in a given community, the real world cost of outwardly contradicting the behavioural patterns of that community is too high for those unwilling to abandon not just the supernatural tenets and reliigious rites, but everything they've built in their lives up to that point.
If you find yourself caught in a pattern of bitterness and discouragement, maybe it's time to ask God to show you how you can start living your life rather than wasting it away in the waiting.
These same male psychic patterns operate in our economic life — not only in that of the criminal underworld but throughout the corporate - capitalist system.
Mary's song pointed out back in Luke 1:51 - 53 that this would be a pattern in the life of Christ, and it has already begun here (cf. 1 Cor.
On the contrary, given the presumption of a collective agency for the cell as a unified field of activity, it makes excellent sense to account for the stability of the field in terms of societies of inanimate actual occasions with their ongoing transmission of fixed patterns and for the vitality of the field in terms of the nexus of living occasions with their higher degree of novelty and originality.
From the earliest weeks of life, when an infant is taught to control hunger in order to meet the sleeping needs of parents and to fit into a social pattern in which people do not eat during the night; through babyhood, where etiquette skills include learning conventional greetings such as morning kisses and waving bye - bye; to toddler training in such concepts as sharing toys with a guest, refraining from hitting, and expressing gratitude for presents, manners are used to establish a basis for other virtues.
Here the Supreme Court began to set in legal concrete the notion that sexual morals and patterns of family life are matters of private choice or taste, not matters of public concern in which the state has a legitimate interest.
This pattern repeats itself over and over again in the tragic lives of battered women.
It calls for the identification and development of resources «which will enable all families to be ministered to creatively and all persons, regardless of their family patterns, to be affirmed and supported in the life of the Church...» Behind such statements lies an emphasis articulated already in 1978 by G. William Sheek, then Director of Family Ministries and Human Sexuality of the National Council of Churches.
Only the series of dominant occasions known as the soul is a separate society, i.e., a set of personally ordered occasions which provide continuity in time for the patterns already generated in large part by nexus of living occasions within the field of activity proper to the brain.
They teach that if you have patterns of habitual sin in your life, you have good reason to question whether or not you actually have eternal life.
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