Sentences with phrase «in local churches»

Since then she has ministered in local churches, while posting prophetic messages online.
He is an active performer in local churches and various cover bands.
You can find a date in your local churches but online dating services are much easier.
An initiative from police headquarters encouraged outreach in local churches, a police chief said.
Meanwhile, as the local churches were revolting against overall control, there was widespread revolt against the power of the ministers in the local churches until «after the Reforming Synod [of 1697], the clergy found themselves shorn of every weapon except moral persuasion, and their threat of [Divine] vengeance.»
Twenty - seven of the 44 regional conferences that reported voting results rejected the amendment that would have made membership in local churches open to «all persons, upon taking vows declaring the Christian faith, and relationship in Jesus Christ,» according to United Methodist
Shurden, in an article last year in the Fellowship newsletter, put the Baptist conflict into three periods the struggle for national control (1979 - 1990), the fight over state conventions (1990 - 2000) and bitter battles in local churches (2000 - 2010).
In his 1994 apostolic letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente, Pope John Paul II urged the faithful, both in local churches and at the highest levels of the hierarchy, to make a serious effort to recover those stories.
In the last 20 years there have been fantastic strides forward in youth work in local churches.
The entertainment mentality which thinks in terms of performance, stages, and audiences has been making its appearance in local churches.
The concept of missions as serving one's neighbor is particularly significant for the grounding of mission in the local churches and local associations.
More recently we have attempted to enlarge further the shared experiential base of faculty and students by having courses taught in local churches — not just practical courses, but Bible and theology.
The magazine also studied a «Here's Life, America» campaign in Indianapolis and Fresno, a multi-media evangelistic campaign based in local churches and drawing heavily on personal contact by telephone.
In no other way can the people in the local churches become actively reintegrated into the polity of the denomination.
It must promote the feeling of responsibility in local churches, while guarding against isolationism.
Women in seminaries today and women moving out to serve in local churches in increasing numbers have shared some unique experiences.
What is going on in our local churches — with all its obscurity and ambiguity — is the future of the church, for good or for ill.
The Jesus Family shared most marks of the Jesus People Movement, but tried to get new Jesus - followers to settle in local churches rather than forming separate communities.
Alcoholism programs in local churches, which have been effective, seem to have gone through certain general steps:
«For many if not most of the people I was coming into contact with in local churches, talking about their congregation meant citing statistics of one sort or another, or details of particular programs.»
My explorations along this new path, leading, I hope, to insight into the structures of expression in local churches, form the body of this book.
Instead of a central authority, there was conciliarity with leadership dispersed in local churches.
This work, as I have sketched here, begins in our local churches and flows outward, the leaven that ultimately saturates the whole dough of creation.
However, liberalism does not produce offspring in local churches, where growth is always among evangelical groups.
Moody Bible Institute, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and scores of lesser - known schools trained thousands of leaders for work in local churches and on the mission field, organized conferences and revivals, sponsored radio broadcasts, published literature and served as surrogate denominations.
I am a contemporary Christian singer / songwriter performing concerts in local churches.
«I think if we change that step and really become students of each other's narratives and ask questions about why people perceive certain things in a certain way instead of jumping to judgment, then I think we'll be better equipped to have more diversity in local churches
William Cate has written that «Christian unity occurs at points of interchurch contact and relationship: it is not the creation of an ecumenical structure...» («Ecumenism Surges in Local Churches,» The Christian Century [March 14, 1984], p. 268).
Given the «cocooning» tendencies of congregations in these postmodern times and given the theological amnesia in most modern Protestant churches that I know, I am not so reassured by Volf's defense of the kind of catholicity that he believes is attainable in local churches.
The construction of a building must no longer be the default position in local churches, where those who do not want to build must defend their position to those who do.
Many professors at Wesley and other seminaries speak in local churches regularly, but can not fill the demand for solid teaching that comes just from the churches within driving distance.
An ordained United Methodist pastor, she is a member of the Wisconsin Annual Conference and has served both in local churches and as a campus minister.
In local churches the empiric negotiation appears in a mitigated manner that Wade Clark Roof characterizes as «cosmopolitan religion.
I can heartily recommend it not only as a textbook for college and seminary students but also as material for advanced - level adult study groups in local churches.
I guess I'm also trying to account for how similar patterns get played out on a much, much smaller scale in local churches the world over.
I Am a Church Member appears to be intended for «Church Membership» classes in local churches.
It is a primary duty of bishops, as chief guardians of Catholic truth in their local churches, to call Catholics in a defective state of communion to a fuller communion with the Church.
The time for decision for this group will come when they must enact the practices of the revisionists in their local churches.
I doubt that in a local church in your area this Sunday you'll hear a pastor or a theologian share on the beauty of dancing as a spiritual offering of love to God.
We are active in our local church, Christ Community Church supporting local outreach projects and volunteer with the USO.
For Daly's songs, this quality comes right from his days singing in his local church.
In recent years, a number of Christian leaders have rightly called lethargic and half - hearted Christians to quicken their pace, to dedicate more of their time, talents, money and efforts to serving the Lord in the local church and in evangelistic outreach at home and abroad.
As a leader in your local church, you don't have the responsibility to let everyone do what they want to serve.
Vatican II described the local bishop as a true teacher, governor, and sanctifier in his local Church, and not simply a branch manager of the Catholic Church, Inc..
I talk about the issue of spiritual abuse and how people recover from this devastation in their local church.
Houston agrees that it's the presence of relationship that makes worship in the local church so beautiful and transformational.
As Rebecca's faith grew, Shawn started to read the Bible for himself and ended up in tears, praying the «sinner's prayer» at a Bible study group in his local church.
One of the secrets of the swift access the new theology has found into the life of the Continent is that it takes its beginning from the scene in the local church rather than in the university library.
(1) The inconsistency was stated thus: The Disciples churches by requiring the rebaptism of members of other churches who apply for membership in a local church of Disciples deny their fundamental commitment to the cause of Christian unity.
But all we do in the local church should surely be contributing to the «Great Commission»?
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