Sentences with phrase «in marginal constituencies»

No doubt to their delight, voters in marginal constituencies receive a great deal more attention from political parties than anyone else.
Those who live in marginal constituencies are in a very good position to help.
Yet this view remains almost irrelevant according to the latest polling in marginal constituencies.
Labour is selecting black or Asian candidates in about one in 10 seats, with a higher rate of 14 per cent in marginal constituencies.
Religious campaigners will try to make gay marriage a major issue in marginal constituencies during the next election, according to a statement released today.
The idea had worried environmentalists and local residents alike - many of whom live in marginal constituencies.
The key to recovery lies in the marginal constituencies of the south and the midlands.
Tessa Jowell, MP for Dulwich and West Norwood We lost the election in the marginal constituencies along the M1, M2 and M6, the spinal cords of middle England.
While UKIP has few / no MPs it is not unreasonable to say that they have taken votes away from the Conservative party in recent years and potential UKIP voters are seen by many as key in some marginal constituencies especially in «working class» areas where many voters are socially to the right and economically to the left.
Backbenchers will request a meeting with Mandelson, hoping to persuade him of the political arguments against a third runway, and remind him of the number of Labour MPs in marginal constituencies in its vicinity who would suffer at the ballot box.
Just one in ten voters in marginal constituencies say religious liberty has improved under David Cameron.
Labour's focus on campaigning on rail fares, then, is essentially a policy offer based around political popularity which would benefit better - off voters, possibly in marginal constituencies.
When you factor in that the people most affected by the rise in commuting fares (especially season tickets) are middle - class and often located in marginal constituencies, rail fares get a lot of political attention.
In July I published research conducted in marginal constituencies showing that 30 of the Lib Dems» 57 seats were vulnerable to the Conservatives.
Now, poor old Theresa May didn't do very well in the general election after it turned out there were more wheat farmers in marginal constituencies than she thought!
Voters in marginal constituencies like Glenda Jackson's Hampstead and Kilburn know more about parties» policy positions than those in safe seats like Gordon Brown's Kirkaldy and Cowdenbeath, according to research carried out by the University of Nottingham's Caitlin Milazzo.
Despite early predictions in the marginal constituency that had been held by Mr Reed, of an apocalypse for Labour — the bookies already have the Conservatives as favourite — Mr Corbyn remains confident.
Targeting the swing voters in marginal constituencies makes sense for politicians running a campaign, but it leaves voters in safe seats out in the cold.
The «blobs» hate of Gove has an effect on Tories in marginal constituency where teachers can be a decisive voting bloc.
Voters opposed to the Iraq war are being urged to think tactically - particularly in marginal constituencies.
The Conservative Party have increased their majority of the vote in the marginal constituency of Nuneaton.
The departure of Willott, following the decision of her fellow whip Mark Hunter to stand down to concentrate on the fight in his marginal constituency of Cheadle, highlights the nerves among Liberal Democrat MPs over the looming general election.
As this newspaper's investigation at the weekend made clear, the peer is in charge of a formidable operation within Conservative Party headquarters which is ploughing considerable sums of money directly into Conservative association coffers in marginal constituencies.
«Our conclusion is that there are symptoms of a deliberate plan... action to massively move voters to impact elections in marginal constituencies,» Bersih official Chan Tsu Chong told a news conference.
With Ed Miliband as the leader of the opposition party, the adoption of an expansionist visit strategy has the potential to boost Labour's local vote share — a factor that may be key in marginal constituencies.
In addition to the national polls, Lord Ashcroft funded from May 2014 a series of polls in marginal constituencies, and constituencies where minor parties were expected to be significant challengers.
Recent polls suggested Boris could close the gap in the polls with Labour and save the seats of dozens of Tory MPs in marginal constituencies.
Not only does the electoral system work against us, making the whole election contingent on a handful of swing voters in marginal constituencies, but the rightwing media get to call all the shots.
In particular, it acquired the support of swing voters in the marginal constituencies that, thanks to our electoral system, decide elections in the UK.
In May 2015, with polls pointing to a hung Parliament in the run up to the 2015 general election, the Bow Group chairman, Ben Harris - Quinney, called on voters in marginal constituencies to support the values of conservatism by voting UK Independence Party (UKIP) where the Conservatives could not win, and the Conservatives where UKIP could not win.
«Spuc and its colleagues in many pro-family, Christian and Muslim groups will ensure same - sex marriage becomes a big general election issue, especially in marginal constituencies,» chief executive John Smeaton said.
The triangulation and spin meant that Labour's message was increasingly attuned to swing voters in marginal constituencies.
The Blairite strategy for resolving this problem was both a cynical triangulation towards the priorities of swing voters in marginal constituencies; and a consequent abandonment of any transformative political objectives that potentially challenged the prejudices of that constituency.
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