Sentences with phrase «in matrimony»

Any assets a person owned before joining in matrimony are typically still considered separately owned.
Polygamy, simply put is where one man has several wives at the same time who all live in matrimony together.
Although many of the connections Jasbina helps foster result in matrimony, she said she doesn't just coach people to rush into any marriage.
Similarly, when you find a couple living together in matrimony for forty - five, fifty years, you can not assume that they have been blessed.
Some of the early investors in Matrimony were venture firms Canaan Partners, Mayfield and Yahoo.
Our vision of God becomes clearest when our minds grasp the communion of persons in matrimony.
It is not enough to stop at an announcement «that is merely theoretic and has nothing to do with people's real problems», since «it must not be forgotten that the crisis of faith has led to a crisis in matrimony and the family and, as a result, the transmission of faith from parents to children has been interrupted».
In my state the Pastor who performed the ceremony would be charged with a crime and would lose his or her power granted by the state, to join anyone else in matrimony.
Society has recognized this by setting up a pattern of relationship which in our Western culture is predominantly monogamous and finds its chief manifestation in matrimony, although there have been and are other cultures that have taken a different line in their attitude toward heterosexuality.
Many of the singles in Savannah appeared to be less interested in matrimony than in companionship.
Other outlets claim that the two threw in the towel because of their open marriage that eventually went awry, suggesting that couples who try alternative arrangements to accommodate the unique needs of their partnership are doomed in matrimony.
Get down on one knee, declare your undying love, and ask for their hand in matrimony.
I recently had a conversation with a business contact of mine who said someone randomly Facebook messaged him, and years later that message turned into a budding romance and now a commitment in matrimony.
Will Two Strangers Living In Matrimony Find Their Way To A Happy Marriage?!
If you got married young or plan to marry in your late teens or early 20's, we strongly recommend working with a marriage counselor to guide you through your lifestyle changes and ensure success in your matrimony.
The counselor might not fix the issues in your matrimony directly, but will help you to fix them yourself.
That, at least, is the way He has revealed Himself to us, not only in Scripture and in His Son, but also in the way our embodied selves are joined in matrimony.
They had met several months ago and were now conducting a whirlwind cross-country courtship which would soon, she said with obvious glee, result in matrimony.
Theological tradition speaks in this connection about a «quasi-sacramental character» in matrimony, because a person is permitted to contract a new marriage after the death of the spouse, but not while the spouse is alive.
In matrimony, human selves are one in both their bodies and their selves.
Wherefore, so far as we can, let us love the opportunity of continence; as soon as it offers itself, let us resolve to accept it, that which we have not had strength (to follow) in matrimony we may follow in widowhood.
Then, over a picture of the Tango ball, FIFA and adidas are joined in matrimony.
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