Sentences with phrase «in menopausal women»

According to one review of literature, hesperidin complex reduced hot flashes in menopausal women [6].
Changes in 5 - hydroxytryptamine and cortisol plasma levels in menopausal women after inhalation of clary sage oil.
They are often promoted for consumption in menopausal women for bone density, but there is concern that over exposure to PhytoEstrogens increases the risk of breast cancer and causes fertility issues.
Adequate calcium consumption also lowers the incidence of osteoporosis in menopausal women.
Palpitations, or the feeling of a faster heartbeat, are common in menopausal women suffering from hot flushes.
Urinary incontinence in menopausal women is often caused by hormonal imbalance, specifically decreased levels of estrogen.
Vaginal dryness in menopausal women also coincides with dry eye conditions such as Sjorgrens or «Dry Body» syndrome.
Almost everyone is protein deficient without realizing it — it plays out as a nagging injury that won't heal in the athlete, or brittle bones in the menopausal women, or constant colds in the child.
This can indicate a nutritional deficiency; however, in menopausal women brittle nails are usually due to hormonal imbalance.
The study led by researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania is the first to show that lisdexamfetamine (LDX) improved subjective and objective measures of cognitive decline commonly experienced in menopausal women.
The team says its technique has restarted periods in menopausal women, including one who had not menstruated in five years.
Furthermore, the results emphasize the need to create healthcare strategies to minimize the effect of obesity on health issues in menopausal women.
A dose of 7.5 mg / day of extract in pre-menopausal women and 750mg / day (in tablet form) in menopausal women benefitted them in regard to many aspects of sexual dysfunction, including desire and lubrication.
Hot flashes (otherwise known in the literature as vasomotor symptoms — VMS), are the primary predictor of sleep problems in menopausal women.
To address irregular heartbeats in menopausal women, it is highly recommended that lifestyle changes and alternative medicines be used.
Red ginseng can help reduce hot flashes and improve symptoms of fatigue, insomnia, and depression in menopausal women.
Although changes in body odor are normal in menopausal women, they can still be bothersome.
This article will deal with the loss of libido, or the hormonal and emotional reasons behind low sex drive in menopausal women.
Some of the symptoms of low natural progesterone or progesterone deficiency in menopausal women can include mood swings, insomnia, headaches, restlessness, anxiety, depression, breast tenderness, weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, thyroid deficiency symptoms, foggy thinking and fatigue.
But, of equal importance is, research out of the Baylor College of Medicine that has determined some of these drugs — like calcium channel blockers (CCBs)-- can raise the risk of pancreatic cancer in menopausal women.
A reduction * in cortisol is another reason that allergies arise in menopausal women.
Saliva and blood spot testing are accurate, reliable, in - home and a simple first step in determining what may be causing symptoms in a menopausal woman.
The big reason for that is that they can contain compounds known as phytoestrogens — plant - based versions of the very hormones that are running wild in a menopausal woman's body.
Studies suggest that acupuncture may help reduce hot flashes and improve sleep quality in menopausal women.
The phytonutrients, Soy Isoflavones, reduce * the effect of the diminishing * hormone Estrogen while Magnolia Bark addresses the irritability and anxiety that is often present in menopausal women.
There are a number of physical factors that can speed up the onset of vaginal dryness, or aggravate the condition in menopausal women.
Mood swings in menopausal women are evidenced by strong emotional responses to situations.
This symptom, as it occurs in menopausal women, is usually not as severe as the clinical panic disorder.
In fact, clary sage oil has some particularly strange and unpredictable abilities; one study found that inhaling its scent lowered bloodstream levels of the stress hormone cortisol in menopausal woman.
Several studies of a proprietary extract the isoflavones suggest that it may significantly reduce hot flashes in menopausal women.
This is not just based on clinical experience or anecdotal evidence — there are several studies supporting this, showing that low estrogen levels in menopausal women were the likely cause of weight gain.
Increasing melatonin consumption in menopausal women 42 to 62 years old may help improve mood and stave off depression.22
One countermeasure NASA doctors came up with is to have astronauts load up on bisphosphomates — medications used to treat osteoporosis in menopausal women.
These symptoms are most common in menopausal women, but are also sometimes experienced by younger women receiving treatment for breast cancer.
(42 - 46) Myth Number Seven: «Hot flashes and sweats in menopausal women can be treated with SSRI antidepressants.
Yeast infections do sometimes lead to, or aggravate, vaginal dryness in menopausal women.
The relationship between WCR and intraabdominal fat mass is stronger for intraabdominal SAT in younger women than men; but in menopausal women, the associations become more similar to the male patterns in cross-sectional analysis testing for sex and age differences (24).
These studies focus on the use of restorative yoga to reduce hot flashes in menopausal women, to reduce metabolic syndrome, to reduce anxiety during drug rehabilitation, and for women in treatment for breast cancer.
In menopausal women, the main cause of low sex drive is hormonal imbalance, predominantly androgen deficiency.
However, in menopausal women, tingling extremities is likely caused by the effect that low estrogen levels have on the central nervous system.
Also known as «sleep hyperhidrosis», night sweats aren't actually a sleep disorder, but a common perspiration disorder that occurs during sleep in menopausal women.
Green tea is beneficial for heart health, metabolic health and has shown to lower insulin levels in menopausal women.
A number of wide scale research studies have confirmed these observations, indicating that soy can help lessen the frequency of hot flashes in menopausal women.
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