Sentences with phrase «in modern science»

Because of developments in modern science our sense of the cosmos has changed rapidly and drastically, and it will continue to do so in the years ahead.
He means literally a synthesis, that is a whole which is formed out of the new elements of learning now made available to theology through the advances made in modern science.
For most researchers, any mention of cold fusion brings back memories of a shameful period in modern science.
But these youthful flights of fancy, with their imagined parallel realities, resonate with an increasingly prominent theme in modern science — the possibility of worlds lying beyond the one we know.
Most people have heard his name, but few know much about his place in modern science and technology.
However, such people are now anomalies in modern science, and it takes extreme confirmation bias to claim that religion has substantial support among scientists today.
One is the process that expands the range of knowledge and power of control now today reaching its highest attainment in modern science and scientific technology.
In terms of historical significance and future potential, detecting gravitational waves had been one of the most anticipated discoveries in modern science.
It is also used and studied in modern science remedies.
It is known to be one of the most widely studied plant - derived medicinal chemicals in modern science.
Now that we have learned a little bit more about mushrooms, their nutritional profile, and their role in modern science, what do we do with them?
Another point they make which is worth emphasizing in light of blog posts calling this «a scandal that is one of the greatest in modern science ``:
«Climate is one of the most challenging open problems in modern science.
Just as Villeneuve turned in a modern science fiction masterpiece with last year's Arrival, he's done the same in Blade Runner 2049.
His Holiness has a keen interest in modern science and has always been fascinated by the working of machines and gadgets.
A pop culture icon and ground - breaking physicist, Stephen Hawking is one of the most prominent figures in modern science.
One of the great revolutions in modern science rests on the elongated backside of a grotesque, mutant worm.
The connection between mathematics and various other scientific disciplines, even the roles simple rational numbers may play, is something that Prof. Sinclair believes to be still potentially important in modern science.
Better knowledge of Venus could help answer two of the most important questions in modern science: how is Earth's climate changing, and are we alone in the universe?
1) VALUES Rooted in the modern science that fat gain and diabetes are NOT caused by character flaws.
2 The other principal factors, as far as I can judge, are Zeno's arguments (PR 68-70/106 -08), and the tendency in modern science to view nature in terms of quanta (SMW, Ch.
Let go of the outdated science Bill and revel in modern science.
The philosopher, George Herbert Mead, was acknowledging this when he wrote in Movements of Nineteenth Century Philosophy that the notion of Order which looms so importantly in modern science and philosophy was taken over from Christian theology.
At the heart of our appeal to the mind is the rooting of our apologetic in modern science.
The level of achievement in modern science seems to have occurred in direct proportion to the banishment of anthropomorphism from our explanatory schemes.
I refer readers to «The Mystery of Matter» for Thomas» complex understanding of prime matter and «Matter, Modern Science, and God» for the recurrence of matter's paradoxes in modern science; both articles are scheduled for proximate publication in Angelicum.
Likewise there is nothing in modern science that evinces the presence of God, the heavens are empty and grim.
Although there?s no denying that much of the excitement in modern science is to be found in the world?s molecular biology labs, often the scientists who work there are?
«The truth is this: If you do not believe in climate change, you do not believe in modern science or empirical truths.»
Now that's a deceptively beautiful phrase: in four words, you get three of the deepest areas in modern science.
It also underscores the continued importance of museum collections in modern science,» Austin said.
Now we can tell you why our cognitive linguistics site is the hottest phenomenon in modern science!
The expanding universe predicted by general relativity has become firmly entrenched in modern science.
Birds have been the model organisms for studying embryonic development for many years, but the difficulty in applying transgenesis to birds has hampered the use of the avian model in modern science.
Finally, we have the opportunity to test gravity in a regime that until recently belonged to the realm of science fiction; it will be a turning point in modern science», says Rezzolla.
The next generation confocal laser scanning microscope FLUOVIEW FV3000 is designed to meet some of the greatest challenges in modern science.
Jim was intrigued by the explosive growth of data in modern science.
While chronobiology is a relatively new field in modern science, the importance of respecting the cycles of nature was well - known in ancient medical sciences such as Ayurveda.
My Primal Blueprint for optimal human nutrition is founded on anthropological records, but it's grounded in modern science.
And one of the biggest problems I think that I see in modern science is that we have allowed dogma, beliefs and paradigms to affect the way the study is done.
It does so without the visual distractions so common in modern science - fiction filmmaking, in which a desire to create visual - effects spectacle so often surpasses the fundamental purpose of putting forth the big queries of which science - fiction is capable of proposing.
The AmericanUniversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina is present since 2005 with departments in Tuzla, Sarajevo, Mostar and Banjaluka, several programs in modern science, partnerships and close cooperation with USA, local and international institutions, including European Centre for Security Studies George C. Marshall, State University of New York, GeorgeMasonUniversity, etc..
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