Sentences with phrase «in multiple planes»

The hips require movement in multiple planes of motion, which is why they require several drills to properly address this need.
Like MRI equipment, PET instruments take data in multiple planes.
As Ben points out, your chest has the ability to contract muscle in multiple planes.
Exercises should concentrate on increasing range of motion and working in multiple planes of the body.
Specialized spring - resistant Pilates machines (Reformer, Trapeze Table, Wunda Chair) enable athletes to train dynamically, target the body's deep muscles that stabilize the joints and build strength in multiple planes and alignments.
Rearfoot and Forefoot Gel ® technology cushioning systems: Attenuates shock during impact and toe - off phases, and allows movement in multiple planes as the foot transitions through the gait cycle
Multi-directional sports require the athlete be stable in multiple planes of motion, as well as be prepared for physical contact with other athletes.
CrossCore's patented unlocking and locking pulley system trains your entire body in multiple planes of motion.
These muscles mainly consist of the external obliques and are responsible for functional movements such as rotation, bending over, and bending sideways in multiple planes of motion.
Cables exercises are great for the obliques because they allow you to move in multiple planes and perform rotational movements.
Our everyday activities, however, require that we be able to move safely and effectively in multiple planes — rotating, spiraling, changing levels, and using our limbs in an asymmetrical fashion.
The incorporation of the variety of pullover drills in multiple planes of motion can be a game changer for those lacking range of motion.
He says that although body does not know what kind of resistance it is working against -LCB- weather its free weight s or machines -RCB- you will see your biggest muscle gains by overcoming the pull of gravity and working in multiple planes -LCB- unlike machines which work only in one plane -RCB-.
Football players continually shift position during the course of a game, requiring explosiveness in multiple planes of motion.
Those of you who read my blog regularly will know the emphasis I place on deceleration qualities in multiple planes.
The originators of Resistance Training incorporate some very detailed rotational patterns (to challenge the muscle in multiple planes).
Train it in multiple planes.
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