Sentences with phrase «in multiple pregnancies»

Keep in mind that there are many cases in which fertility drugs can result in multiple pregnancies, so weigh the risks of becoming pregnant and having a PCOS diagnosis.
Low numbers of red blood cells are common in multiple pregnancies.
The researchers believe that introducing the Belgian policy may result in financial savings for governments through the reduction in multiple pregnancy rates.
With the placenta (s) in multiple pregnancies covering a greater proportion of the uterine wall, there is a higher risk of complications that can be dangerous for mom or babies.
The incidence of this strange syndrome is higher than you might think — some estimate that the rate is as high as 30 percent in all multiple pregnancies.
Ask questions and find out what your doctor's philosophy is about bed rest in multiple pregnancy.
The increased risk for gestational diabetes in a multiples pregnancy appears to be a result of the two placentas increasing the resistance to insulin, increased placental size, and an elevation in placental hormones.
Miscarriage in multiple pregnancies often takes place in the form of «Vanishing Twin Syndrome.»
In a multiple pregnancy with fraternal twins, a placenta develops for each baby.
Commonly the caesarian section is prescribed in case of the disproportion presentation in multiple pregnancy.
Taylor's experience shows how suddenly TTTS can occur and further emphasizes why earlier and more frequent ultrasounds are so important in multiples pregnancies.
Preterm labor doesn't usually occur that early in multiple pregnancies.
More hCG is released in a multiple pregnancy, such as twins or triplets, than in a single pregnancy.
The Center for Loss in Multiple Birth (CLIMB) offers support to parents who have lost babies in multiple pregnancies, including those who have lost all babies in the pregnancy as well as those who have lost one twin.
So it is possible that you encounter a brush with preterm labor in your multiple pregnancy.
Fetal growth is slower in multiple pregnancies, and the growth of one twin may be faster than the other.
The pregnancy hormone levels, responsible for most of the signs, are even higher in a multiple pregnancy while the elevation of blood volume is also greater to provide oxygen and nutrients to multiple fetuses.
One thing that Dr. Barbara Luke, a nutritionist who specializes in multiple pregnancies, has long recommended from her studies is that you gain 24 lbs by the 24 - week mark.
Says founder Nancy Bowers, «There are so many factors that we have no control over in a multiple pregnancy, so we focus on the ones that we do have control over and turn these into positives.»
Toxicosis appears in general health of the mother, in multiple pregnancies almost all women suffer from it with an exception of individual cases.
Bed rest is prescribed in multiple pregnancy as a preventative tool.
Placental abruption is three times more likely to occur in a multiples pregnancy.
Prenatal care in a multiples pregnancy is necessary to monitor the health of you and your babies.
In a multiples pregnancy there is an increased risk for complications, such as preterm labor.
For this reason, I always offer women with twin pregnancies who begin care early a Nuchal Translucency Screen which is a much better screening test for chromosome disorders in a multiple pregnancy.
However, although there was a significant increase in multiple pregnancies in NSW between 1994 and 2002 (1.4 % to 1.7 % of all pregnancies, p < 0.001), there was no significant change in the proportion of postpartum hemorrhages among multiple pregnancies.
«Our next step is to perform a health - economic analysis to show that the reduction in multiple pregnancy rates results does indeed result in a financial benefit for the government, so that the refunding of six cycles is still a responsible policy,» said Professor Thomas D'Hooghe, last author of the paper and head of the Leuven University Fertility Center.
Stillbirths — the loss of a baby after 20 weeks — are slightly more common in multiple pregnancies, but they're still rare.
This report clearly explains the way our current system steers patients to treatments that too often result in multiple pregnancy; and it suggests a number of ways to make needed changes.»
Selective reduction is the termination of one or more, but not all, of the fetuses in a multiple pregnancy.
The risk of occurrence of gestational diabetes in a multiples pregnancy is still being researched at this time.
• Dr. Mark Evans is famous, as it were, for his proficiency in «fetal reductions,» which means getting rid of the «extras» in multiple pregnancies.
However, in multiple pregnancies, it is most commonly caused by overcrowding in the uterus.
In multiple pregnancies, however, preterm labor is often the result of overcrowding inside the uterus.
CHRISTINE STEWART - FITZGERALD: Well, so thirty percent of all IVF treatments, I mean, on average are resulting in multiple pregnancies
GD is common in multiple pregnancies, but never did develop in mine.
The fact is that in a multiple pregnancy, each trimester presents its own weighty challenges.
Because there are currently no precise methods for selecting viable embryos, couples typically choose to implant multiple blastocysts to enhance their chances of conceiving, which may also result in multiple pregnancies.
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