Sentences with phrase «in muscular strength»

One recent study, however, found significant effects in muscular strength (one repetition maximum) and cycle performance (10 - second sprint) following three weeks of testosterone administration.
These are just a few examples of how to fix an exercise plateau, which is actually a plateau in muscular strength.
Once kids reach puberty, we see a rapid, non-linear increase in muscular strength (7).
This study was published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in April 2017, under the name «Resistance Training - Induced Elevations in Muscular Strength in Trained Men Are Maintained After 2 Weeks of Detraining and Not Differentially Affected by Whey Protein Supplementation.»
American scientist Luke Bucci found that «controlled studies of Asian ginsengs found improvements in exercise performance... improvements in muscular strength, maximal oxygen uptake, work capacity, fuel homeostasis, serum lactate, heart rate, visual and auditory reaction times, alertness, and psychomotor skills have also been repeatedly documented».
However endomorphs are also low in muscular strength, and find it difficult to gain muscle.
The double leg kick exercise was found to have significantly lower gluteus maximus EMG amplitude than the other two exercises (21 — 22 % vs. 30 — 33 % of MVIC), although whether any of these exercises would be sufficient to produce any meaningful change in muscular strength and size appears doubtful.
In other words, myofibrillar hypertrophy leads to a greater density of the contractible myofibrils which increases the ability to exert strength and is best accomplished by training heavy weights with low reps, and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is an increase in the volume of the non-contractible muscle cell fluid called sarcoplasm (which makes up to 30 % of the muscle's size), doesn't lead to an increase in muscular strength and can be achieved by performing high - rep, low - load training.
A majority of studies suggest that WBV training is as effective, and in some cases more effective, than traditional resistance training in eliciting gains in muscular strength.
A fun fact that has become ingrained in my head after hearing it repeatedly in exercise science courses in college is: during the initial weeks of beginning a resistance training program, the increases in muscular strength are not due to any increase in muscle size, but instead are due to neural adaptations.
Several research studies (4,5) that have found that the primary adaptation to either high or low reps is an increase in muscular strength.
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