Sentences with phrase «in narrow slices»

There the radio signals will excite electrons and turn them into waves of relatively hot ionized gas, or plasma, in a narrow slice of sky.

Not exact matches

«This doesn't work on [an iPhone] 6s, doesn't work in a 5s, and so we have a tool that works on a narrow slice of phones,» Comey said during a question - and - answer session recently.
However, I do think the fact that such a narrow slice of the market has driven much of the S&P 500's gains poses a growing risk and headwind for gains in the coming year.
Namely, history is almost completely irrelevant in an information environment that restricts one's attention to a narrow slice of temporal immediacy.
Drain, cut each slice lengthwise in half, and then cut each half crosswise into short, narrow strips.
Slice the celery stalks into narrow strips, then slice in the other direction to create a fine Slice the celery stalks into narrow strips, then slice in the other direction to create a fine slice in the other direction to create a fine dice.
Make a narrow slit in the back of each shrimp (where the vein used to be) and stuff the shrimp with one jalapeño slice.
Writing in CQROllcall's Connectivity blog this week, I cover some recent advances in the field, starting with cookie targeting and similar advertising strategies designed to reach narrow slices of the public.
Much of the difference may have to do with both the narrow sliver of the public represented on Twitter as well as who among that slice chose to take part in any one conversation.
My clients support effective regulation and are willing to pay a permit fee that establishes parity with traditional hotels and B&B s. Sadly, however, some Town Board members instead seem interested only in evicting a narrow but valuable slice of the tourists, er, «strangers» from our neighborhoods.
We see the deep past here through narrow temporal and spatial windows — walk a mile in any direction and you are either hundreds of thousands of years earlier or later because you are walking on eroding sediments from different slices of time.»
One group stuck the nanotubes onto a polymer film and used ionized argon gas to slice open each tube, resulting in ribbons as narrow as 6 nanometers wide.
i was detected through 64 slice scan sometime in 2006 that my right atries has been narrowed to 50 %.
Even in receptive locales, only narrow slices of the schools and services are truly open to entrepreneurs.
State tests in the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) era tended to be: a) highly procedural, ignoring the conceptual skills in the standards, b) heavily or exclusively multiple - choice, and c) predictable in their coverage of a narrow slice of content in the standards.
As the widely published education scholar Jay P. Greene of the University of Arkansas (who has sympathy for Dougco's goals) told me, «I've come to believe that we're capturing [through testing] too narrow a slice of the educational outcomes we are interested in.
Brake lights look like slices in the curving bodywork of the tail, flanking a trunk that has a somewhat narrow opening.
Sector funds are special - purpose stock funds that invest in a very narrow slice of the economy.
«I think it's difficult because the raw morality you're presented with in a game is a very narrow slice of life, a narrow experience band,» explained Laidlaw.
It raises money to fund good programs, but the relatively small carbon price it imposes on a relatively narrow slice of the economy does not, in and of itself, drive many (or possibly any) carbon reductions that wouldn't have otherwise occurred.
But rather that focusing the movement on an explicitly spiritual approach is «the perfect recipe to alienate, bewilder and sideline Transition in the US or anywhere else, to condemn it to the back pages of Kindred Spirit magazine and restrict it to a very narrow slice of society».
As Mark Muro of Brookings Institution writes in the National Journal, «The trouble with the new utility - only approach to emissions reductions, however, is that none of its proponents are saying anything that makes it seem likely that an adequate slice of the potential revenue the narrower system might generate will be reserved for technology innovation.»
Nowhere in his article does he take on the issue that the car is travelling 70 MPH and potentially about to accelerate, instead to him it's all about some scientists» overreaction to a narrow slice of the whole picture.
It's clear that the Earth is a dynamic, far from equilibrium system, and that the popular view of nature as being perpetually in equilibrium is only due to the narrow slice of human history through which we view the past.
«It involves taking a narrow slice of data, just what you can capture in the blink of an eye, and letting your intuition do the work for you,» Gladwell writes.
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