Sentences with phrase «in nearby waterways»

Through runoff, seepage, leaching, or spills, mines often release potentially harmful pollutants in nearby waterways, impacting ecosystems and human communities for generations.
The combination of liquid waste with cooling water generates what is known as palm oil mill effluent (POME), a substance that may be dumped in nearby waterways, killing marine life and contaminating the water for drinking and bathing.
Both nitrogen and phosphorus can build up in nearby waterways.

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Whereas the manure in the pastured operation fertilizes paddocks directly with no need for treatment and removal, in the actually intensive operation, effluent must be carefully managed to ensure nearby catchments and waterways are not polluted.
Disposable diapers are made in huge factories that spew chemicals into the air and nearby waterways.
Drilling for oil in Long Island Sound and nearby Atlantic Ocean waterways would be catastrophic for environmental and economic reasons, dozens of speakers told federal officials at a hearing organized by Rep. Lee Zeldin, who opposes offshore drilling.
We look forward to working together with the current administration and the community on identifying what's in the best interest of the borough, and on an aggressive timeline to clean up the area and its nearby waterways.
For example, expanded sewering of larger towns on the west side of the bay has helped reduce excess nitrogen from reaching nearby waterways more than sites along the Cape Cod side of Buzzards Bay that do not have such infrastructure already in place.
What's nearby: De Jordaan is a city within a city, built in the 1600s between the waterways to house artisans and tradesmen, including the many Protestant Huguenot refugees who settled here when they fled from France.
For instance, Avalon Waterways is in the process of developing an AvalonGo app that will provide passengers with the daily itinerary; a list of nearby attractions featuring hours of operation and historical facts; maps and locations of cafes, restaurants, bars; and entertainment options that might prompt further exploration.
In the far west, Labuanbajo is a booming tourist town that combines tropical beauty with nearby attractions such as Komodo National Park, myriad superb dive spots and stunning waterways speckled with little islands.
Base yourself in this quaint historic village and explore nearby mountain ranges and waterways.
Without any recycling facilities nearby, those bottles end up in landfill or in waterways or forests, where they remain forever, leaching into the ground and getting ingested by animals that mistake them for food.
Will IKEA also win over the local community, by getting involved in nearby projects, say, helping clean up Alexandra Canal which is directly south east of the site, and has long been «recognised as one of the most polluted waterways in Australia.»
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