Sentences with phrase «in new directions by»

In their most diverse exhibition to date, The Henry Moore Foundation's «Body & Void» exhibition draws connections between Moore's investigation of internal space and its relationship with the human body, and reveals how his ideas have been taken in new directions by subsequent generations of artists.
Developers got more creative during the cycle, attempting to take the genre in new directions by giving gamers more choices in gameplay and narrative.
This sets the stage for students to take learning and problem solving in new directions by developing their geospatial literacy.
Global precipitation patterns are being moved in new directions by climate change, a new study has found.
John Paul II took Catholic social doctrine in a new direction by teaching that, in the post-industrial world of the twenty - first century, Adam Smith's «wealth of nations» resides, not so much in stuff (as in natural resources or land) as in human creativity: in ideas, skills, work - habits and entrepreneurial instincts.
We also get large districts working together to push industry in a new direction by researching and communicating their demand for more wholesome, healthful products for school food service.
Like Coach Bob, Coach Carol turns the conversation in a new direction by asking the teachers to think about why students struggled with solving proportions.
It will take the psychological horror genre in a new direction by eschewing many traditions that don't contribute to creating an immersive horrifying experience such as limited save points, item collection / ammo hoarding, and puzzle solving.
I thought there was an opportunity to work with Susan and maybe push her in a new direction by commissioning her to think about drawing in a new way, rather than just do a traditional works - on - paper show.
Now, it is taking a further step in that new direction by offering to license that platform -LSB-...]

Not exact matches

In order to find the potential turning points that will take an industry in a new direction, leaders must give their employees permission to stop focusing only on what needs to be accomplished by the end of the day or weeIn order to find the potential turning points that will take an industry in a new direction, leaders must give their employees permission to stop focusing only on what needs to be accomplished by the end of the day or weein a new direction, leaders must give their employees permission to stop focusing only on what needs to be accomplished by the end of the day or week.
«By now, you've spent a good portion of your life learning things about yourself, steering those things in different directions, hiding them, claiming new identities and any number of other adjustments we all make (consciously or not),» Kurtz writes.
But rather than spend his time after leaving office in 2013 by giving away his immense wealth, as expected, he instead returned to Bloomberg LP to overhaul the newsroom and take the company in a new direction.
He justified his decision to replace his deputy Yassin by stating that «I must have a solid and unified team moving in the same direction,» adding that he hoped the new Cabinet «ensures that the Government has the strength and unity to focus on my development plans.»
They also gave new details on the direction in which the unidentified aircraft was heading - following aviation corridors identified on maps used by pilots as N571 and P628.
The acquisition by CVS, rooted in storefront pharmacies and now a pharmacy benefits manager, would represent a new direction in the changing health care industry.
The proposal by the new Premier of Alberta to undertake a review of the energy royalty regime is a step in the right direction.
Bensten noted on the call the «strong bipartisan opposition» to the prior rule issued by DOL in 2010, stating that he believes «there is still a bipartisan» opposition to the direction DOL will take with its new plan.
It's something we actually live minute - by - minute when we bring on a new property management contract, run the numbers on an apartment community we're thinking about buying, or map out the strategic direction for our company in the coming year.
All fiat currency or bitcoin sent to or from ITC in New York occurs exclusively through approved customers sending money to be held by ITC in an insured bank or Bitcoin to be held by ITC or a withdrawal of that customer money or Bitcoin at the express direction of an existing customer of ITC's New York trust company offices.
I read an interesting article today written by a quantum mechanic claiming that the new direction in such scientific studies is that we can't be sure there is an objective reality but can only hope so, because what we perceive as reality is shaped by the observer.
This new synthesis arises out of the principles outlined by Agnes Holloway in her book God's Master Key: The Law of Control and Direction, and more fully elaborated by her son Fr Edward Holloway in his book Catholicism: A New Synthesis and other writinnew synthesis arises out of the principles outlined by Agnes Holloway in her book God's Master Key: The Law of Control and Direction, and more fully elaborated by her son Fr Edward Holloway in his book Catholicism: A New Synthesis and other writinNew Synthesis and other writings.
And now, through a gushing forth of vitality in the reverse direction, this life infused by the human mind into the greatest material mass with which we have contact tends to flow back into us under a new guise.
From a survey of current German discussion we may conclude that the proposal of a new quest of the historical Jesus, originally made within the context of the «post-Bultmannian» direction of leading pupils of Bultmann, has broadened itself, not only in traditionally conservative circles, but also by support from the Barthian side as well as from Bultmann himself.
Once largely united by a common middle - class culture, we're now trending in different directions, one up and toward a new elite class, the other....
In order to fulfill itself, memory had to double itself by tending to the other direction — forward — and in the process a new space - time dimension was born, the noosphere, in which the future is attained by the foresight of reasoIn order to fulfill itself, memory had to double itself by tending to the other direction — forward — and in the process a new space - time dimension was born, the noosphere, in which the future is attained by the foresight of reasoin the process a new space - time dimension was born, the noosphere, in which the future is attained by the foresight of reasoin which the future is attained by the foresight of reason.
At the same time, the struggle to avert chaos in ancient apocalyptic pushed it also in the direction of devaluing the concrete new event by absorbing the whole into the final totality.
Although «the one direction of the hour towards God... changes time and again by concretion,» each moment's new direction is the direction if reality is met in lived concreteness.
«The unification must be accomplished before a man undertakes some unusual work,» but any ordinary work that a man does with a united soul acts in the direction of new and greater unification and leads him, even if by many detours, to a steadier unity than he had before.
But psychologically this dichotomic process, whereby at each point of choice something like a new spiritual species breaks away, is influenced throughout by a final orientation which qualifies or obscurely dictates each of the earlier choices: «In what direction and in what form are we to look for this new state of being which we expect to be born of our future developmenIn what direction and in what form are we to look for this new state of being which we expect to be born of our future developmenin what form are we to look for this new state of being which we expect to be born of our future development?
Test 3: «Under the doctrine of [new] continuing revelation [such as the Book of Mormon], Latter - day Saints believe that Jesus, under the direction of Heavenly Father, leads the church by revealing his will to its President» This is in direct contradition to Jude 1:3 which says that the faith was «once for all delivered unto the saints.»
He and one of his former pupils, Fr Stephen Dingley, a PhD in Astronomy, both spoke at the October conference, Catholicism and the Challenge of Science, organised by Faith Movement, which I attended on behalf of New Directions.
If change really involves self - transcendence even, in certain circumstances, to a new essence, even though only in virtue of the dynamism of absolute Being, which of course does not, let it be repeated, alter the fact that it is a question of self - transcendence; if matter and spirit are not simply disparate in nature but matter is in a certain way «solidified» spirit, the only significance of which is to serve to make actual spirit possible, then an evolutionary development of matter towards spirit is not an inconceivable idea.15 If there exists at all by virtue of the motion of absolute Being, a change in the material order whereby this rises above itself, then this self - transcendence can only occur in the direction of spirit, because the absolute Being is spirit.
Men and women through the ages have also spoken of a reorientation of one's life in which, at least partially, anxiety and internal conflict can be replaced by an inner unity and sense of direction; self - defensiveness and pretense by the ability to look at oneself honestly; self - centeredness and alienation from other people by a new capacity for genuine concern; and guilt and insecurity by a sense of God's forgiveness and acceptance.
In the new phase of human evolution (described by Teilhard de Chardin and others) humankind is called to take a responsible part in choosing the directions of mental - spiritual evolutioIn the new phase of human evolution (described by Teilhard de Chardin and others) humankind is called to take a responsible part in choosing the directions of mental - spiritual evolutioin choosing the directions of mental - spiritual evolution.
The artist of vision and fantasy expects us to learn something about ourselves by having made a sojourn through fantasy, to probe our spiritual nature, to grow in experience, to resolve our lives toward new directions.
Rather, most pastors will face the temptation to conform to the culture of the congregation, to be shaped by the local tradition rather than to lead that congregation in new directions.
If you've gone through these steps well and still sense God leading in a new direction, then it's time to look at making a change by quitting something.
Of course these sent by God types always have the choice of using quotes from the old testament or new so they can go in any direction or do anything and still claim God told them.
The publication of Human Sexuality: New Directions in American Catholic Thought by the Catholic Theological Society (Paulist, 1977) is destined to generate a new round of discussion about sexual ethiNew Directions in American Catholic Thought by the Catholic Theological Society (Paulist, 1977) is destined to generate a new round of discussion about sexual ethinew round of discussion about sexual ethics.
And in the third and final section, «Disestablishing Ourselves as the Alternative to Being Disestablished,» I come to the main thrust of this first lecture: that responsible Christians ought not to be fatalized by the humiliation of Christendom but ought rather to attempt to discern in this process of de-constantinianization new occasions for authenticity and, accordingly, ought to give positive direction to the process instead of allowing it simply to happen to them.
[C] hance plays a decisive role in the choice of new structures, by taking the system farther and farther away from equilibrium in an unpredictable direction.
«If love or non-violence be not the law of our being,» he wrote, «the whole of my argument falls to pieces» (in Gandhi on Non-violence, edited by Thomas Merton [New Directions, 1964], p. 25).
For if liberty is deprived of its moral soul, if it is detached from the past and from its venerable tradition, if the continuous creation of new forms that it demands is deprived of the objective value of this creation, if the struggles that it accepts and the wars and the sacrifice and the heroism are deprived of the purity of the end, if the internal discipline to which it spontaneously submits is replaced by external direction and commands — then nothing remains but action for action's sake, innovation for the sake of innovation, and fighting for fighting's sake; war and slaughter and death - dealing and suffering death are things to be sought for and desired for themselves, and obedience too, but the obedience that is customary in war; and the upshot is activism.
By «the continuation in sin,» which is the theme we now have to deal with, we are to think not so much of the particular new sins as of the state of being in sin, which in turn becomes the potentiation of sin in itself, an abiding in the state of sin with consciousness thereof, so that the law for the movement in potentiation is, here as everywhere, in the inward direction, in more and more intense consciousness.
Generally, those who are favored by the existing order wish to preserve it and resist any change that they can not call «progress» — which means change in the same direction as before, more of the same, rather than something radically new.
In trying to close the gap, one finds additional preconditions of which one had previously been unaware, and, looking in the other direction, one tries out new axioms, for example concerning symmetry conditions suggested by the local analyseIn trying to close the gap, one finds additional preconditions of which one had previously been unaware, and, looking in the other direction, one tries out new axioms, for example concerning symmetry conditions suggested by the local analysein the other direction, one tries out new axioms, for example concerning symmetry conditions suggested by the local analyses.
By 2007, founder and owner David Katleski took full control of Empire Brewing Company and began pushing it in new directions, including moving toward the use of more locally produced ingredients and even locally produced energy.
«We want all of our events to operate as environmentally and socially responsibly as possible, and by making our flagship conference completely meat free through this new partnership with Meat Free Monday, we have taken a positive step in the right direction
«While the previous decision by the FDA to ban BPA in products used by babies and small children is the step in the right direction, this new study again raises an important question: should FDA consider banning BPA for more than just this vulnerable population?
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