Sentences with phrase «in nonreligious»

I analyzed earnings data only for private school teachers in nonreligious private schools.
The controversial program allows low - income students to enroll in nonreligious private schools at the state's expense.
Ideally, to distinguish the effects of peyote per se from those of the ceremony and of church membership, one group of alcoholics could receive peyote in a nonreligious setting; another group could receive a placebo.
On the other hand, postmodern interpretations of the human self, language, and textuality, while often couched in nonreligious terms, call into question many assumptions of critical exegesis and suggest sympathy with the themes and sensibilities of the premodern Christian tradition.
It is a pity that many have found so little excitement, inspiration, and lift in their religion that they have sought these in nonreligious practices.
The complementarity between man and woman is a fundamental principle in Judaism, in other religions, in some nonreligious intellectual traditions, and in the organization of society, as well as in the opinion of a very large majority of the population.
It is unique in human history, for although this Muslim state was fundamentally religious, it established two principles which are not found elsewhere except in a nonreligious state or in a religion which has no state government associated with it.
The independence of those vehicles in turn depends upon whether church personnel are willing and able to relinquish their monopoly on God talk about the nation and whether other persons (in nonreligious roles) are willing and able to adopt such theological rhetoric.
No well - recognized scholar who has studied the relationship between the Vatican and the Holocaust was asked to review this volume in the nonreligious press.
In a series of grant - in - aid cases, the Court held that students in religious schools had to be denied benefits offered to students in nonreligious private schools.

Not exact matches

It's something that shows up in all religious and nonreligious areas of our lives.
And if these revelations of common piety upset his nonreligious admirers, he, too, was somewhat upset by the experience: «My presence in such a place was disturbed / By my duty as a poet who should not flatter popular imaginings, / Yet who desires to remain faithful to your unfathomable intention / When you appeared to children at Fatima and Lourdes.»
Why is it religious and sectarian when an elementary school teacher prays in front of a class room of children, but a mere nonreligious solemnization when a President stands in front of the nation and swears, on a Bible, so help him God, to carry out the office to which he has been entrusted?
It would be so much better if the good nonreligious people, who help other people and don't expect heaven in return, would rule the earth.
In my view, atheism is itself a religion, preaching there are no gods and trying to convert others just like any other religion, whereas the nonreligious don't mind other people practicing as long as they don't have to themselves.
The court thus ruled that no nonreligious entity - even, as in the case of VHA, a membership organization whose members had raised a conscience objection to performing abortions - possessed the statutory right described in the exempting statute.
One could have an abortion and happy they denied life to an innocent in favor of their own lifestyle, one could have a baby with the intent on sacrificing it to Satan in some way, shape, or form, it could go lots of different ways for lots of different reasons but contradicting itself is of absolutely no concern as a lot of Satanists also label themselves «nonreligious».
In that sense, Hannah Arendt was one of many Jewish, Christian, and nonreligious intellectuals» of whom there were many, if not a majority, in Germany» as well as working people, whose spirit was dulled by memories of a deeply flawed national ambition and shattered personal expectationIn that sense, Hannah Arendt was one of many Jewish, Christian, and nonreligious intellectuals» of whom there were many, if not a majority, in Germany» as well as working people, whose spirit was dulled by memories of a deeply flawed national ambition and shattered personal expectationin Germany» as well as working people, whose spirit was dulled by memories of a deeply flawed national ambition and shattered personal expectations.
To argue that historians might judge such and such to be a miracle because they believe antecedently in the religion that regards such miracles as signs of the intervention of its deity is to open the floodgates for all religious claims to miracles and, indeed, even to nonreligious «miracles» such as the widespread reports that people have seen Elvis Presley.
The Jewish return to Jerusalem, the crucial event of destiny in two millennia of Jewish history for the «religious» and the «nonreligious» alike, has yet to be accepted, with the fullness it both requires and merits, by the world.
Thus it is only the radical, or the profane, or the nonreligious Christian who knows that God has ceased to be active and real in his preincarnate or primordial reality.
The idea here is very clear: If a person is nonreligious, then TM presents itself as being nonreligious, too, so as to meet him on his own turf; then it draws him to a «unified, monistic, cosmic God - consciousness» typical of Hinduism, never indicating in advance where he is headed.
In all probability, the majority of day - care centers will be secular; many others will be church - based but largely nonreligious; and a few will be overtly religious.
Therefore a troubled teen like Tracy has few resources outside the immediate family According to research from the National Study of Youth and Religion, religiously active teens are much less likely to engage in risky behaviors than nonreligious teens.
The unanimous 1987 decision in Corporation of the Presiding Bishop v. Amos revised a lower court's holding that Congress violated the establishment clause when it permitted churches to hire their own members in preference to others for nonreligious jobs, a form of religious discrimination prohibited for other private employers.
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism appears to mix with more traditional beliefs and practices in different ways for conservative Protestants, mainline Protestants, black Protestants, Roman Catholics, Jews, Mormons and the nonreligious.
In choosing friends, teens tend to surround themselves with people who reinforce the shaping influence (religious or nonreligious) of their parents.
The conception of peace as an ordered tranquillity which must continually be worked for through history contrasts markedly with the utopian ideal of peace found in some religious and nonreligious thinking about the possibilities of international order, not to mention with the empirical reality of conflict within states and conflicts between states and nonstate actors in the contemporary world.
It is true that modern culture both in its religious and nonreligious moods has tended either to ignore or to sentimentalize this faith in eternal life.
What does this mean for the actual, on - the - ground experience of living alongside the plurality of religious communities — and nonreligious ones too — that we can not escape or ignore in our world?
The United States, averaging over 40 per cent, is a strange anomaly for sociological commentators — one often explained by denying that the higher U.S. rate is an expression of greater national religiosity, and suggesting that in America religion fulfills certain nonreligious needs: for sociability and community, for example.
«He communicated in images that both the religious folks and nonreligious folks of his day understand.»
New gallup data actually shows and increase in religious profession, and a decline in atheism (not necessarily nonreligious, which is different).
With the dramatic growth of the nonreligious in the last few decades, more atheist leaders are emerging as spokespeople for atheism, but the Christmas rift speaks to growing disagreement over how atheists should treat religion.
Thus, the materialistic Picasso, and most modern art with him, can express an essentially nonreligious love of the world in all its materialistic carnality only within the framework of a highly «spiritual» — i.e., abstract — style.
Newport said that the biggest difference between very religious and nonreligious Americans is in healthy behavior, which is mostly explained by a negative correlation between smoking and religiosity.
To have candidates who were nonreligious, at least in the traditional sense, did not appear to bother our secularized society.
Religious or Nonreligious: There are 162 photographs in the Paulsons» book, and roughly a fourth of them have no religious content whatsoever.
Our society was saying in these two instances, it seems to me, that it's OK to be nonreligious, and that if religion is your thing, you must separate it from the rest of life.
Porter helpfully and correctly warns against the modernist assumption that natural law, properly understood, must be grounded in pure (that is, nonreligious) reason.
The teaching that there this is an eternal everlasting tormenting hell is unbiblical and in my conversations with nonreligious people the number one reason for their unbelief.
America's «Nones» — the nonreligious — are at an all - time high, now comprising nearly one in five Americans (19 %), according to a new study by the Pew Center for the People and the Press.
The churches, in their presentation of their answers to this query, have put forward aspects of religion which are expressed in terms either suited to the emotional reactions of bygone times or directed to excite modern emotional interests of nonreligious character.
In other words, to avoid frivolous RFRA claims, Congress may need to preclude otherwise justifiable religious exercise concerns by severely limiting the availability of both religious and nonreligious - based exemptions and accommodations, potentially resulting in more draconian legislative draftinIn other words, to avoid frivolous RFRA claims, Congress may need to preclude otherwise justifiable religious exercise concerns by severely limiting the availability of both religious and nonreligious - based exemptions and accommodations, potentially resulting in more draconian legislative draftinin more draconian legislative drafting.
The answer does not lie in transferring their narcosis from nonreligious to religious programs; it lies in liberation from dependence on mediated experience and escapist material.
(The theological focus is impressive in a scholar who professes to be a recovering former fundamentalist and mostly nonreligious.)
The Court's statement in Seeger that a registrant's characterization of his own belief as «religious» should carry great weight... does not imply that his declaration that his views are nonreligious should be treated similarly... very few registrants are fully aware of the broad scope of the word «religious» [as interpreted by law since Seeger].»
«This underscores what American Atheists has been saying for years - that every person in America knows more nonreligious people than they think they know,» Silverman says.
Whether by intention or misreading, Nord says, these decisions are used to equate secular interest with the nonreligious, thereby stacking the deck against religion in publicly funded schools.
No one would doubt that before the privatization of religion, which is the chief sign of secularization, religion pervaded the entire world of early modern Europeans and there were religious roots to everything as there were nonreligious entanglements in everything deemed religious.
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