Sentences with phrase «in numerical sequence»

I haven't noticed any particular pattern in the numerical sequence of the 5000 emails.
(a) electronic transactions (electronic funds transfers, pre-authorized debits, debit card transactions, ATM transactions or other withdrawal requests); and (b) checks, in numerical sequence with lower numbers paid first, and other payments.
Eliminate extended points for the scoop of the ebook — Arrange the rest in the numerical sequence.
Use as many sheets as necessary to show the information required by the contract, contracting officer, or responsible audit agency; however, if more than one sheet of SF 1035 is used, each sheet shall be in numerical sequence.

Not exact matches

There are three levels of challenge in each set: CHILLOUT CHALLENGE features the analogue times in numerical order, 1 — 12 CHAMPION CHALLENGE features all the times in topsy - turvy order, which really gets students thinking about how to tell the time in FRENCH SUPERCHARGED CHALLENGE features all the times in topsy - turvy order, with the clock faces first, so students really do need to know how to tell the time in FRENCH in order to create a perfect domino time sequence!
The universe does not exist in time; in the universe time is only numerical sequence of events that run in the eternal NOW [2,3].
For the same QSC mentioned above, «Use patterns to continue numerical sequences; identify the rule», numerous supporting QSCs in the Knowledge Cluster are applications in skip counting such as reading thermometers, telling time or interpreting graphs whose scales are counting in multiple units.
The breeding habits of hares and the numerical sequencing of a 13th - century mathematician are not the usual substance of children's books, but British author - illustrator Emily Gravett ties the two together masterfully in The Rabbit Problem.The tale begins in January with Lonely Rabbit and a hand - lettered invitation to join him in friendship in Fibonacci's Field.
In those cases, the check routing number is always the first nine digits of any numerical sequence printed on a check.
The sequence's close kinship with the legendary golden ratio is also very much present here, in its numerical expression 1.618034... and so on, ad infinitum.
For this exhibition, the sequence of 16 numbers printed each day (which correspond to the numerical titles for each painting) is captured when gallery workers punch in each morning.
Among the earliest sculptures in this exhibition, the azure neon Untitled (1971), is one of the first representations by the artist of the Fibonacci principle - a numerical sequence in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers.
The numerical title of this piece, like others in his oeuvre, references the Fibonacci sequence (a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers, eg.
I have extensive experience in data mining and numerical processing — most of it in relation to computational genetics and its massive reams of sequence and genotype data.
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