Sentences with phrase «in nutrient density»

Instead, grass - fed, organic and pasture - raised animal products are significantly higher in nutrient density and lower in environmental toxins.
It's OK to eat a food that is low in nutrient density if other nutrient - rich foods make up for it.
Numerous factors play a role in the nutrient density of produce.
Numerous factors play a role in the nutrient density of produce.
A great number of people worldwide are brought up on poor quality junk food that's lacking in nutrient density.
For instance, kale ranks at the top in nutrient density with a score of 1000.
Rotberg said there was no significant difference in body mass index (BMI) between the two groups, suggesting that «both groups may consume comparable calories per the individuals» requirements, but with a difference in nutrient density potentially determining the difference in glycemic control.»
It's just a good idea to strive for the majority of cheese consumed to contain all the naturally occurring goodness of raw milk ratcheted up in nutrient density through the alchemy of the cheese making process.
I stick to foods that are similar in nutrient density to what I make at home (unless it's my NSA Day!)
Even the most dedicated and knowledgeable dieters end up having gaps in their nutrient density.
50 % of infertility is unexplained, but research indicates that it's likely due to more subtle imbalances in nutrient density, hormonal imbalances and genetic factors.
The wintry days beckon a healing pot on the stove and this soup is a front runner in nutrient density, protein power, and broth soothing satisfaction.
(6]-RRB- Other cooking mechanisms, such as steaming or sautéing, also contributes to a reduction in nutrient density.
Grains are also very low in nutrient density — how many nutrients you get from a food, given the number of calories it contains.
The factors that discourage calorie intake and promote satiety ought to function quite well in environments that encourage the consumption of diets high in nutrient density and low in calorie density.
Some things that are mass marketed as «healthy» breakfast options, but really are not include traditional muffins as these are loaded with unhealthy fats, oils and sugar OR yogurt parfaits with granola as these are super high in sugar and low in nutrient density.
On the other hand, foods that have had most of its natural goodness refined away are low in nutrient density, supply little or nothing besides calories, and should be avoided in large quantities.
They are high in nutrient density and will help improve your health while adding a tangy twist to your palate.
Instead, grass - fed, organic and pasture - raised animal products are significantly higher in nutrient density and lower in environmental toxins.
If you've never tried spaghetti squash, it's delicious and it's also a great low - carb alternative to pasta, since it's much higher in nutrient density and MUCH lower in total carbohydrates and calories...
I choose foods and drinks that are high in nutrient density, with broad diversity of species so that my microbiome is happy.
«Locally grown food is fresher, younger and higher in nutrient density,» she said, adding that fresh, water - dense vegetables are the best choices for rabbits.
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