Sentences with phrase «in objective evidence»

They are not that interested in objective evidence unless it supports their claims.»
It is trust given with little or no basis in objective evidence.
«Trump's rejection of trans troops in the US has no basis in objective evidence.

Not exact matches

Instead, look at your objective value to the company and the evidence you uncovered in your research.
There's a whole process that's set up to ensure that the jury that finally gets impaneled is an objective group of people with no connection with anything going on in the case that might persuade them to cast a decision that's inconsistent with the evidence that's presented at the trial.
We believe that it is possible to identify which hat is in front of us, based on objective evidence.
Rather, both my opinion and our investment stance are driven by the objective evidence we have in hand about valuations and market action.
But the optimism around supposedly objective algorithms has been challenged in recent years by evidence that some automated systems amplify bias because they're trained on data reflecting historical inequities.
Your continual denial of bias shows you have no desire to interpret any data in an objective way, but can be expected to use whatever data comes in to confirm your biases, so I don't understand why you bother asking for evidence besides the fact that you seem to think magic is possible or that we are in a «matrix» computer program.
I reject your evidence because it isn't in any way based on «neutral, objective fact».
Not necessarily in tone or by being insulting (thankfully there's been relatively little of that from both sides), but in that we require and unashamedly DEMAND real, objective evidence.
Now, hypothetically, if you personally maintained belief in a supreme being (one in which you had no verifiable proof of its existence, but yet what you considered ample evidence to place your faith in) and that being had communicated morality in absolute terms, would you define that morality as subjective or objective?
Gary, Sabio claims that his beliefs are based on reason and objectivity and yet he totally ignores the objective historical evidence from the failure of atheistic Communism to usher in an earthly Utopia that the cause of man (kind)'s individual and social ills is theistic beliefs.
No objective evidence has been found in over a century that refutes evolution.
Dalahäst I can believe in love, compassion, forgiveness and hope because I have objective evidence that things things are real.
That means in every case where the validity of such a claim was established by objective evidence it was determined to be false.
In any case, worry less about who people are and more about the fact that all you have are a lot of personal feelings and beliefs you can't support with objective evidence.
If a person came to them in their job and said another employee is not pulling their weight, they would demand objective evidence.
In point of fact Christianity is an elaborate web of such theories and claims, none of which is supported by any objective evidence.
Perhaps I am deluded to believe in an all — powerful benevolent God, but it's the best explanation I can think of for the life experiences I have had and rationally, for that reason unless and until something happens or someone shows me something to give my objective and indefatigable evidence to the contrary, I can't sanely not believe.
In the religion, SBNR, atheism case, there is objective evidence against religions and none for them, there is no objective evidence for anything supernatural, there is objective evidence for much that was explained supernaturally in the past, and there are highly plausible explanations for purely natural universe supported by objective evidencIn the religion, SBNR, atheism case, there is objective evidence against religions and none for them, there is no objective evidence for anything supernatural, there is objective evidence for much that was explained supernaturally in the past, and there are highly plausible explanations for purely natural universe supported by objective evidencin the past, and there are highly plausible explanations for purely natural universe supported by objective evidence.
Not that the biblical god provides an objective system, or that it is the best objective system, but that somehow objective morality in an of itself is evidence for god's existence.»
«A personal experience is fine, but without corrobrating evidence of some kind, I don't have enough faith in our ability as objective observers to take it on your word alone.
Then in the next breath, they claim the universe was created by a God that demands allegiance or you get an eternity of pain, but he loves everyone, ALL without one wit of objective evidence.
That you prefer the gospel narrative over Smith and the 11 witnesses has nothing to do with an objective view of the alleged «evidence»; it is primarily the product of subjective faith in your preferred narrative.
What factual, objective, verifiable and independent evidence do you, or any other believer, have to definitively and conclusively proof that a first cause is a god as portrayed in The Babble?
Skeptics have faith in what we can sense right now and the recorded histories that come with good objective evidence.
On theoretical grounds, therefore, the subjective aspect of culture becomes less important than the objective components evidenced in texts, discourse, and expressive behavior.
I'm not saying they wouldn't believe in god (s), but the precepts of their religion have no objective evidence, the air skeptics breathe.
objective morality, when used as «evidence» of the existence of god is classic circular reasoning; «I believe in god because of the existence of objective morality and I believe in objective morality because I believe in god.
If it is because you believe in an alleged supernatural being for which there is no independent, objective, factual or verifiable evidence, then clearly it is you who is mentally ill, delusional and / or a liar.
Interesting as the tales may be, we should always bear in mind that nothing should ever be accepted as «truth» without actual objective evidence.
So, in summary you don't actually have a proof, or even a single bit of factual, verifiable, objective and independent evidence for your unproven claims.
Eventually enough people will come to their senses and will pay more attention to objective evidence - based research and not the simple little fairy tales in religious texts that made sense back when humans were far less educated.
This verification is both by the objective historical and literary evidence and by the «reasons of the heart» which form so large a part of human existence and of Christian faith and experience in particular.
Evolution has tons of objective evidence (literally in libraries around the world).
There is not a single bit of factual, objective, independent or verifiable evidence to support any of the supernatural claims in The Babble.
This isn't the first study dedicated to this subject, but it is «one of the largest studies to date in living retired NFL players» and the «first to demonstrate significant objective evidence for traumatic brain injury in these former players,» study author Francis X. Conidi of the Florida Center for Headache and Sports Neurology and Florida State University College of Medicine said in a statement.
U.S. violations of international law, failure to curb covert activities, refusal on «national security grounds» to release key evidence in the Iran - Contra and related trials, cooperation with drug runners in pursuit of illegal foreign policy objectives, and an obedient press all point dangerously towards a national security state.
Ironically atheists see religion as the great evil due to its content, and are blind to the deficiencies of their own ideologies — even in light of historical evidence of what happens when society purges itself of religion and objective morality.
The objective unity of the world, even though the experience of it may be difficult to reconstruct, is not of a character more lacking in evidence than the concretion of the world in actual, perishing occasions.
The task of a non-Muslim scholar writing about Islam is that of constructing an exposition that will do justice to the Western academic tradition, by growing directly out of the objective evidence and by being rationally coherent both within itself and with all other knowledge, and at the same time will do justice to the faith in men's hearts by commanding their assent once it is formulated.
The objective evidence for the claim of probable increase in the influence of Whitehead lies in the increased volume of published work about his thought and the growing number of dissertations being written about him.
Complaints may arise about or in relation to an applicant or client before, during or after the initial assessment process and must include objective evidence that can be investigated.
Be objective in your ratings and not be filled with hate even when evidence says otherwise
I tried to come up with an objective method to answer the question, but when it came time to vote in the accompanying poll, a plurality of you ignored the evidence and went with your gut, like they do on the MLB Network.
Links Breastfeeding and maternal and infant health outcomes in developed countries.Ip S, Chung M, Raman G, Chew P, Magula N, DeVine D, Trikalinos T, Lau J. OBJECTIVES: We reviewed the evidence on the effects of breastfeeding on short - and long - term infant and maternal health outcomes in developed countries.
Thus, the objective of this review is to summarize the evidence available in these areas.
Objective 2: Freedom from Torture uses the expertise of torture survivors themselves and evidence drawn from Freedom from Torture's work to improve the treatment, protection and conditions of torture survivors in the UK
There's also quite a bit of objective evidence that at least in practice, governments that claimed to be communist simply haven't worked particularly well (and regardless of intent, most have turned into totalitarian dictatorships very quickly).
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