Sentences with phrase «in objective truths»

The collapse of confidence in objective Truth and its substitution with subjective truth has resulted in an epistemological collapse.
if you believe in objective truth... (may be as simple as Love vs. evil)... you believe in God (however you want to define that / you don't have to define that)
But belief in objective truth and belief in objective right are part of what we mean by belief in God.
It may even make more sense to discuss with theists who believe in objective truth and universal moral norms rather than with the dictators of relativism.
No matter how trivial it might seem, homeopathy provides a moral test because it functions as a litmus test for belief in objective truth.
I suppose it's relevant to the current issue as an illustration of confirmation bias — i.e., a belief in the objective truth of something that most knowledgeable observers would see as seriously distorted.

Not exact matches

There is little interest in trying to expose the objective truth, exonerate the innocent or punish the guilty — whether justice will be served doesn't even enter into the equation.
But in the real world, the truth is, even the most restrained and objective employees sometimes let their emotions get the better of them.
Those people aren't interested in truth; they prefer Stephen Colbert's truthiness, not the objective reality of truth but what feels like it ought to be truth.
«When the Church, through your service, sets about to declare the truth about marriage in a concrete case, for the good of the faithful, at the same time you must always remember that those who, by choice or unhappy circumstances of life, are living in an objective state of error, continue to be the object of the merciful love of Christ and thus the Church herself.
hen discussing the possible existence of objective (divine) «truths», people like truthfollower / Theo appeal to their audience with various examples attempting to get the reader to agree to a non-qualifed value of «evil / incorrect / bad / good», as if this will lock in an agreement of an objective «truth» value (without it being explicitly specified).
In time all this will condense into almost certain and objective truths.
People are evil, and in need of a savior, and no atheist can make an exclusive claim otherwise without claiming to have a basis for their «objective» truth.
I still won't use «I think» phrases in expressing objective truth or facts based on the Bible.
Actually, what's really sad are condescending Christians babbling about «truth» there is no objective reason to believe in an effort to convince themselves their fairytales are real.
When discussing the possible existence of objective (divine) «truths», truthfollower over and over appeals to his audience with various examples attempting to get the reader to agree to a non-qualifed value of «evil / incorrect / bad / good», as if this will lock in an agreement of an objective «truth» value (without it being explicitly specified).
The Internet offers a wealth of information sources willing to tell you whatever you want to believe, so you are not very careful to be objective in your search for truth it's unlikely you'll fine it.
... In fact, there is often mistrust in the capacity of human intelligence to arrive at objective and universal truth - a truth by which people can give direction to their liveIn fact, there is often mistrust in the capacity of human intelligence to arrive at objective and universal truth - a truth by which people can give direction to their livein the capacity of human intelligence to arrive at objective and universal truth - a truth by which people can give direction to their lives.
In what is called an abductive approach, the method is to look at the various secular and naturalistic ethical theories in a generous way, but then to show just how inadequate they are in giving grounding for objective moral trutIn what is called an abductive approach, the method is to look at the various secular and naturalistic ethical theories in a generous way, but then to show just how inadequate they are in giving grounding for objective moral trutin a generous way, but then to show just how inadequate they are in giving grounding for objective moral trutin giving grounding for objective moral truth.
But equally far from the subjectivism of the romantic or the «I believe because it is absurd» of the mystic, that sacrifice is called for precisely in the name of objective truth comprehended through the «clear, logical cognition» exemplified by the modern scientist.
• the capacity to reach objective and universal truth as well as valid metaphysical knowledge; • the unity of body and soul in man; • the dignity of the human person; • relations between nature and freedom; • the importance of natural law and of the «sources of morality,»... • and the necessary conformity of civil law to moral law.
Bonhoeffer was adamant in his belief that it was impossible to know the objective truth about the real essence of Christ's being - nature (Christ the Center, pp. 30, 88, 100 - 101).
As I understand it, the relevant features of a «proposition» are these: A «proposition» is a «concrete possibility; it is abstracted from some objective event in the actual world; it is proposed as a possibility that an entity may want to consider for itself in a future moment in its process of self - creation; it is apprehended by the entity in «feeling» and so is preconceptual and largely preconsciously apprehended; it stands in a complex of relationships with other «propositions,» and the set of propositions presupposes a systematic universe; its «interest» (as «lure») is more important than its «truth
He brings out the subjective reception of objective, ontological, truth and love in all our knowing (see n. 34), directly denied by materialistic philosophy of science.
In the project of self - creation throughout his life, man must strive to bring these values into aesthetic harmony aiming at intensity of feeling both in its subjective immediacy and in the relevant occasions beyond itself to achieve objective immortality.63 And man realizes that to achieve his individual destiny he must create civilizations which embody truth and beautIn the project of self - creation throughout his life, man must strive to bring these values into aesthetic harmony aiming at intensity of feeling both in its subjective immediacy and in the relevant occasions beyond itself to achieve objective immortality.63 And man realizes that to achieve his individual destiny he must create civilizations which embody truth and beautin its subjective immediacy and in the relevant occasions beyond itself to achieve objective immortality.63 And man realizes that to achieve his individual destiny he must create civilizations which embody truth and beautin the relevant occasions beyond itself to achieve objective immortality.63 And man realizes that to achieve his individual destiny he must create civilizations which embody truth and beauty.
But Buber believes that Paul means by faith belief in a truth, a kind of objective knowledge, whereas surely for Paul faith in Christ is never separated from love to all the members of the body of Christ and to every man.
The aim is to be OBJECTIVE in our viewpoints and truths and accept as a fact that we can only achieve this with a much higher perspective and a much greater responsibility then most of the humans on this planet are unwilling and incapable of accepting.
Theology in the «objective» sense is chronologically derivative from the activity of theological inquiry because it is the activity that produces objectively valid truth claims and the objective purposes of professional church leadership.
Truth is objective and unchanging: At the very beginning of his encyclical, Francis invokes «my predecessor, Benedict XVI,» who famously assailed the «dictatorship of relativism» — a critique Francis endorsed shortly after he became pope and now expands upon in Laudato Si.
More generally, it stands within the «realist» tradition in affirming the objective reality of the orders of truth and other kinds of excellence, as against nominalists and subjectivists who believe that knowledge is essentially a human construct and values are nothing but human preferences.
Truth is one kind of value, different in quality from esthetic excellence, justice, or holiness, but like them in being part of an objective structure of worth.
In particular, the denial that epistemology is wholly prior to ontology; the denial that we can have an absolutely certain starting point; the idea that those elements of experience thought by most people to be primitive givens are in fact physiologically, personally, and socially constructed; the idea that all of our descriptions of our observations involve culturally conditioned interpretations; the idea that our interpretations, and the focus of our conscious attention, are conditioned by our purposes; the idea that the so - called scientific method does not guarantee neutral, purely objective, truths; and the idea that most of our ideas do not correspond to things beyond ourselves in any simple, straightforward way (for example, red as we see it does not exist in the «red brick» itselfIn particular, the denial that epistemology is wholly prior to ontology; the denial that we can have an absolutely certain starting point; the idea that those elements of experience thought by most people to be primitive givens are in fact physiologically, personally, and socially constructed; the idea that all of our descriptions of our observations involve culturally conditioned interpretations; the idea that our interpretations, and the focus of our conscious attention, are conditioned by our purposes; the idea that the so - called scientific method does not guarantee neutral, purely objective, truths; and the idea that most of our ideas do not correspond to things beyond ourselves in any simple, straightforward way (for example, red as we see it does not exist in the «red brick» itselfin fact physiologically, personally, and socially constructed; the idea that all of our descriptions of our observations involve culturally conditioned interpretations; the idea that our interpretations, and the focus of our conscious attention, are conditioned by our purposes; the idea that the so - called scientific method does not guarantee neutral, purely objective, truths; and the idea that most of our ideas do not correspond to things beyond ourselves in any simple, straightforward way (for example, red as we see it does not exist in the «red brick» itselfin any simple, straightforward way (for example, red as we see it does not exist in the «red brick» itselfin the «red brick» itself).
Faith does, to be sure, have an objective content in the form of the truths that God has revealed, so there have to be dogmas and there has to be a teaching authority.
Tell us all the objective Reality of what good has been provided by religion for thousands of years that make people hold on to it in spite of already knowing these wonderous truths you keep reminding us about over and over about like a broken record.
The creative movement in the world, in its every detail and its varying degrees of importance, with whatever it has contributed to furthering God's love and his activity in love, is continuously experienced by God, known to him, cherished by him, and used in the furthering of his objective — which is the wider and wider sharing of love, with its related righteousness and truth and in its enduring beauty, in the ongoing of the creative process.
Just as in scientific discussion, which makes no sense without a presupposed truth, moral inquiry has no point apart from a presupposed objective right.
In their objective world of fact and truth and matter and money, the church's world of mystery and meaning and risk and relationship seems silly.
The «old synthesis» broke down in the face of two overwhelming factors, namely the denial of objective truth, implicit in the philosophies of the enlightenment, and the emergence of a dynamic worldview, implicit in the discovery of evolution and the emergence of the new physics.
He suggests that Church teaching is unnecessarily morally objective, that Catholic claims to truth are like the Stalinist propaganda machine, and: «A particular action is right or wrong only in relation to the circumstances in which it is performed.»
If the interpretation is left to the minds and consciences of men, then the mind of Man is the final arbiter, and the final result, across four hundred years of research, argument, criticism and corrosive human doubt, is going to be Humanism in religion, the loss of all objective certainty and truth.
Interesting as the tales may be, we should always bear in mind that nothing should ever be accepted as «truth» without actual objective evidence.
The latter would involve postconservatives in another form of cultural accommodation — denial of transcendent and objective truth — that can only lead to polytheism.
Christianity, and in fact any religion that believes in a personal god / creator, has two fundamental flaws that have absolutely nothing to do with science and everything to do with logic, which incidentally forms the foundation for the only universal / objective truths of reality (putting aside the Cartesian dualism problem).
Why has science come to be regarded as the proper method for seeking the objective truth in the modern age?
An atheist can make the statement «I hold life to be sacred», but they cant say «life is sacred», the latter would indicate an objective, absolute truth that they do nt believe in.
Instead of holing up in one's own limited point of view and claiming objective truth for it, one has to be willing to let one's spirit expand — flow outward with genuine understanding — to find the objective truth.
The ultimate objective of the otherness of texts is not merely the establishment of the truth of ideas and concepts constitute integrity and contribute to change in the world.
To sum up, I have suggested a few ideas — aspiration (understood as an «outflowing» of the spirit), openness, future - directed revelation, value experiments, objective worth, the mosaic of truth — that I think will be needed to revision Christianity and religious faith in a new axial period and perhaps may also help us find a way between secular drift and fundamentalist retrenchment.
Those that didn't find this in their true, honest, sincere, search for objective truth used flawed reasoning.
In the humanities, postmodern philosophers and literary theorists tend to deny that decisions about meaning are guided by a trans - historical reason or by any objective truth and assert that our interpretations of the world partially re-constitute the world they interpret.
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