Sentences with phrase «in obscure language»

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Three panel members — Senators Walter F. Mondale, Philip A. Hart and Gary Hart — have warned that the report is «diluted» in important respects, and that the secrecy stamp has caused some of the report's «most important implications [to be] either lost or obscured in vague language
In any case, I can step away from the complex and obscure maze of language and external phenomena to find simplicity, clarity, immediacy, and profundity in an inner intuition of my own experience as subjecIn any case, I can step away from the complex and obscure maze of language and external phenomena to find simplicity, clarity, immediacy, and profundity in an inner intuition of my own experience as subjecin an inner intuition of my own experience as subject.
But I think there is some risk that it might be misconstrued so as to obscure certain truths which I believe to be fundamental: that the Passion is the moment at which that complete oneness with the Father which is the unique and all - pervading characteristic of the life of Jesus is paradoxically manifested; that it is at that moment, above all, that Jesus discloses to us God himself in action; that the judgement passed on Jesus and the testing brought to bear upon him are a judgement and a testing exercised (of course, within the permissive will of God) by evil men, or, to use mythological language, by the devil; and that the judgement of God pronounced at Calvary is that which Christ's accepting love passes upon those men, and upon ourselves as sharers in their sinfulness, by showing up their sin in all its hatefulness.
But acknowledging this reality should not obscure the fact that, to borrow Soloveitchik's language from another context, what we have in these opposing forces is not some illegitimate, unstable hybrid, but a radiant, integrated, and nuanced account of man's self - realization before God.
Part of the difficulty lies in the fact that the text is often corrupt, and the language obscure to modern scholars.
Technology — «what works» — has become our god, expressed in all the most powerful myths of the most powerful media, while the God of justice and love is relegated to the sidelines of life, expressed in antiquated language and obscure stories lacking both clarity and relevance.
The wonder of it has been obscured for most readers by the fact that it comes to them in their own language, hence is accepted, half unconsciously, almost as modern literature.
The first, can appear the model of pure a priori thought, disengaged from the world of experience; the second, a massive collection of detailed descriptions and theories about the enormous variety of material phenomena, but with no intelligible unity; and the third an obscure and generally unrigorous rhapsody of affirmations and aspirations, at one end couched in the languages of politics and sentimentality, and at the other in the terms of a cosmic poetry unregulated by science or philosophy.
They represent positive statements of hope in a world in which the possibilities of hope are now obscured by other forms of language and other visions of the future.
It does not matter if we say Gott in German or Deus in Latin, or El in the Semitic languages or teotl in Mexican and so forth, though it is, of course, a very obscure and difficult question how we can know that all these different words mean the same thing or person, for in this case we can not simply point to a common experience of what is meant, independent of the term.
And the relationships that have meant the most to me, that have brought me closer to the Table, have been those in which we talk to one another like normal people, employing the language of our shared faith tradition when it illuminates the truth, but not when it obscures it.
Why is it a husbands job to try and interpret the obscure language a wife speaks when they make no effort to communicate in a honest and straight forward manner?
A fellow of the British Academy, the United Kingdom's national body for the humanities and social sciences, he made his name probing obscure speech and language disorders and has appeared in the British media for many years.
Instead they find the most obscure journal or magazine, preferably in a foreign language, and offer the editor a free article which contains the vital details.
Their findings, which were published only in obscure Russian - language journals, described a culture with the tongue - twisting name Bactria - Margiana Archaeological Complex.
It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these it is like wandering in vain in an obscure labyrinth.
Why not just use the time - tested tradition of science: Name them in some language so obscure hardly anyone today speaks it.
Into the White Rated R for language Available on DVD and Blu - ray Since Harry Potter we've seen much of Hermione and Harry in various films, but Ron (Rupert Grint) has chosen much more obscure projects like this little indie about British and German airmen shot down over snow - covered Norway and forced to cohabitate in a small mountain cabin until it is safe to travel.
When you click around the company website in Russian and perhaps other more obscure languages, you can make pleasant discoveries such as more free e-books and dictionaries in those languages.
Okrent searches out the movement's obscure roots in the 17th century, hits its apogee with Volapuk and Esperanto, and brings the reader up to present day by placing herself at the scene of Klingon language conferences.
For the more obscure languages, you might need to contact local ebook stores that sell hardcopies in your chosen language to ask whether they'll stock your book.
It wasn't until an eccentric but dedicated historian writing a paper for a renowned academic journal (Retro Gamer issue 63) pieced together the complete saga of Willy's heroic exploits from fragments of scattered evidence - in the form of obscure retellings of the «Manic Miner» folk fable in ancient languages readable only via long - obsolete machines - that the whole truth was finally revealed.»
In the obscure, neologic language of Stuart Cumberland's canvases, spontaneity translates into repeated imagery, referencing the contemporary tension between handmade and mechanical, printed elements.
Particularly interested in language — the way the transition from text to image can obscure meaning, or how taking a script out of context can invert the entire intention of the dialogue — Byrne has created numerous works that wittily exploit the many possibilities for interpretation and understanding.
The artist covers his subjects in milky substances, obscuring the body beneath so as to «create a language of underlying sexual subtexts».
The faces are covered in white, obscuring their identities and encouraging viewers to focus instead on the subjects» body language and surroundings.
Looking at how the language of photography shapes who is seen and who / what is obscured, he will discuss his ongoing project the Surgün Photo Club, an informal photo club composed of people in exile.
The artist's charged visual language — rooted in an exploration of identity and geography, two concepts she considers fluid — includes figures with the head of a tiger and the body of a woman, or others whose faces are obscured by astronaut's helmets, as they float, untethered, in space.
Davis notes some of the same things that are the basis of Jerry Saltz» criticism of the show, including the reliance on the insular language of academia in the wall text and catalogue, linking to another text on Artnet that he coauthored with Caroline Goldstein, which is a crib sheet for terms such as «the undercommons» that Saltz derided as obscure and elitist.
The language in the literature can be pretty obscure on this subject, even though it's actually pretty straightforward.
Fighting against this type of language in the UNFCCC is difficult as conversations are obscured in technical decision language to enable rules to be developed in work programmes that will start in 2016.
Your use of the language obscures rather than illuminates, even while being technically true in directionality.
For people in the developed world, the arcane language and wonky procedures of the United Nations» climate change negotiations can obscure the existential threat global warming poses to low - lying islands and countries that permanently teeter on the edge of drought and famine.
I've completely forgotten how to converse in «partner - ese,» that obscure language used between partners and associates where associates must read between lines, jump through hoops and do everything else short of just asking direct and time saving questions.
At the other extreme, if your invention was published in an obscure scientific journal in Macedonia and never translated into any other language it is public.
Especially when what's at stake is the language in an otherwise obscure 1875 federal statute, where it's important to get the language just so.
This means clear explanations in English not obscure legalese, suitable / age appropriate language, and yes, an easily readable font size — not four - point mouse print.
Although your vocabulary is no doubt impressive, shy away from using overly obscure or convoluted language in your resume.
The language of the resume is unique among all forms of written communication, and some of the rules that govern this language are obscure and rooted in long - standing tradition.
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