Sentences with phrase «in old patterns»

Without resiliency, we tend to become entrenched in old patterns.
'' «Are you worrying that you are stuck in old patterns of thinking and behaving regarding yourself and others that make you unhappy, depressed, anxious, or irritable?
If you try these skills and are getting stuck in old patterns try a couples or individual counselling session.
You may get stuck in old patterns that didn't work when you were together and may need assistance communicating about challenging topics.
Maybe you're feeling stuck in old patterns, or maybe you're ready to enjoy your relationship again rather than feel discouraged by it.
Whether you find yourself stuck in old patterns or life changes, I can provide support, discovery and insight that can help you move through painful issues to a life with more joy, meaning and peace.»
My siblings and I seemed to engage in old patterns of jealousy and competition that we hadn't shown in decades.
Some job seekers are stuck in their old patterns of job searching and technology skills; they think their MS - Dos skills are still attractive.
By recognizing the areas in which you are challenged, you can alert yourself to the need to take contrary action when you find yourself knee - deep in old patterns.
If you choose to remain in your old patterns once you recognize that they're unhealthy, you will continue to experience the same problems.
In particular, I think about finally using data to drive meaningful instructional shifts rather than getting stuck in our old pattern of looking at data, making adjustments, and never returning back to a connected plan to see if those changes actually had an impact on students.

Not exact matches

These old patterns will only hold you back; let go of them and you'll see real changes in 2015!
The Old Dominion State returns as America's Top State for Business in 2011, and we're starting to detect a pattern here.
«This pattern or practice of discrimination denies job opportunities to individuals who are searching for and interested in jobs, reduces the number of older workers who apply for jobs with the offending employers and employment agencies, and depresses the number of older workers who are hired,» the complaint reads.
We fall into the same patterns of productivity, using the same old laptop or working in the same old office.
Although the stock market was in pullback mode throughout most of March, the price and volume patterns of the past two days indicate last month's correction may soon become old news.
According to the 2016 Deloitte Millennial Survey, emerging markets (EM) millennials are more likely to say that «starting their own business» is a sign of success than Millennials in developed nations.1 Further, according to the 2016 Global Entrepreneur Report, the overall age pattern for entrepreneurship worldwide shows the highest participation rates among the 25 — 34 and 35 — 44 year olds.2
It is part of a much larger pattern of abuse and exploitation, of the earth and of people, which has occurred in South and Central America, and which is itself part of an age - old historical pattern of ecological destruction.
It is worth our while to review this age - old pattern and then to look at its exemplification in South and Central America.
In the process old psycho - social themes are firmly embedded — social prestige, identification patterns — but powerful new themes emerge which are utopian in naturIn the process old psycho - social themes are firmly embedded — social prestige, identification patterns — but powerful new themes emerge which are utopian in naturin nature.
As Holman states, when the word «type is used in the New Testament, it refers to one element of something in the Old Testament being a pattern for something in the New.
(Matt 28:19, 20) Why are they content to speak in their church but not go to individual's homes, as Jesus did, to assist them to make changes in their personality that conforms to Jesus life pattern,» stripping off the old personality» and putting on the «new personality»?
It follows the old pattern of a discredited scientism in being reductionistic.
We need not do anything but acknowledge Him and be grateful I've been struggling with a lot of issues this past year — failing to trust in God with all my heart while falling back into old fearful patterns and trying too hard lean on my own understanding, mixing myself up along the way with, frankly, too many Bible verses and analysis of Bible verses.
There is no definite Christian ethos ready - made in the old obvious way with plainly defined guiding lines and patterns of conduct.
Personally, I like to struggle; I'm not very good at submission, but we see the pattern of struggle followed by submission in the lives of the Old Testament Patriarchs — Jacob for instance, wrestling with the angel.
While in metaphysics discontinuity is neutralized by a general pattern of the things, theology detects the surprising salvation of the old in the new.
Probably more of the old biblical culture needs to be included in a new pattern for America than the counterculture would allow.
I'm not interested in your magicking and your millennium old and non-workable ideas of cherry picking at pattern recognition however.
I have witnessed countless Brothers and Sisters taste this Freedom in some area of their life — only to seemingly fall out of it, return to old sin patterns, wrong belief, or other bondage.
One can ask for a list of all 109 perfect tenses in the Hophel pattern in the Old Testament or only the 12 that occur in Jeremiah.
In fact, it is precisely in Farley's discussion of theologia as dialectic that one can see how Farley is trying both to bury the old practical theology of the fourfold pattern and to replace it with a practical theology of an entirely different kinIn fact, it is precisely in Farley's discussion of theologia as dialectic that one can see how Farley is trying both to bury the old practical theology of the fourfold pattern and to replace it with a practical theology of an entirely different kinin Farley's discussion of theologia as dialectic that one can see how Farley is trying both to bury the old practical theology of the fourfold pattern and to replace it with a practical theology of an entirely different kind.
In doing this, one should use one's own feelings of anxiety, hurt or anger as signals that one is getting sucked into old patterns, and that something must be done to maintain the new way of relating.
I think God speaks clearly in these times because of his silence it means he has had enough of our ways we havent listened we have gone our own way we havent acted on what his prophets have spoken so he distances himself until such time that we will take him seriously.Thats how it was in the old testament he allowed his people to go into captivity or bondage when they refused to obey his word.We see this pattern repeated over and over for example In Egypt when they were in slavery it wasnt until the people acknowledged there sin and cried out to God to save them and he did by sending a savior moses.Because we have Christ we have grace he wont spurn us like he used to because Christ took away our reproach and he is free to love us despite our sinfulness.brentin these times because of his silence it means he has had enough of our ways we havent listened we have gone our own way we havent acted on what his prophets have spoken so he distances himself until such time that we will take him seriously.Thats how it was in the old testament he allowed his people to go into captivity or bondage when they refused to obey his word.We see this pattern repeated over and over for example In Egypt when they were in slavery it wasnt until the people acknowledged there sin and cried out to God to save them and he did by sending a savior moses.Because we have Christ we have grace he wont spurn us like he used to because Christ took away our reproach and he is free to love us despite our sinfulness.brentin the old testament he allowed his people to go into captivity or bondage when they refused to obey his word.We see this pattern repeated over and over for example In Egypt when they were in slavery it wasnt until the people acknowledged there sin and cried out to God to save them and he did by sending a savior moses.Because we have Christ we have grace he wont spurn us like he used to because Christ took away our reproach and he is free to love us despite our sinfulness.brentIn Egypt when they were in slavery it wasnt until the people acknowledged there sin and cried out to God to save them and he did by sending a savior moses.Because we have Christ we have grace he wont spurn us like he used to because Christ took away our reproach and he is free to love us despite our sinfulness.brentin slavery it wasnt until the people acknowledged there sin and cried out to God to save them and he did by sending a savior moses.Because we have Christ we have grace he wont spurn us like he used to because Christ took away our reproach and he is free to love us despite our sinfulness.brentnz
The above summary suggests that a large part of the motivation that Paul reveals in his narrative up to this point centers in his repudiation of his former way of life.26 The opposition between his old life and the new is patterned after the opposition between human and divine authority seen in vv.
The caution is against replacing the old set of abstractions, brought to the learning situation by the student, with a new set of abstractions chosen on the basis of a pattern apparent only to the person in charge, i.e., the teacher.
Great books, especially in theology, range over several disciplines, revisit enduring human patterns and then weave new paradigms to explain old concerns.
In this book, even the small house group begins to find itself falling into some of the old patterns.
We need to be very careful in our observations of the way the New Testament writers see the story of Jesus in Old Testament patterns and terms.
In the New Testament we are still within the fundamental pattern of Old Testament faith.
Rick the more i think about it we are to live as overcomers not strugglers since the day i decided to turn away from the sin that was controlling my life i never fell back into old sinful patterns not once, was i tempted many many times.The Lord will work in our lives one area at a time he needs us to give him full control so if an area is taking control we do need to hand it to him so he can change us.How do we do it immediately we say Lord you know i am weak but in you i am strong i leaned on him and overcame time and time again.We all have areas of weakness that we struggle in so do nt feel bad.Struggling is us trying to do it in our own strength before this process i was so stubborn i refused to let God help me i wanted to do it in my own strength and so it was a roller coaster ride in my christian walk if the day went well i was on a high if it did nt i would would be down.Not any more now when things do nt go to plan i still thank the Lord and when it goes well i thank the Lord.Because i know that all things work for good to those who love the Lord.The main area he is wanting is our hearts he wants all our heart not only some until we come to that place we will continue to struggle in our faith.The only reason to tell you this is not to boast because of what i have done in myself because i have nothing to boast about but if i did i would brag that Christ has empowered me by his holy spirit to be an overcomer just as he would want you to be.As Christians we are all called to be overcomers more than conquerers.Make a decision today to turn all your hearts to the Lord to acknowledge the areas you are holding onto that are controlling your flesh life hand them to the Lord and walk according to the spirit and not the flesh and he will give you the victory.That can be a reality starting today merry christmas everyone and may the new year be an exciting one as we put all our trust in Christ our Lord and savior.Brentnz
They have confused «immortality of the soul» with whatever may be intended by the biblical phrase «resurrection of the body»; while theologians have attempted, as we have already observed, when I described the older scheme which comprised the last things, to bring the two conceptions together in a fashion which will retain each of them and yet relate them so that a consistent pattern may be provided.
At this point there always arise a number of traditionalist movements, attempts by those with rigid personalities or with much at stake in the old order to insist that the solution to the current disorder is to adhere more strictly to the old beliefs, values, and behavior patterns.
We initially hear the Word and believe it, but after a while, we return to our old patterns of sin, and the Word of God fails to take root in our lives (Luke 8:13).
The old style of religious education in China was patterned after the Arabic and Iranian methods of the Middle Ages in which there were several specialists who lectured and the students chose their lectures according to their inclinations.
In this stage people begin singly, alone, privately, silently to question their own past values, and they start to establish new patterns of thought and behaviors in the face of the olIn this stage people begin singly, alone, privately, silently to question their own past values, and they start to establish new patterns of thought and behaviors in the face of the olin the face of the old.
«Works» is a new pattern of behavior — a new set of choices replacing the old — which will bear fruit if done in faith and humility.
Now one might expect that this pattern of interpretation would have been retained by Paul, if historical — that is, if set forth by Jesus himself or found in the earliest tradition of his sayings or expounded in the early church — or one might even think it possible that Mark derived from Paul some hint of this system of exegesis of the Old Testament and of interpretation of the career of Jesus as a heavenly being appearing upon earth prior to his exaltation and his dying (as a heavenly being) upon the cross, though unrecognized in his true nature until the Resurrection.
One was the work of a sociologist, Earl Brewer, who, with the aid of a theologian and a ministries specialist, sought by an extensive content analysis of sermons and other addresses given in a rural and an urban church to differentiate the patterns of belief and value constituting those two parishes.67 The second was the inquiry of a religious educator, C. Ellis Nelson, who departed from a curricular definition of education to envision the congregation as a «primary society» whose integral culture conditions its young and old members.68 James Dittes, the third author, described more fully the nature of the culture encountered in the local church.
As the older moral pattern declines in persuasiveness, the only remaining category for the analysis and evaluation of human motives is interest, which by now has replaced both virtue and conscience in our moral vocabulary.
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