Sentences with phrase «in old ways»

When the world is changing quickly, experience can become a curse, trapping us in old ways of doing and knowing, while inexperience can be a blessing, freeing us to improvise and adapt quickly to changing circumstances.
NAR already had all of the data but because they were stuck in their old ways, Zillow filled the void.
Yes, with new tools, but in old ways.
It's something I highly recommend not just for the New Year, but anytime you feel stuck in old ways of interacting that you know aren't working.
We don't use old templates that present you in old ways.
Those who have invested heavily in the old ways, those who will be slow to adapt, and those who must answer for failing to protect consumers against the previous industry «owners» all stand to lose.
You've likely been comfortable in your old ways.
[Response: No, it wasn't a glitch and if you call: «Unfortunately this situation is so critical that we just can't wait for scientists entrenched in old ways of thinking to save the ecosystem from total collapse», perfectly pleasant, then I'd hate to see what you consider hostile.
Even a game still stooped in its old ways but given a modern facelift, with gameplay mechanics that are both simple and yet fun in their own right, can thrive in this era of hardcore shooters and deep RPGs.
Think I'm a bit set in my old ways.
Stuck in the old ways?
And so what you are hearing are the people invested in the old ways of doing things.
The grave risk under ESSA is states and schools remaining largely stuck in their old ways.
Even where technology has not been blocked, much of the digitized educational materials and records are just examples of using computers to collect old stuff (such as data or lesson plans) in old ways (by filing).
Her belief in the old ways is unshakeable, so she relentlessly breaks them down to rid them of selfishness, pride, and other sinful behavior.
There's a deep well of anger simmering under Charlie's Country, in the way Charlie follows all these abrogations of freedom by retreating to the bush to live «in the old ways,» and his repeated refrain that he wants his country back, that he wants to return to a home that no longer exists for him.
As much time is spent on their story arc as any other, which does occasionally blur the thematic resonance of the story to be more about the new culture of India vs. the traditional class and matchmaking structure, but one can also read into this the angle that India, like the building and its residents, is an old country that must also find new life through new ideas, not getting stuck in old ways of thinking at the cost of growth.
One constant thread here is the way the police, during the investigation, and the attorney of two accused murderers, during the trial, try to pass the blame on Nuri in some way: It had to be a retaliatory action against the man, who must have become involved in his old ways.
a woman who is looking for a hard working old cowboy, who still believes in the old ways.
Today relatively few San speakers live in the old ways, except in parts of Botswana and Namibia.
Well, there will be a lot of fresh blood in Parliament, youngsters with fresh ideas and a different outlook, less stuck in the old ways of doing politics.
Wenger is too set in his old ways to lead the charges towards the league title.
And to make it worse Wenger is one stubborn old man who is stuck in his old ways and is ready to go down in an attempt to prove the world wrong.
Furthermore, I agree with my colleague Altizer that, far from experiencing God in the old ways of biblical, medieval, or modern times, the epiphany of God in our day in the West takes the form of total presence of divinity (TP).
Are your salespeople stuck in old ways?
Recruiting is still very much stuck in its old ways, but it doesn't have to be.
Okay overall good stories but somewhat outdated like talking about old basic ways of applying for jobs in the old ways.
In the old way of doing things, numerous contracts might be involved to manufacture one video game console.
In an older way to find out how much you could afford, the banks would typically take your gross annual income and then times it by three.
Ten or twenty years ago a seminary, for example, still worked very well in the old way.
The second element in this older way of seeing God is an interventionist way of thinking about the relationship between God and the world.
Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit.»
The man without the wedding garment represents those who, after having responded to the message of Jesus, do not live up to his standards and continue in their old way of life.
The basic issue is whether truths about specific historical events are timeless or — but only in a certain way, not just in any old way — temporal.
We usually do not do so until we are faced with disaster if we continue in the old way.
Parliamentary committees (particularly the Public Accounts Committee) and the public audit offices should be pressing for stepped overlapping series (that is, the numbers worked out in the old way and the new way) to be provided every time the definition and categorization of administration costs changes.
Sir Mervyn was in gloomy mood at the press conference launching the report, rejecting calls for him to assess forecasts «in the old way» before the 2008 financial crisis hit.
but now, I have a hard time going once every 2 days... for the last 2 years... I feel like I was getting way more fibers in my old way of eating as oppose to now... do you think that not enough fibers would be my problem?
You're just too stuck in the old way to meet them in the same way that they're trying to meet you.
You can stay in the old way to know that people in bars, clubs, or you can join online dating to the second half.
«We can no longer proceed with teacher policies that speak of student and teacher ratio in the old way of assuming there will be one teacher per 40 students,» she urged.
If you look at opinion polls what you find is that older voters like it, and particularly older voters who remember grammar schools in the old way like it, but parents who actually have to make invidious choices about where to send their children hate it.»
In the first case, teachers may decide that the technology is not worth the trouble, since they can do the same thing in the old way with paper and pencil.
«In the old way, if you did not have 100 of those students on the campus on a certain date, they literally were not counted.
just a fact that every time a new medium comes out, those people / entities / companies who are heavily invested in the old way of doing things endup trying to fight change.
Any publisher attempting to market in the old way will likely be unsuccessful.
No, no, I had to repeat time and again to our financial management, we can't determine the price of an e-book in the old way, because there's no print run and we can't forecast how many copies we'll be selling in the first six months.
Theirs is a model that can not fit the new paradigm, but most have too much invested in the old way to make the sweeping changes they'd need to make in order to survive.
Gardner understands that many people today are still stuck in their old way of thinking and assume that the mainstream financial «gurus» are always right.
Well, while the way the X-ray radiographs are taken are the same as in the old way — your pet dog or cat is placed on an X-ray table and subjected to an X-ray beam, what's different is the process of development of the graphs.
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