Sentences with phrase «in open world games»

The missions in the game are one of the best and most creative missions I've seen in any open world game.
After I finished up a main story mission, I did what I do in every open world game: find something interesting on the horizon, and go there.
The players will have a lot of roads to explore in the open world game.
Every concept brought forth in the one gameplay trailer we've seen so far is everything I could ever want in an open world game.
If you're confident in his maturity, he should be smart enough to partake in open world games with some degree of restraint.
As a return, there are many elements in the open world game — but we're thinking to tighten and connect the elements between the older elements and the open world better.
Mostly in an open world game, pacing is one of the more demanding challenges yes.
For me that comment about the creators not having time to play and replay games, gives me a new perspective in open world games.
Stuff like, what do you consider to be the three most important areas of sounds in an open world game?
What do you think would be difficult about working on audio in an open world game?
This is an interesting touch because you can rarely see such an approach in an open world game.
I noticed that too, but unfortunately that happens in an open world game.
In an open world game players have a cores story, a set of main quests through which they must progress in order to finish the game.
We wanted to give you a freedom of movement unprecedented in open world games.
«You can go anywhere» is a common selling point in open world games, but it's rarely so true as here.
There is a large contingent of people who just want to let it rip in open world games.
There's a good balance here, which is imperative in open world games.
It shouldn't work, but being able to actually move traffic in an open world game is just ridiculously good.
You can't get out of your car walk around, go in buildings and generally do the things you want to do in an open world game.
Brawling Getting into a scuffle when you're trying to have a drink isn't something that necessarily needs to be institutionalized in an open world game, but then if given some kind of structure, visiting every saloon and beating the local champ to earn the rep of being the top brawler in the region, players will be motivated to beat in a few faces in an... organized manner.
Killing folk in sneaky style is all the rage in open world games at the moment, so don't be surprised if Morgan's adventure features more stealth mechanics than its predecessor.
Killing folk in sneaky style is all the rage in open world games at the moment, so don't be surprised if Morgan's adventure features more stealth mechanics than its predecessor.
The alternate form of story telling Missing so many classic Zelda enemies and items that would have made so much sense in this open world game Some parts of the huge world feel bareky utilised
Dying Light gives players a freedom of movement never seen in open world games before.
I think maybe GTA III did it best first in an open world game, giving you a variety of crap to pick up for really nothing more than the satisfaction of picking it up.
Hi Jake — The «time played» issue is interesting and complicated, especially for people who burn through the campaign in open world games and don't bother exploring.
What always got on my tits was being discovered & having to start entire sections again just due to that — Although I suppose that's less possible in an open world game.
I think one of the biggest mistakes they did was to make MGS an open world game, other companies do that much much better than Konami, and the truth is, it's way more harder to make a good story in an open world game, they should have stayed with their old recipe because that's what their best at, why fix what's not broken right?
Controlling a character and going along the story is one thing, but from the beginning till the very end, going through the entire world in an open world game in first person mode via character's eyes, truly redefines the overall gameplay experience.
Not only that but you can't really force pacing in an open world game, it is antithetical to it.
If you feel bored in open world games it's either because you've seen all or most of what the game has to offer, the content that the developers included isn't interesting enough, or it's the player's own shortcomings.
The super-serious, never joking game from the developers of the Saints Row franchise gave a look into just how the player will be getting around in the open world game — just be sure not to double park.
This is a feature that has been sorely missed in open world games and if properly executed could make destructible environments just as inherent a mechanic to this genre as pressing «Y» to steal a car.
Once let loose in an open world gamers can be trusted to be about as morally reliable as your average politician, and so the developers clearly decided not to let that actually get in the way of the story they wanted to tell.
Side quests and optional activities found in open world games like Grand Theft Auto can be directly traced back to the «do anything» attitude of The Sims.
Random elements and unique situations in open world games are some of the best content to happen during gameplay in my opinion.
I've never been less inclined to stray from the main mission path in an open world game before, so derivative are the offered distractions.
This is particularly true in open world games — The Witcher 3 is perhaps the exception — however the Assassin's Creed series is looking to improve its side quest design into the future.
Needless to say, the continuing adventures of Geralt in an open world game seem to have gamers excited!
The satisfaction I got from the combat allowed me to get lost in Horizon in a way that I normally don't in open world games.
The loop of do quests, kill machines, trade for better weapons and armor is something that only works because Guerilla avoided making combat in Horizon feel like a chore, where it often takes a backseat in open world games.
It was after a mere hour with the game that I began to understand that Breath of the Wild isn't just a new chapter in Zelda game design, but it actually fixes many problems in open world games.
Last week, we had a blog post about the preference for exploration vs. campaign completion in Open World games.
Breath of the Wild continues to be a marvel in open world game design and it would be nice to see other games take a page or two out of its book.
In an age of story driven experiences that Shepard players from one place to another forcing them in to rigid spots even in the open world games, A Hat in Time says «meh, youll get there eventually» and just lets you explore.
Criterion is also looking for a Concept Art Director and Environmental Artist with «experience in open world game production.»
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