Sentences with phrase «in opening these types»

[UTCs and studio schools are not included as RSCs do not have a role in opening these types of provision.]

Not exact matches

He worked standing up, typing on an iPad at a navel - high table in the dead center of the open - air floor plan.
The rise in alternative lenders has opened up access to funding that did not exist previously, but not all lending is suited to all types of business.
One extra detail the researchers found: managers benefitted from the psychological impact of more open office plans — employees thought more highly of their boss's leadership abilities in this setting than in any other office type.
This process opens up advertising opportunities for brands that want people to type in a message like «Just Do It» or «I'm Lovin» It,» and Solve Media takes a cut of the publisher's advertising profits from the new inventory.
You can even include these new benefits in your recruitment postings, which can help to increase the number and type of candidates who apply for your job openings.
Open the app and type in your to and from airports.
This is Greenpoint, Brooklyn, where a selection of creative types have congregated on a Friday night in January to enjoy free beer and celebrate the opening of the neighborhood's newest clothing store, Ruffeo Hearts Lil Snotty.
There were committees that scrutinized everything, from whether the windows would open, to where the white boards would go, to the type of furniture involved, including the option of getting standing desks... I became very interested in how all of this would impact how people interact with one another at work.
In its 2017 Mind the Workplace mental health survey, Mental Health America found that in organizations deemed mentally healthy, 75 percent of employees surveyed cited relaxed workplaces with an open - door policy, 69 percent reported professional development opportunities and 52 percent said they had some type of flexible work offerinIn its 2017 Mind the Workplace mental health survey, Mental Health America found that in organizations deemed mentally healthy, 75 percent of employees surveyed cited relaxed workplaces with an open - door policy, 69 percent reported professional development opportunities and 52 percent said they had some type of flexible work offerinin organizations deemed mentally healthy, 75 percent of employees surveyed cited relaxed workplaces with an open - door policy, 69 percent reported professional development opportunities and 52 percent said they had some type of flexible work offering.
Depending on the grind in the club, it may be easier to open the club face for high lofted shots or for certain types of playing conditions, according to
But when choosing from the three main options open to them — licensing, mergers and acquisitions, and joint ventures — what factors should they examine, and do deal types differ in the ways they accelerate development and deliver long - term value?
Plus, with the flexibility to telecommute, these types of jobs are open nationwide and sometimes offer the ability to work from anywhere in the world.
The platform was built over more than a year using Quorum, a type of open - source blockchain that JPMorgan has developed inhouse and is in discussions to spin off.
Money Market Mutual Fund — A money market mutual fund is an open - end type of mutual fund that is specifically invested in money markets.
Suppose the quantity of money is increased by tax reduction or government transfer payments, government expenditures remaining unchanged and the resulting deficit being financed by borrowing from the central bank or simply printing money [he adds a footnote, which Friedman lifted without direct attribution: «Open market operations are different, because they result merely in a substitution of one type of asset for another.»]»
Most butterfly open safety razors are top - heavy due to all the mechanical metal parts in the head (Types of safety razors and how they differ).
LunaMetrics facilitates conference - type events in cities across the U.S., open to anyone with the time (and budget — these courses aren't cheap) to attend.
«Differences in health status between employees in various office types have been found, with the best health among those in flex - offices and [single] offices, and the worst in medium - sized, open - plan offices,» according to the researchers.
Now, open up your Enpass entry, and type the recovery phrase in the appropriate field.
If you've opened a Self Select Account you can choose your investments in our Loan Market, where there are two types of loans listed.
This is particularly true if you have come to Canada with a work permit granted under the International Experience Class or some other type of open work permit because the requirements to remain working in Canada will often be drastically different than when you first applied.
The first thing they'll do is scan the opening paragraphs looking for the search query they typed in to Google.
As a co-founding Director and Vice President of Bema Gold Corporation, he successfully identified significant open pit type heap leach gold reserves in the United States and Chile, including the Refugio deposit (6 to 8 million oz).
When you put money in a bank, you'll find that you earn different interest rates based on the type of deposit account you open and the institution you do business with.
When we do that, we find that rates have been much more similar across the two loan types in the past; although, a wedge has opened up more recently as we'd expect (Graph 3).
As I've written before, the difference in reactions «opens up a complicated discussion about who gets empathy in America, what issues are deemed important, and the types of activism and activists that the public responds to.»
Traditional and Roth IRAs are the most common secondary types of retirement accounts, although you'll want to be sure you understand the ins and outs of each before opening and investing in either to make sure you don't get penalized.
The sheer diversity of assets available for trading opens up traders to trade in new markets and use a much more flexible trading strategy as compared to if they were just trading one type of asset.
It opens up a complicated discussion about who gets empathy in America, what issues are deemed important, and the types of activism and activists that the public responds to.
As long as you (as the parent) are the account owner and your child is a dependent, the savings in a 529 will have a much lower impact on financial aid for higher education than a different type of account opened in your child's name.
The mixed signals that have been sent that Canada is open for business, except for certain types of companies in certain sectors, is not in our self - interest.
These types of investment advisors frequently have discretion on how to invest client assets but instead of managing the assets themselves, they outsource the job to asset management companies by having the clients buy mutual funds, index funds, and exchange - traded funds or, in the case of high net worth clients, opening individually managed accounts with the asset management company through a third - party asset manager platform at a global custodian.
You can use our reports to determine the types of accounts you have open, your credit utilization, and many other important metrics that you need to know in order to understand where you stand on the credit range.
You can choose an individual account (in your name only) or a joint account (with multiple equal owners), or you can open other types of taxable accounts.
The frequent mentions of the «desert place» that the characters find themselves in allow the audience members to envision a different type of solitary existence, one of wide - open spaces instead of claustrophobic shelter.
Seems like I feel the same way about you — there is so much that has been dug up by biblical archaeologist and ignored by your type — every time someone like you opens their mouth a biblical archaeologist shoves another spade in it.
cit., p. 7 f.; Two types of Faith, p. 130 f.) This reality of faith and life is restricted, says Buber, by those Christians who leave God open to human address only in conjunction with Christ.
People open up to you in a whole different way as a «normal person,» as opposed to they way they respond to you when they find out you are one of those pastor types.
Growing up I witnessed the Black Panther type of rhetoric that was shown in the open and the vitriol that was expressed in private.
Thus «x» is any propositional function with individuals for its arguments, «(x) x» means «there exists some individual in the universal domain that has the property».4 At the lowest level in the theory of types there are individuals — a, b, c, d,... n, but the precise identification of the individuals is left open since the system of logic was only to be used as a foundation for pure mathematics.
Rocks that will be throw in hate because that is exactly the type of people the GOP open their arms to.
When someone claims there is verbal abuse during disagreement between equals in an open forum type of situation, I would appreciate specifics so we can talk about them.
If this type of lay life is possible and actually lived out in the world, what exactly is different about religious life, and why would anyone choose it over a lay life equally, if not more, open to the possibility of holiness?
New lights have been vouchsafed us — the reality, capable of definition, of a Cosmogenesis; the discovery of a genesis of the atom, of the increasingly «molecular» aspect of living organisms pursued to the infinitesimal, and of the persistence of this «molecular» characteristic in the mechanisms of heredity and evolution rising to the highest organic types; the existence of a center of indeterminacy at the very heart of every element of Matter... The cumulative effect of these revelations has been to open our eyes to a very different and quite otherwise alluring possibility.
The nuanced assessment she envisions would allow us to replace St. Paul's complaint that certain types of acts are simply contrary to nature with a more open - minded vision that might appreciate the goodness inherent in all sexual pleasure and self - expression.
In a column published in the Wall Street Journal, she says she opened an envelope, and «my colleague very carefully removed its contents, which were about 300 pages of typed manuscripIn a column published in the Wall Street Journal, she says she opened an envelope, and «my colleague very carefully removed its contents, which were about 300 pages of typed manuscripin the Wall Street Journal, she says she opened an envelope, and «my colleague very carefully removed its contents, which were about 300 pages of typed manuscript.
These mysterious signs, open to an infinite number of interpretations, have been of perennial interest to the type of mind that revels in obscure symbolism.
Since there is an upper limit to how many data a finite organism can handle, opening a channel for one stimulus type automatically results in a filtering out or dampening of other types.
Dear Ella, thank you so much for writing this Well done on being open and honest — and for those of us who struggle in a similar way to you with the day to day hassle of a medical condition, this type of blog post is just as helpful and useful as a new recipe, if not more so You are right — having to live with a restricted diet and lifestyle can be very isolating and frustrating, and even the loveliest friends can struggle to understand what we're going through at times!
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