Sentences with phrase «in our family of»

I grew up in a family of second generation business owners.
Although he grew up in a family of entrepreneurs that goes back three generations, he had never received much encouragement to start a business of his own.
«I, myself, was born in a family of migrants; my father, my grandparents, like many other Italians, left for Argentina and met the fate of those who are left with nothing.
Gibbs's dream comes with higher personal stakes: He is the sole breadwinner in a family of four.
In the immediate aftermath of the fall of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia in 1992 and Hungary in 1995 used the OSCE chairmanship to demonstrate their commitment to full membership in the family of European and Euro - Atlantic states and their ambition to respect and implement the Helsinki principles (even though those principles had been originally negotiated with the participation of Czechoslovakia's and Hungary's discredited Communist governments).
It is here that you will find the attention likely lacking in your family of origin.
See: these Pharisees would affirm that God loves them — individually, and as sons of Abraham, brothers in the family of Israel.
She had grown up in a family of four sisters.
Followers of Jim Jones included people like Maria Katsaris, youngest daughter in a family of Greek Orthodox believers.
CEO's, Congressmen, etc., is all about themselves in their families all of a while stealing and taking more from all of us.
In other words, this text is not about how to go to heaven when you die, but rather about how to go from slavery to death in this world as we war against others (Eph 2:1 - 3), to unity and peace with others as we live in the family of God (Eph 2:11 - 22).
I have dealt with NPD in my family of origin and it is still devastating — to the point that I won't use my name hear.
The female sexuality stands for and brings about the Church (which has always been called our «Mother»), nurturing and building that communion in the family of God's children.
We have such a small place in the family of creation, and yet such a grand place, partly because its well - being has been placed in our hands.
(1979), Dr. Alice Miller discusses all the major and minor misattunements that happen in our families of origin.
In her powerful book, The Drama of the Gifted Child (1979), Dr. Alice Miller discusses all the major and minor misattunements that happen in our families of origin.
Yes, the Apostle Paul spoke about how there is «neither male nor female, slave nor free, Jew nor Gentile» in the family of God, but he was also quick to acknowledge those same categories when he saw one group oppressing the other.
It had nothing to do with Christianity because I was not raised in a family of faith; rather, in a home with an alcoholic, there was an underground but extremely strong message that negative emotions should be avoided at all costs.
Certainly web - based information is an issue for people wanting to find out more or even become involved in Families of Nazareth in Great Britain.
In our family of eight, plus a cook and a so - called (and well - called) mother's helper, quarrels were almost unknown and, as brother Richard recently put it, none lasted overnight.
There is more here than meets the eye, and one's local congregation is a participant in that family of faith which endures through the centuries as what Paul called the Body of Christ.
But how about a different approach — some discussion of the things we like about our families and some planning in each family of what we want to build on these strengths in the next year?»
Yet the position flows quite inevitably from Wyschogrod's first principles — above all, from his understanding of Jewish identity as participation in the family of God's irrevocable election.
Kaiser believes that all ministries and gifts are for all people in the family of God, both men and women included (p. 154).
I believe it is our calling, as imitators of Christ, to reflect God's new vision for the world, initiated through Jesus Christ, in which there is no hierarchy or power struggle between slave and free, Jew and Greek, male and female, for all are one in the family of God.
The same evidence was found in another family of proteins, the cytochromes c, and this made it possible to conclude that the common ancestor of yeast, plants, and vertebrates lived about 1.2 billion years ago.
Paul is talking about how we can experience the riches and blessings of being in the family of God, and how God seeks to unify us into one family, and how we can live for the praise of His glory.
But this crossover benefit, in which the arts seem to have formed their own Mutual Admiration Society, does not apply to what perhaps should be called the illegitimate daughter in the family of the Muses: the art of the theater.
I grew up in a family of farmers where it was clear that no unnecessary work was to be done on the Sabbath.
I thought of how I am often too busy, so busy, how there is so much to do in a family of six with work and life and school and ministry, and I thought that I was actually really glad to be sitting here, uncomfortably, in this chair with my feet in the kiddie pool and my husband behind me in the garden pulling beans.
Once you get to this point, you have discovered and claimed (not earned) and embodied your grace - given membership in the family of God, a membership exemplified by faith, love, and service.
It's the reality that I am living in today, and the catalyst for seeking another way of pastoring and living the in the family of Christ.
If all the troubles in the family of an alcoholic were the direct effects of alcoholism, it would be reasonable to assume that, given a certain period of time after sobriety, most of these troubles would disappear.
«I am in a family of spiritual redwoods.
In this regard, the household codes should remind us that where we may be advantaged with power or privilege, we are called to humble ourselves, to sacrifice, to love, to listen, to surrender our power, and to treat our fellow human beings as our equals — co-heirs and brothers and sisters in the family of God.
In other words, this text is not about how to go to heaven when you die, but rather about how to go from slavery to death in this world as we war against others (Ephesians 2:1 - 3), to unity and peace with others as we live in the family of God (Ephesians 2:11 - 22).
Christianity being a majority religion means having a lot of people in the family of believers.
Growing up in a family of 8 necessarily required everyone in the family to pitch in and do their share, from household chores to cooking....
Oh the joys of living in a family of foodies.
Everyone in the family ate it and that is no small feat in a family of eight!
If you have more leftovers than you can eat, which never happens in our family of 6, this meat freezes well.
In our family of two, fish, roasted vegetables, salads, -LSB-...]
William Grant & Sons» core global brands aren't the only award - winning brands in its family of spirits.
Styron's father grew up in a family of commercial fishermen, and eventually taught marine occupation courses in a local high school.
The fuss is, friend, I am the only vegan in a family of carnivores and this year I am going full vegan monty — no omnivore - friendly sides, no «I brought my own chocolates».
Cassie, I have three in my family of six that are not oatmeal lovers, so would this method be better to try with them?
We have 3 vegetarians in our family of 5 so this was a big hit.
Growing up in a family of meat eaters that love to have cookouts, I used to love coming up with sides that I got to eat and that my whole family could enjoy.
My only suggestion: double the recipe, by the time I helped myself, in a family of four, there were very few «meat» balls left for me.
Reid is one in a family of six children who have all attended Assumption High School.
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