Sentences with phrase «in partisan»

REALPAC does not engage in partisan politics; candidates are REALPAC Contribution Formselected for support on a merit basis without regard to partisan affiliation.
By some estimates, 30 of married households contain a mismatch in partisan political views.
Beginning on March 1, employees of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts and the Federal Judicial Center may not make campaign contributions or engage in partisan activity.
We do not engage in partisan political activities.
The volunteer attorneys have been trained in election administration by the Secretary of the State's office, and have signed an agreement that they will not act in a partisan way on Election Day.
Green noted that judges are specifically told not to participate «in any partisan political activity» in the Principles of Judicial Office, a document created by the Ontario Court of Justice.
They are not allowed to engage in partisan political activities.
Whoever is picked, however, must then face off in partisan elections at the next general election.
denied, 126 S. Ct. 1165 (2006): On remand from the Supreme Court, the Eighth Circuit struck down Minnesota's political activities canons, which prohibited judges and judicial candidates from engaging in partisan political activity but permitted them to speak at non-political party gatherings.
Where the district court had rejected the notion that judicial candidates ought to enjoy greater freedom to engage in partisan politics than sitting judges, the Ninth Circuit panel found the restrictions on non-judge free speech to be insufficiently narrowly tailored to hold up under strict scrutiny.
Alabama is one of three states — along with Delaware and Florida — where judges have this authority, and it is one of ten states where trial judges are chosen in partisan elections.
As Principle 3.2 of the Ontario Judicial Council's «Principles of Judicial Office «states judges «must not participate in any partisan political activity.»
«Legislators are free to disagree with judicial rulings, but punishing judges in a partisan manner for making valid rulings is not acceptable.»
So, sadly, does an obsession with process and a tendency to see things in partisan terms — us or them, guilty or not guilty — albeit in a spirit of loyalty to a system to which all defer.
The bad news is that we're entering presidential election season, which means activists in the party (and warm activists are party activists) will continue their strategy of demagoguing the issue, while doing nothing about it - expect to take a beating in the partisan press and the big paper editorial pages.
Such beliefs are utterly negated by the sheer wealth of evidence against such a proposition, but remain popular due to an often - skewed false balance present in partisan media [20, 21], resulting in public confusion and inertia.
The way information is framed can have a significant effect on how it is interpreted, especially when it is couched in partisan tropes to encourage divisiveness.
News reports have also found that NFIB, which claims to be non-partisan, engages in partisan politics, and receives millions in hidden contributions.
When the loudest voices are fossil - fuel funded think tanks, when they don't publish in journals but instead write error - laden op - eds in partisan venues, when they have to manipulate the data to support their point, then what they're doing isn't science.
The CRA clearly states that registered charities are prohibited from engaging in partisan... Continue Reading»
I see no point in the partisan attack other than to score cheap points with the OilPrice readership.
Wegman says «not X» in a partisan report to Congress intended to validate a specific political view.
First, the right - wing nutters at The Daily Caller oversold Pielke's argument in its partisan coverage of the testimony and Dr. Holdren thought they were quoting Pielke directly.
However, this difference in partisan terminology does not necessarily imply that survey questions would elicit different levels of belief when they refer to «global warming» rather than «climate change.»
This reaction is substantially reinforced when, as often happens, the message is put across by public communicators who are unmistakably associated with particular cultural outlooks or styles — the more so if such advocates indulge in partisan rhetoric, ridiculing opponents as corrupt or devoid of reason.
What's more, Nisbet argues that the climate cause was hurt by getting too wrapped up in partisan politics.
Scientists shouldn't argue in a partisan fashion.
So when Mann argues in a partisan fashion that mcintyre is a oil shill, when he speculates in his book that mcintyre had something to do with the hacking, where do you stand?
To those not mired in partisan muckraking, clean energy still seems awfully important.
Third, another core conclusion of the new study is largely being lost in the partisan and, to a lesser extent, scholarly, debates about its methods and quality.
You can respond to a partisan polemic in a partisan fashion but I think it wiser to rise above that level of discourse.
Others considered them inconsequential, as Harold Rosenberg appeared to suggest in a Partisan Review interview with the sociologist Melvin Tumin, in which he compared Albers's aims with those of Barnett Newman.
Some of his early writing reflected his left - wing political views, such as his 1939 Marxist - oriented essay «Avant - Garde and Kitsch», published in Partisan Review.
First published in Partisan Review Fall.
I read religiously the seminal articles of Meyer Schapiro, Clement Greenberg, and Harold Rosenberg in Partisan Review; brilliant and short pieces by John Ashbery, James Schuyler, Donald Judd, and your own Irving in old issues of ARTnews; Dore Ashton in Art Digest, long essays by Leo Steinberg, Annette Michelson, Rosalind Krauss, Brian O'Doherty, Barbara Rose, and Michael Fried in Artforum, Linda Nochlin, Lucy Lippard, Robert Storr, Kurt Varnadoe, Nancy Princenthal, Eleanor Heartney, and Vincent Katz, among others, in Art in America, all obtainable for a dollar or two at Strand Books.
The other was View, the premier art and literature magazine of the 1940s, whose Surrealist and figurative focus made it the natural counterweight to the Abstract Expressionists being championed by Clement Greenberg in the Partisan Review and the Nation.
But you see in the years that we're talking about, from well, let's say 1952 as before» 48, I suppose in a way sort of begins for me because that's when I first saw black and white productions of deKooning in the Partisan Review and I think at that time deKooning had not even had a one man show, I think he was...
Among the Greenberg's most influential works, which he published mostly in Partisan Review, the Nation, and Commentary, are Avant - Garde and Kitsch from 1939, Towards a Newer Laocoon (1940), The Crisis of the Easel Picture (1948), Modernist Painting which was delivered initially as a radio broadcast on The Voice of America Forum Lectures: The Visual Arts (1960), After Abstract Expressionism (1962), and «American - Type» Painting (1955).
But as Robert Rosenblum pointed out in Partisan Review last winter, «Time creates sanctity and gravity....
We are dealing with a political moment in art, not in the partisan meaning, more in the economic meaning.
Clement Greenberg graduated in literature from Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York in 1930, taught himself Latin and German, began to work as a United States customs clerk (1937) and then to publish political and cultural commentary in Partisan Review and The Nation.
It was through this group that Dzubas began reading articles by the Trotskyist New York intellectuals printed in Partisan Review, including editor Clement Greenberg, who would prove decisive for Dzubas's artistic career.
Dzubas came under the influence of Greenberg in 1948 when he responded to an ad Greenberg had placed in the Partisan Review for summer lodging.
Many writers, critics and theorists made assertions about vanguard culture during the formative years of modernism, although the initial definitive statement on the avant - garde was the essay Avant - Garde and Kitsch by New York art critic Clement Greenberg, published in Partisan Review in 1939.
With today's political divisions, the connotations lead quickly to «stacked against,» using power in a partisan way to force someone to do something or to tip the scales in favor of one side.
Generally, the Hatch Act prohibits employees from participating in partisan political activities while on duty or in a Federal building.
The Hatch Act contains limitations and prohibitions concerning participation in partisan political activities.
Cleavage Structures in the Partisan Competition over Educational Expansion
The NCLB has angered parents and teachers alike and become a hot rod in the partisan education debate.
Thirteen states choose their top education official in a partisan campaign.
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