Sentences with phrase «in performance evaluations»

To date, much of the attention paid to student surveys has centered on the most debated aspect of how they are applied — as a factor in the performance evaluation of teachers.
Furthermore, professional development must be tied to needs identified in performance evaluations for all teachers, not just those with low ratings.
This paper provides new evidence on gender bias in performance evaluations of university teachers.
Officially commended for initiative, enthusiasm, tenacity, and dependability in performance evaluation
LAUSD Board OKs Deal With Teachers Union on Performance Evaluations The LAUSD school board signed off Tuesday on a deal with the teachers union to implement a new system that will incorporate student test data in performance evaluations.
They say that growth statistics are too unreliable to include in performance evaluations and that the new assessment system — which the District can legally impose without union consent — is an instrument to identify and remove struggling teachers, not a means to help them improve.
«The UTI Cartridge is a highly comprehensive tool for the diagnosis of urinary tract infections,» said Prof. Cattoir, University Hospital of Rennes, France, one of the sites participating in the performance evaluation study.
To date, major reforms of teacher policy include changes in performance evaluation, professional development, incentives, and pre-service teacher training.
While principal input is one factor in a performance evaluation system, the contract also included provisions that enabled teachers to rapidly earn advancement and increased pay through professional activities, including completing college courses and professional development programs.
New Jersey parents and students may have heard that data extracted from the new state tests in English and math will count in the performance evaluation of some teachers for this school year.
You provide consistent coaching and feedback to hold your team accountable to results; you support in the performance evaluation delivery process for Educators and Key Leaders, as well as the execution of all job changes in the HRIS system
Officially commended for initiative, enthusiasm, tenacity, persuasiveness, intense customer focus and dependability in performance evaluations
Teacher Vote on Whether to Use Student Test Scores in Performance Evaluations Teachers in Los Angeles Unified will vote Jan. 14 - 18 on a tentative agreement that would allow the use of student test data in performance evaluations.
Teachers unions hate the idea of including student progress on the state standards tests in performance evaluations, but as one court recently ruled, that is state law.
Commended for initiative, persuasiveness, intense customer focus and dependability in performance evaluations.
Commended initiative, enthusiasm, tenacity, persuasiveness, intense customer focus and dependability in performance evaluations.
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