Sentences with phrase «in personal injury cases»

Over the years, our attorneys have successfully recovered compensation for many clients in personal injury cases involving lawsuit limitations and verbal thresholds.
Because these lawyers have represented insurers in personal injury cases in the past, they are closely familiar with how these companies go about handling victim's injury claims.
For this reason it is vital that you speak with an attorney who specializes in personal injury cases as soon as you can after the accident.
We are also experienced in personal injury cases involving your loved ones who can not represent themselves.
Earlier this month, an appellate court issued a written opinion in a personal injury case discussing the potential repercussions for committing fraud on the court.
Fortunately, our lead counsel served for years as defense counsel in personal injury cases for many prestigious insurance companies.
Going back to our roots in 1959, our skilled lawyers have been vigorously fighting on behalf of clients in personal injury cases just like yours.
He helped develop the law firm into a highly successful personal injury law firm fighting for the rights of plaintiffs in personal injury cases.
Is putting a cap on punitive damage awards in personal injury cases the best way to reform the legal system?
We can also talk about different devices and vehicles to protect assets and seize or preserve assets of the accused defendants in your personal injury case.
As lawyers who only represent victims in personal injury cases we understand the financial pressure that our clients are under.
There are many types of expert witnesses used in personal injury cases, many of which we will discuss in this article.
Fortunately, reckless driving of any kind can be considered negligence in a personal injury case.
As in any personal injury case, negligence must be proven in court for the victim to receive compensation.
The most common example of strict liability in personal injury cases is product liability.
He signed basically the same kind of confidentiality agreement that covers settlements in personal injury cases.
Getting compensation in a personal injury case requires the right representation from a qualified personal injury lawyer, and a little bit of knowledge and education.
Typical economic damages in a personal injury case include medical and related health care costs as well as any lost wages, salary or other income.
The firm has gained recognition for results in personal injury cases and is ready to serve you and protect your rights.
Our law firm is committed to protecting you against the possibility of government abuse in criminal trials or neglect from insurance companies in personal injury cases.
If no one is injured, still call 911 so you can make a statement, valuable evidence in any personal injury case.
Medical bills, lost wages, and emotional suffering are some of the damages that may be claimed in a personal injury case.
Medical Experts in personal injury cases are supposed to be impartial, independent and absent of bias.
This is essential to determine who is at fault in a personal injury case by proving the liability of the defendant.
We are prepared to take cases to trial in front of a jury, but a negotiated resolution is most common in personal injury cases.
Depending on the type of accident and injury from which a person suffers, it may be difficult to determine who is at fault in a personal injury case.
Without an attorney, the average amount is 1/3 of what is usually possible in a personal injury case.
The coalition has moved to address growing insurance costs by banning referral fees in personal injury cases.
Our lawyers are in trial every day, providing strong, effective defense in personal injury cases, insurance coverage disputes, and other matters.
This is especially important in personal injury cases because these are usually handled on a contingency fee basis.
Let our law firm be your voice and obtain justice in the form of maximum recovery in a personal injury case for the wrongful death of your loved one.
They may think you don't know how to give a deposition in personal injury cases and take advantage of you.
A complete deposition of a corporate executive in a personal injury case against a pharmaceutical company.
Years ago, an engineer friend of mine served on a jury in a personal injury case.
In fact, the retention of counsel in personal injury cases tends to run gamut from the very prompt to the very delayed.
The defendant and their attorneys in a personal injury case want to get answers which help them prove that they are not liable for your injuries.
However, a special «reasonable person» standard may apply in some personal injury cases.
You're specifically interested in personal injury cases involving corporations.
One of the key factors that can impact the amount of compensation available in a personal injury case is insurance policy limits.
One of the important steps in a personal injury case is the determination of coverage through the insurance of the motorist who is at fault in an accident.
He has successfully represented his clients, negotiating settlements of millions of dollars in personal injury cases, including motor vehicle accidents, premises accidents, construction accidents and slip and fall accidents.
We have achieved notable successes in personal injury cases ranging from car accidents, truck accidents and motorcycle accidents to products liability and industrial or construction site accidents.
If you believe the verdict in your personal injury case was incorrect or unfounded, call our appellate lawyers today.
The damages recovered in a personal injury case are designed to help compensate for these financial difficulties.
Every case is unique, but there are some steps we take in every personal injury case we accept for representation.
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