Sentences with phrase «in philosophical language»

Derrida also recognizes the impossibility of the philosophical presumption of attaining precision and accurate representation in a philosophical language.
In philosophical language, the problem was that of the relation between the one and the many, or the noumenon and the phenomena; in theological language it was the problem of God and the universe.
(In philosophical language: divine omniscience does not imply human determination).

Not exact matches

Today Hume is recognized as a philosophical genius and widely held to be the greatest philosopher in the English language.
This is remarkably personalistic language, and it is interesting to note that it all occurs in the more philosophical part of the book rather than where he is surveying the evidence of religious experience.
When I reflect on the infinite pains to which the human mind and heart will go in order to protect itself from the full impact of reality, when I recall the mordant analyses of religious belief which stem from the works of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud and, furthermore, recognize the truth of so much of what these critics of religion have had to say, when I engage in a philosophical critique of the language of theology and am constrained to admit that it is a continual attempt to say what can not properly be said and am thereby led to wonder whether its claim to cognition can possibly be valid — when I ask these questions of myself and others like them (as I can not help asking and, what is more, feel obliged to ask), is not the conclusion forced upon me that my faith is a delusion?
The current language debate is just one more indicator of how much the church lost when it got caught up in the philosophical / theological Christology debates, and replaced the name of Jesus with the titles Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Certainly one of the reasons for the neglect of both thinkers among English language philosophers has been that they have not played the role which Russell and Wittgenstein did in generating so - called analytical philosophy (a philosophical style inimical, upon the whole, to attempts to theorize about the nature of the universe in general.
Ironically, it was a visit by Ramsey and his attendance of a lecture by the great intuitionist mathematician Brouwer that set Wittgenstein again to the task of philosophy.8 His Logical Investigations in which he established a new — how shall we say it — relational philosophy based on simple language games has become the primary reference of the contemporary philosophical position called language analysis and was a massive attack on Tractatus Logico - Philosophicus.
Where Descartes turned to the language of substance to explain certain philosophical problems, social theorists like Morton frequently establish a body / culture dualism in its place.
There is a difference the particular language (and with that language, the philosophical notions which it entailed) which they employed in stating that instinct and desire.
While Bultmann in some sense agrees with this, Ogden says, his employment of Heidegger's philosophical system makes the second kind of language virtually impossible.
While his philosophical views would seem to underwrite a notion of privacy and seclusion, there is no more public figure to be found in contemporary English - language philosophy.
Of the more recent philosophical investigations of language, there are, in the main, two approaches.
So the first conclusion is that [i] even if [/ i] one follows Aquinas in his analysis of analogy, or more specifically, analogical language, as a philosophical tool for interpreting «God - language,» it does not follow that it says anything about [i] being, [/ i] as such, about God's being in particular, and even less does it tell us anything about how God's being might be [i] pictured [/ i].
A party, which is ahead of its time and espouses the truth, including philosophical truths, in theological language, as Marx would have said, can only end up by suffocating democracy.
As Robert Mellert notes, our present historical criticisms are very similar to efforts by the Christians of the first centuries: «We are attempting to explain the primitive Christian experience of Jesus in the language of a philosophical perspective of God and man to suggest how that perspective might deal with the inter-relation of humanity and divinity in the person of Jesus, who is called the Christ (WPT 79f).
Even so, there simply are too many instances of cross-fertilization linking German Romanticism to literary and philosophical culture elsewhere, France and England in particular, to justify Safranski's exclusive focus on German - language materials and the implication of a autochthonous German Romantic culture.
His philosophical and philological interests centered on studies in the fields of language, criticism, and aesthetics.
In harmony with his general philosophical principles Humboldt regards language, the single word as well as connected speech, as an act, «a truly creative act of the mind.»
We speak of the living God to stress what in more philosophical language is called a personal God — one who loves and cares, who thinks and wills, who created the world and who continuously acts within it.
Ricoeur there proposes a philosophical analysis of symbolic and metaphoric language intended to help us reach a «second naivete» before such texts.17 The latter phrase, which Ricoeur has made famous, suggests that the «first naivete,» an unquestioned dwelling in a world of symbol, which presumably came naturally to men and women in one - possibility cultures to which the symbols in question were indigenous, is no longer possible for us.
Assume for the moment that there is no genuine doctrine of God in Whitehead, or none that is meaningful within a Western philosophical or Christian theological context; then is it not possible that Whitehead's language about God is fulfilling an intention which is wholly distinct from our traditional and established speech about God?
In his reflections upon Valéry's work, Derrida contends that the philosopher gives a formality to philosophical language by forging a connection with natural language that allows mere ciphers to resemble the thing in itself (MP 293In his reflections upon Valéry's work, Derrida contends that the philosopher gives a formality to philosophical language by forging a connection with natural language that allows mere ciphers to resemble the thing in itself (MP 293in itself (MP 293).
We have four philosopher - scientists in the Dialogues: Margaret Masterman, developing a new theory of language; Christopher Clarke, a mathematical physicist working out a theory of space; Rupert Sheldrake, who has a hypothesis of «formative causation» as supplementing energetic causation; and Jonathan Westphal, who is working on the philosophical psychology of colour perception.
Lest it seem as though I would subordinate religious to metaphysical language, thereby reinforcing the Western rationalistic critique of religion, I hasten to point out that in Hinduism, philosophy never developed in opposition to religion; the philosophical critique of energy that never ceases to preoccupy Western culture could not arise in a culture like Hinduism, where the language about the gods — what we call mythology — was never denied its rightful place in the scheme of things.
The language of philosophical theology seems not to have been subjected to any very searching logical analysis in the recent literature.
This article examines Whitehead's theory of perception to indicate how this theory provides a philosophical reinterpretation for two issues of concern to feminists: criticism of cultural symbols, including language, and the importance of intuition and emotion, usually associated with women, in experience.
Though Marx and Engels later avoided the philosophical language of their early years, and in the Manifesto of the Communist Party laughed at the German literati who «beneath the French criticism of the economic functions of money... wrote «Alienation of Humanity,» 6 they always recognized that «The German Working class movement is the heir of German classical philosophy.
In this way it was quite different from Greek language which preferred a more philosophical literary form to interpret Jesus» relation to God.
One can simply maintain that in Jesus the initial aim that God contributed was at each and every moment to be his Son, or, in more philosophical language, to realize the divinity at every occasion in the series.
We are attempting to explain the primitive Christian experience of Jesus in the language of a philosophical perspective of God and man to suggest how that perspective might deal with the inter-relation of humanity and divinity in the person of Jesus, who is called the Christ.
Most of Whitehead's language about what is to be aimed at in experience relates him to the philosophical tradition rather than the Biblical one.
The true testing ground for the implicate - order strategy, it seems to me, may indeed be biology rather than physics, where abstract methods are so powerful as to perhaps make it dispensable: just as the old style building - block materialist was refuted not by philosophical polemic, but by the one authority in which he trusted, i.e., by physics itself, so the nothing - but reductionist in contemporary biology will modify his views should it be possible some day to provide him with a mathematical language that fills the currently existing gap between our formal knowledge of gene structure and combinations, and our intuitive apprehension of growth and shape.
They largely ignore Einstein's philosophical language and the broad, emotive way in which he spoke about his research.
He spent nine years in Asia studying yoga asana, Sufism, Sanskrit language, and Indian philosophical texts, contextualizing them within the turbulent political times of that period in history.
«Israel Scheffler leaves behind a lasting legacy in the field of the philosophy of education — his philosophical interpretations of language, symbolism, science, and education remain as resonant and relevant today as when they were written,» said Dean James Ryan.
Her work, which encompasses a broad range of media, is underpinned by a philosophical and spiritual interest in the formal properties of language.
Her polyphonic and speculative ensembles, which often comprise a large number of individual components, combine an exploration of questions in art with philosophical inquiries into issues such as the essence of time, place, and language and their interrelations.
«Electric Ladyland» also befits Van Kerckhoven's background as a trained graphic artist who since 1981 has been both an active member of Antwerp's experimental - music scene and someone who has long embraced an array of visual languages in the studio to explore various polemical, philosophical positions.
Overture will present over 25 new works exploring philosophical and theoretical ideas surrounding global displacement and conflict, demonstrating Khan's profound interrogation into language and meaning over a wide array of media — painting, sculpture, photography, works on paper, and, for the first time in his career, works on glass.
Haris Epaminonda, Untitled (2005/6) and Hulusi Mustafa, Two figs (2008), (co-represented Cyprus at the 52nd Venice Biennale in 2007), Socratis Socratous, illegal installation (2004)(53rd Venice Biennale in 2009), Marianna Christofides, Logbook Entries: Braunsfeld (2012)(54th Venice Biennale in 2011), Phanos Kyriacou, Oo (2013)(55th Venice Biennale in 2013) and Christodoulos Panayiotou, Untitled (2015) part of Two Days After Forever (56th Venice Biennale in 2015) characterize a generation of artists whose visual language corresponds to themes of self - reflective practices, esoteric exploration and philosophical discourse.
Though linked to their own times and places, such works are also connected to larger questions of being in the world, questions that are primarily considered philosophical or religious, linked to the language and pursuit of the sublime.
Sage Dawson speaks with curator Lea Anderson about how contemporary artists explore a distinct language of surface, emerging with personal, political, and philosophical surface expressions in her recent exhibition at 516 Arts.
Like the nearby phrase «An Object Self - Defined» from the work «Self - Defined Object [green]», 1966, the artist forms the relationship between words and art object, short - circuiting its separation, language and art, language in art, language as, or is art, the work professes to form a dialectic that results in a relationship to philosophical thought.
Clients do not want to hear a philosophical ramble, nor do they want to hear a lawyer talk in a language they do not understand.
I have developed and delivered courses in subjects ranging from the history of Western philosophy to quantitative reasoning, from the comparative study of religions to Native American literature, from French language and culture to the historical, social, and philosophical foundationa of education.
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