Sentences with phrase «in philosphy»

They are similar enough in philosphy and approach that I recommend that couples take the «next» one — whether or not it is Getting the Love You Want or the Incredible Power of Two.
If you're in the least bit interested in philosphy, then his views on the human condition should be required reading.

Not exact matches

All three phrases are popular concepts in the corporate philanthropy space (where companies with the «buy one, give one» philosphy donate a product to charity for every one they sell, and companies with the «triple bottom line» philosophy are working to consider people, planet and profit).
An all time classic, timeless philosphy which can also be applied to most aspects in life (including investing, especially being an Activist).
The workshop is an eye - opener even for someone who has been actively involved in market as the compelling presentation stresses upon having a wholesome investing philosphy that is so crucial for an investor.
When minorities were oppressed in this country, the oppressors used the bible and images of Jesus as a means to glorify their methods and rascist philosphies.
Personally, I believe in all aspects of many religious philosphies I don't nessecarily [sic -RCB- choose one nor do I think that everyone should bewlieve in what I believe its a personal thing and utlimately thats what this «higher power» thing is... I will read the artice in its entirety now:)
I have called this the coup de culture, in which Judeo / Christian moral philosphy (which is different from religious faith), the once generally accepted value system of the West is being supplanted by a (roughly) utilitarian / hedonistic (not in the sensual sense) / scientism - radical environmentalism view of life.
atheists have killed billions in modern times — SICK PHILOSPHY OF DEATH that needs to be wiped out
That is pretty cool, but I think it is easy for athiests to forget that a disbelief in gods or a God is their own personal philosophy, and to be open minded intellectuals, they should also earnestly entertain ideas that conflict with their philosphy.
If the ultimate gift of God is charity, as stated in the Bible, and those who gain this gift will gain eternal life, it is hard to see how anyone could rationalize that it is possible to mix these two philosphies and still gain eternal life.
I can only speak for myself, but I got my degree in comparative religion and philosphy.
The ability of this club to ride out what I would label The Infinite Years of football in England — where the virtually infinite money of clubs like Manchester City and Chelsea have created a marketplace with no rules, boundaries or logic — depends on it retaining its idealistic philosphy in places like Asia, Africa, Australia and the US.
Lazio is a solid conservative as well with his anti gun and pro-abortion positions and his strong firm stance for RHINO consensus building philosphy...... a real nice guy no question... not a change agent... I guess NY is in such great shape we all don't mind sticking with status Cuomo candidates like Lazio....
He shares his vision for a better world through teaching his unique style of yoga, Vikasa Yoga, and by raising human consciousness in regards to philosphy and community.
But as I see it, the «change agent» ideas have been around for a long time and come straigbt from the Left and their «social justice» philosphy — which are backed by the unions, who were the first ones to start changing our schools, back in the 1970's; it wasn't the Broad Foundation.
They are idealistic thoughts in the way of Platon and Hegel in my view - I denie Marx philosphy is materialistic cause of that, despite quite a lot people see it that way.
Are you a pet owner interested in the whole - food feeding philosphy for companion canine or feline?
The entire design philosphy was driven by the goal to have the most on - screen characters ever presented in a video game.
In 1935, his book elaborating his theories of art, A Philosphy of Esthetics, was published, and in 1957, he completed his book Figure Drawing, published by Watson - GuptilIn 1935, his book elaborating his theories of art, A Philosphy of Esthetics, was published, and in 1957, he completed his book Figure Drawing, published by Watson - Guptilin 1957, he completed his book Figure Drawing, published by Watson - Guptill.
There is a «movement» or «philosphy» or «belief system» that has concluded that conditions might change negatively, somewhere, sometime in the future as a direct result of human released CO2.
On Commentisfree, A.C. Grayling, Professor of Philosphy at Birkbeck College London, writes in «An antidote to the black poison»
It's how the powerful stay in power, regardless of political philosphy.
This can be someone who has, over time, created a team and a philosphy around how internal legal departments should operate, or it could be someone who has, on their own in a solo in - house role, found new ways to source services and deliver in a way that is efficient and innovative.
Will you fit in with my management philosphy?
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