Sentences with phrase «in picture language»

Not sure what the Hebrew word is for deoxyribonucleic acid but, that would be hard to pass down from generation to generation in a picture language.
2) «prophecy that explicitly predicts that the Messiah would rise from the dead on the third day» — Explicitly there is perhaps nothing as the Old Testament spoke often in a picture language.

Not exact matches

«In four separate experiments, participants more accurately guessed the pictured emotion based on body language — alone or combined with facial expressions — than on facial context alone.»
Clinicians can measure language ability by having a patient describe a picture, for instance, said Dr. Seyed Sajjadi of the University of Southern California, a neurologist who specializes in dementias.
If a prosecutor wants to convict a man of assault, he is (without a doubt) going to paint a picture for the audience of the suffering of the defendant, and will likely use expressive language to evoke a feeling of sympathy from the jury, who (as they listen) visualize the potential suffering of the man / woman in front of them.
But language is more complicated for computers to parse than simply identifying objects in pictures, LeCun explained.
«The best subject lines use a mix of clear value to the recipient — concise language that's not too dull or too clever, and an impetus to act,» says Hunter Boyle, senior business development manager for AWeber, an email marketing software company in Chalfont, Pa. «Picture your busy reader saying «So what?»
Semitic languages are so rich with layers of metaphor and allusion that we can't possibly understand their picture of God by reading the scriptures in English.
We do not know anything about the days of Noah other than remnants of a symbolic picture language that brought the story forward and was recorded by Moses in about 1,400 BC.
G to T What makes the Bible divine is that a symbolic picture language in oral tradition as captured in writing transmitted the message over thousands of years and cultures that still reveals the absolute truth.
fred «What makes the Bible divine is that a symbolic picture language in oral tradition as captured in writing transmitted the message over thousands of years and cultures that still reveals the absolute truth»
Although words appear to be the currency of our age, the primary language of our brains is pictures: you just saw «pictures» of your best friend, pastor and a table tennis table — rather than those things spelt out as words in our mind.
It is probably impossible to describe the next stage of existence in earthly terms, and it would be childish to take literally the picture - language of the New Testament writers who make some attempt to hint at its unimaginable splendors and possibilities.
European religion is phony actors inside big Ugly goofy buildings built by retard Gentile European who think king David was a red headed European who spoke Latin as his birth language in the middle east.European religious people are like a 400 pound anchor dragging in the sand wanting the 12 Hebrew Isrealite Tribes to all sing kombiyah at their lame hang another picture up cannonized a lame Gentile fake leader of a has been lame their whole life
Speaking on this subject, the reformed theologian Alain Blancy says that the world offers a revolution in communication, that» (it) tends to replace the privileged language of the word, i.e. of discourse, by the image, the picture, that is, of representation.»
But this language isn't internally self - sufficient; all pictures must share something in common with whatever they depict.
The picture of the Gospel message found in marriage is often much more powerful than all the cliché church language, the tracts or the Bible stories we could ever share.
«When the physical model of wave - motion in a material medium had to be abandoned in physics», writes Mary Hesse, «it left its traces in the kind of mathematics which was used, for this was still a mathematical language derived from the wave equations of fluid motion, and so, for the mathematician, it carried some of the imaginative associations of the original physical picture
In saving, «I acknowledge God as Lord,» I presuppose that there is a God, but my acknowledgment takes me into the self - involving language that completes my picture of him through parabolic onlooks.
(23) For virtually all language is loaded (biased) and tends to picture things in such a way as to elicit a specific evaluation from the community, usually an evaluation of approval or disapproval.
So the first conclusion is that [i] even if [/ i] one follows Aquinas in his analysis of analogy, or more specifically, analogical language, as a philosophical tool for interpreting «God - language,» it does not follow that it says anything about [i] being, [/ i] as such, about God's being in particular, and even less does it tell us anything about how God's being might be [i] pictured [/ i].
If her training eventually pulls her back into her professional role so that she is able to study her reactions, she may notice that she has been led to picture the story of humankind as being played out solely by males: inventing language, passing it on to the next generation of sons, inventing pottery for use as containers, fashioning needles in order to make better clothing.
In another closely related picture, Christ is the Word of God, God's address to man, the communication of God's thought, the mode of God's approach to his world, and, in accordance with the language of contemporary philosophy, the embodiment of that divine reason which permeates the cosmos, or the intermediary divine link between God and his creatures, the mode in which the transcendent God becomes immanent in the rational creatioIn another closely related picture, Christ is the Word of God, God's address to man, the communication of God's thought, the mode of God's approach to his world, and, in accordance with the language of contemporary philosophy, the embodiment of that divine reason which permeates the cosmos, or the intermediary divine link between God and his creatures, the mode in which the transcendent God becomes immanent in the rational creatioin accordance with the language of contemporary philosophy, the embodiment of that divine reason which permeates the cosmos, or the intermediary divine link between God and his creatures, the mode in which the transcendent God becomes immanent in the rational creatioin which the transcendent God becomes immanent in the rational creatioin the rational creation.
Read out by the Speaker of the House at the Parliament buildings in Wellington (pictured above), the parliamentary prayer is delivered in Te Reo - a Maori language.
On the contrary, language presents a distorted picture of reality in which single words, «bounded by full stops, suggest the possibility of complete abstraction from any environment» (MT 66).
If one omits the happy ending of Stage 7 (which Joan Jackson could include because her study was done in an AA wife's group), and translates the language of the social scientist into the parlance of everyday living, one has a picture of the starkest interpersonal tragedy.
The vision of the «good» life, the central values, even the corporate identity expressed by a congregation's host culture in its dominant languages will in various ways stand in tension with the congregation's own understanding of its own communal identity, its own picture of the good life, its own central values as they all are defined «in Jesus» name.»
The only question is whether this understanding is necessarily bound up with the cosmic eschatology in which the New Testament places it — with the exception of the Fourth Gospel, where the cosmic eschatology has already become picture language, and where the eschatological event is seen in the coming of Jesus as the Word, the Word of God which is continually represented in the word of proclamation.
In doing so, he moved away from the narrow constraints placed on modern science by the use of metaphorical language that often gave a highly restricted picture of the natural world.
If we apply Gombrich's concept of visual languages in this context, then pictures and verbal languages stand as complementary resources that help us to create meanings.
While Spitzer's regret or half regret for the destruction of the old belief in world harmony faded, as no illusion could long keep his allegiance, he surely preserved his aesthetic admiration for the old world - picture, his historical interest in understanding it and his feeling for its survivals in our time and in our languages.
I want my pictures to look a certain way and I have to write up every entry in two languages.
We are still waiting for spring here in Belgium... Not only the food, but also the pictures are «to eat from» (dutch expression, no idea in other languages...)!!
Watch his body language on the pitch, especially after we've just scored, he always seems to be on the outside and never fully joining in with the celebrations Another example is the dreaded selfies in the dressing room, he's nearly always absent from the picture.
The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) «advises parents of young children that reading aloud and talking about pictures and words in age - appropriate books can strengthen language skills...
Books help a child add words to her vocabulary, make sense of grammar, and link meanings to pictures, says Desmond Kelly, a developmental - behavioral pediatrician who works with children with learning and language difficulties at the All Kinds of Minds Institute in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
And then sets of cards with pictures of vehicles, types of cats, etc, and well chosen books in both Dutch and English, provide limitless amount of language opportunites for your child.
In the meantime, supplementing with sign language or pictures can be an important stepping stone on the path to building intentional and functional communication.
There are books, community courses and even references to infant sign language in popular motion pictures.
From 7 am to 11 pm, six days in a row, I was surrounded by people speaking different languages, talking about the big picture, and having open and honest conversations about inequities based on race and gender identity / expression.
no pictures of babies on packs; product labels in the relevant local languages which state that breast milk is best for babies; and preparation instructions which are presented graphically.
«Women see images on formula packaging and think their experience of feeding their child should be just like that, but the idealising language and pictures on the formula tins are ridiculous, because all of the products have a huge risk in comparison to breastfeeding,» Rundall told Al Jazeera.
The picture unveiling activity is an interesting tool to build language and cognitive development in your toddler.
In a fourteen - year study, the preschool children of mothers who described a picture using emotional language showed more empathy and better social skills when they got older.
It is almost inconceivable that a political party in Britain should use this type of language, which does nothing less than paint a picture of class war.
Cuomo lat year included language in his 30 - day budget amendments that would have provided a clearer picture of where the money would go, but that did not end up in the final approved budget.
Critics of the amendment have said the language on the ballot gives a skewed and overly rosy picture of expanded gambling in New York.
This is especially true for economics laymen such as myself, who lack the technical language in our word - banks to help us formulate a new picture of how the economy could look without relying on tired - old frames and worn - out expressions.
Coupled with the agreements made with the state's Indian tribes to share revenue and gain exclusivity rights for their casinos, the deck is being staked in favor of the amendment: A committee with the potential to raise funds quickly, a numbered analysis of the benefits and language that paints a glowing picture of expansion.
«Giving all students the same assessment regardless of their proficiency in the English language or on their developmental level yields a false picture of student achievement,» Ms. Carney said.
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