Sentences with phrase «in positions of authority»

Hearing community voices can be difficult for most folks, especially for people in positions of authority.
Someone in a position of authority over you has harmed you, neglected you, or consistently let you down.
These services are tailored for anyone in a position of authority in the corporate or business world.
As a profession, we need a handful of lawyers in positions of authority who will make the decision for us.
Remember that you are someone in a position of authority, and anger and authority are a scary combination.
Together with other women executives, I believe that through our work we have contributed to the acceptance of women in positions of authority.
In fact, bullying from adults in a position of authority such as coaches can have a much more devastating impact.
The husband is not better, wiser, smarter, or more powerful than the woman, but is placed in a position of authority.
If you start early, it will be a natural part of their relating to others in positions of authority.
In fact, the government will hold any and all parties in positions of authority within the business personally liable and accountable for the repayment of the funds.
It is not clear from the article if this priest is still in a position of authority.
People in positions of authority need to take responsibility for their authority status.
If there is one thing Nigerian football clubs have in common, it is a near - universal aversion to youth in positions of authority.
There is so much more support today for parents, teachers, couples, employers, and others traditionally in positions of authority in relationships.
These qualities aside, she is used to being the only female among males in positions of authority.
Veteran women life science researchers in positions of authority and with similar resumes as their male counterparts still make significantly less money.
This often causes people to look right past me, a female, as a capable leader in a position of authority.
The first is the role - modeling hypothesis just described — minority students might benefit from seeing adults with a similar racial / ethnic background in a position of authority.
The historical structures of schools require people in positions of authority to give permission to students, parents, and others who wish to help stop bullying.
Women were to submit to men and never to be in positions of authority over men.
The valuable consideration doesn't need to be given to someone in a position of authority, in order to meet the definition of the word.
If we have more women in positions of authority, in decision making, there is a long - term thinking that comes into play such as how can we make our children happy?
Teens with involved parents will typically display age - appropriate social behavior with peers as well as with adults in a position of authority.
There are similar tools for evaluating individuals, especially those who might be placed in a position of authority.
Susan Cain (author of Quiet) said it best: «I worry that there are people who are put in positions of authority because they're good talkers, but they don't have good ideas.
In more than a dozen cities, charter schools educate 30 % of or more of all public school students, and are creating a ripple effect uplifting entire education systems, and seating supportive education leaders who helped create alternative opportunities in positions of authority at local and state levels.
Speaking as a woman, I'll never be a member of an organization that puts men in a position of authority over me for no other reason than because he has different genitalia.
Further, we have to reckon with the sheer stupidity of which humans are capable, especially in a position of authority.
Fiduciary: one often in a position of authority who obligates himself or herself to act on behalf of another and assumes a duty to act in good faith and with care, candor, and loyalty in fulfilling the obligation [1] It should go without saying that the financial services... Read More
Unfortunately, nothing will change due to the fact that too many in positions of authority are reaping huge financial benefits from the current set - up.
The only inappropriate teacher dating settling for less is one of student and teacher - adult and minor - dating after a year person in a position of authority taking advantage of someone they have a responsibility for or to.
But, when a Christian who is in a position of authority as a minister, priest, bishop, or what have you, abuses that authority, it does cast a shadow over anyone with the label, when the issue is not the faith itself, but the position of authority and it's abuse.
Millennials now make up the largest segment of the U.S. workforce, which means a good many of these younger workers are managers in positions of authority over people older than themselves.
However, in the EMBA classroom, discussion reflects the fact that each participant is already a seasoned businessperson in a position of authority.
Paul mentions females in positions of authority in his (authentic) letters, and early Christianity was unique in pagan antiquity in that it allowed everyone to sit at the table, regardless of ethnicity, sex, or status as slave or master.
Women in black churches outnumber men by more than two to one; yet in positions of authority and responsibility the ratio is reversed.
God's power is so great that He raised Christ from the dead, and placed Christ in a position of authority over all things, both now and forever.
He's brought a humble simplicity to a station of opulence, and modeled a servant's heart in a position of authority.
No one in any position of authority in the NFL agrees with you.
But the man at the hospital is an adult and a caregiver in a position of authority to injured children, and so he should be thinking a lot harder about the impression his words will have.
That doesn't mean there is no investigation at all, just that nobody in a position of authority (i.e. Mueller) is ready to go out there and drop that bombshell.
Firms that had Democrats in positions of authority, DeLay suggested, would not be granted the ear of majority party members.
It's crucial, said Groves, that students are «able to discuss problems in confidence and informally,» and if their supervisor is also in a position of authority, they must be provided with an alternative route to air their concerns.
Indeed, it's easy for anyone in a position of authority to be reflexively self - justificatory when pushed on any of this.
Michael Hansen, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and director of the Brown Center on Education Policy, is among a number of experts who say minority students may be underperforming because they don't have role models in positions of authority — people who are helping them, and who also look like them.

Phrases with «in positions of authority»

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