Sentences with phrase «in prayer position»

Bring hands together in front of chest in prayer position.
Bring the hands together in a prayer position and then point the fingers forward, away from the body.
Draw the hands overhead and unite the palms in prayer position.
We like keeping our hands up in a prayer position for balance to get started (1).
Press the elbows into the inner sides of your thighs with your hands in a prayer position at your hearts centre.
With your legs slightly wider than hip - distance apart, your weight in your heels, bring your hands to your chest in a prayer position.
Then wrap your left arm under and in front of your right, and bring your palms together in a prayer position.
As many of you have experienced at the end of a yoga class, the teacher will bow her head with hands in prayer position in front of her heart and say «Namaste.»
Start standing up straight in Tadasana (Mountain Pose), with hands in prayer position over the chest.
To release the pose on inhalation press into the feet into the ground and and reach the arms back up towards the sky, then dropping them back down in prayer position and finally into Mountain Pose.
While you inhale, raise your arms and as you exhale, fold the hands in prayer position before your heart.
Hold both hands in prayer position with your weight remaining forwards as you tap your right foot forward then back into the lunge 8 times.
Before a prayer, I often have dancers turn and face the altar in silence, lift their arms high in outreach to God and close them in a prayer position while lowering both head and arms.
Stand on a mat in Mountain pose (face forward, feet together, arms down at your sides, weight evenly distributed) with feet hip - width apart, hands in prayer position.
Inhale; Raise your arms overhead and fold them in prayer position.
Place your hands in a prayer position and wedge your elbows between your knees.
Exhale, pivoting left toes in and right toes out; bend knees to return to squat with hands in prayer position.
Next, you can keep your hands on your hips, bring them in prayer position in front of your heart center, or lift them up over your head.
Sumo Squat With legs a bit wider than hip - width, turn toes out to 45 degrees, hands in prayer position.
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