Sentences with phrase «in prejudice against»

Although the trial court ruled that the driver's privacy was violated, the court still refused to suppress the evidence because it found the violation to be harmless error (the court essentially found that the violation of the driver's privacy did not result in any prejudice against him to justify suppression of the evidence).
Thus, expressing prejudice against one group signifies a mindset that necessarily results in prejudice against multiple stigmatized groups.
I have a wider conception of STEM degrees at four - year colleges than Lampkin does, but he's altogether correct when he points out how the progressivist nature of the sciences can corrupt other parts of the campus, especially in its prejudice against the «old.»
Your prejudice and bigotry is hysterical because the experts have already stated that social science has shown that the concerns often raised about children of lesbian and gay parents — concerns that are generally grounded in prejudice against and stereotypes about gay people — are unfounded.
Which is why they stated social science has shown that the concerns often raised about children of lesbian and gay parents — concerns that are generally grounded in prejudice against and stereotypes about gay people — are unfounded.
Social science has shown that the concerns often raised about children of lesbian and gay parents — concerns that are generally grounded in prejudice against and stereotypes about gay people — are unfounded.
The experts have stated that social science has shown that the concerns often raised about children of lesbian and gay parents — concerns that are generally grounded in prejudice against and stereotypes about gay people — are unfounded.
It is not only in their prejudices against capitalism that the liberation theologians have been found wanting.

Not exact matches

Vonda White does not believe that there is prejudice against women in entrepreneurship.
Keala Lusk, a former Uber software engineer, wrote on Medium that during her time at Uber she saw «malicious fights for power, interns repeatedly putting in over 100 hours a week but only getting paid for 40, discrimination against women, and prejudice against the transgender community.»
By anti-Semitism is here intended not the latent prejudice against Jews which is a common phenomenon in history and which, as Rabbi Joel Blau put it, «dates back to the beginnings of the Jewish people.»
Prejudice against Jews is at least as old as 1654 in North America and its negative evidences may be found in the histories of most of the clubs and colleges and residential districts of the country.
If, in your rapport - building and qualifying stages of the sales process, you discover some prejudices against your type of product, you'll have to overcome those before you can move forward.
If in the West you go to church and see a woman with her hair uncovered, the Igbo man will have a prejudice against it and ask the Igbo woman to dress like the white one does.
I will no longer temper my understanding of truth in order to pretend that I have even a tiny smidgen of respect for the appalling negativity that continues to emanate from religious circles where the church has for centuries conveniently perfumed its ongoing prejudices against blacks, Jews, women and homosexual persons with what it assumes is «high - sounding, pious rhetoric.»
that people use absurd creation myths like this to justify prejudices against people in modern society?
It would appear that prejudice is alive and well, in your mind at least, and it would seem that such against Catholics in particular (and religionists in general) is a staple of the modern FUBARLiberal class.
In fact, Chick - Fil - A IS prejudiced against ANYTHING that is non-Christian.
God's «morals» come in handy for Christian h0mophobes looking for an EXCUSE for their prejudice, but are ignored when any discussions come up that are embarrassing like support for slavery and discrimination against the handicapped.
Were religious people promoting peace when they voted down gay marriage (a civil rights issue, opponents of which will be viewed in the same light as the opponents against civil rights in the 50s and 60s) You are just so comfortable in the majority, you can't see the prejudice and bias you put on people that aren't like you.
There is, of course, always prejudice against minorities on the part of majorities; there are all kinds of ways to put minorities in an inferior position.
Whereas Nordhaus and Tobin were obviously prejudiced in favor of continuing use of GNP as the basic guide to policy, we were prejudiced against this.
It sounds as if Cardinal Grocholewski was improvising - and in so doing reawakening ideas against gay men based on antiquated prejudice
In their reaction against scientific scepticism, and scientific generalisation which were as sweeping and as prejudiced as any theological temerity, they failed to distinguish the root causes of the new unbelief from the arrogance of the unbelievers, and met with equal contempt and malediction what could only be properly answered by the careful separation of fact frompresumption and prejudice on either side.
When Christian leaders blame LGBT people for natural disasters or warn they are going to «come after» Christians, it's hard not to be reminded of what was often said about Jews in Europe to justify centuries of prejudice against them.
Seemingly, despite progress made against discrimination / prejudice against external differences (colour / race / gender), it is still perfectly acceptable in some places to discriminate against internal differences (beliefs / ideology / worldview / sexual orientation etc.) and to do so with such vehemence as to rival some of those historical examples you cited.
Four in five said Christianity isn't given the same respect as other faiths and half reported having personally experienced prejudice against their faith.
5 The Western prejudice against relativity is discussed in Hartshorne's DR.. Here, Hartshorne shows that the relative includes within itself, and exceeds in value, the nominative or absolute «as the concrete includes and exceeds the abstract» (ix).
I turn now, third and finally, to one additional line of argument in attacking the prejudice against administration; namely, a direct attack to expose the partly hidden motives of the administration - hater.
1) We truly live in a dumbed down culture, which is ignorant of, and prejudiced against, its own roots.
It is true, as John explains in the thread below, that the campaign against and especially the organized hostility to Santorum is based on some anti-Catholic prejudice.
Consideration of examples such as this may help to dispel the prejudice against the study of manners within the formal curriculum, by showing that people in other well - developed and successful cultures have considered the refinement of interpersonal relationships the central objective of education.
The study of the structures of religious groups should be carried on without prejudice in favor of one or the other principle of organization, e.g., the charismatic as against the hierarchical, or vice versa — and application of the general methodological requirement discussed above.
But because the couple are from the minority Parsi community - part of the Zoroastrian religion, a minority faith founded in ancient Persia - their fate highlights, some say, how prejudice against outsiders in Balochistan makes them easy targets for increasingly powerful criminal gangs.
Since it is more important for a proposition to be interesting than true, the traditional regard for propositions as the matter for judgments and the bias towards truth (even the expression «truth - value» is prejudiced against false propositions) has nearly dealt a fatal blow to the understanding of propositions» dynamic role in the universe.
This reveals some sort of prejudice in Nathaniel's heart against the people of Nazareth.
The last acceptable prejudice to have in this country is against Catholics.
That argument worked for Kennedy in 1960 when he was running for president against anti-Catholic prejudice.
Where do we start to make amends, think of the people we have prejudices against and change our attitudes towards them, even when the Humble Pie sticks in our craw, that is another germanic word meaning throat.
This oddity of language reflects a deeply felt prejudice against the theatrical arts that can be traced all the way back to the pre «Socratics» in other words, to the very point when theater began in the West.
John Wesley said bearing false witness is «speaking falsely in any matter» including «lying, equivocating, and any way devising and designing to deceive our neighbour,» or to speak «unjustly against our neighbour, to the prejudice of his reputation.»
Since Latinos and African Americans are disproportionately Catholic and evangelical, Opinion 385, in effect, reinforces prejudice and discrimination against these ethnic minority groups.
Equality in the country is sometimes taken by Christians as prejudice against Christians on occasion, but only because the church has lost much of its influence (understandably, considering) on laws and government.
The Hemlock Society was thus able to depict itself as a proponent of rational choice, while simultaneously exploiting prejudice against the religious minority in general and Catholics in particular.
I myself have had to struggle against feelings of superiority and prejudice in regard to gays.
The percentage of racially prejudiced people among the so - called «Christians» is very high in my experience.I was raised among the Southern White religionists and they were not patriotic Americans in any since except economically, but were united 100 % against the people described by the «N» word.
A more balanced and realistic approach is found in another study, titled The Prejudice against Homosexuals and the Ministry of the Church, published by the Washington State Catholic Conference in 1983.
Here «the manner in which Church teaching is conveyed» is acknowledged as contributing to the prejudices against gay and lesbian people.
He went against the grain in thinking that prejudices are not necessarily bad; he went so far as to say that they are absolutely» essential for there to be any understanding at all.
I feel that most white people in the USA who claim to be very religious are very racially prejudiced against anyone considered of «COLOR» which includes blacks, hispanice etc..
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