Sentences with phrase «in private sessions»

Or, you might enroll in private sessions with a trainer or wellness coach.
** If a child is unable to meet these expectations in a group setting, you have the option of enrolling in private sessions in preparation for group work.
Private training sessions: anything can be covered in a private session: manners, loose leash walking, tricks, or behavior management.
Yoga asana, guided breath work and meditation, restorative yoga, pelvic floor yoga, Reiki and aromatherapy are some of the practices you will experience in private sessions with me.
- While the next official Tudor United SportsCar Championship test will be the Roar Before the Rolex 24 on Jan. 3 - 5, several teams will participate in private sessions as follow up to the November tests...
While the next official Tudor United SportsCar Championship test will be the Roar Before the Rolex 24 on Jan. 3 - 5, several teams will participate in private sessions as follow up to the November tests at Sebring International Raceway and Daytona International Speedway.
Before the meeting, 30 of us met Trump in a private session in Trump Tower.
Cuomo is set to brief state legislators in private sessions on Tuesday in Albany.
In private sessions Saturday, 22 school teams from around the country will toss around ideas on how schools can help to broaden the rigid notion of «success» that has taken hold on so many hyper - competitive campuses — high grades, top test scores and acceptance into prestigious colleges.
Getting that much coaching in private sessions would cost over $ 1000, but you can listen in for free when you join the PATH Program!
But his involvement with the new body, and his presence in the private session, has drawn criticism from David Grandeau, a former aide to the now - defunct Temporary Commission on State Lobbying.
Miller helped Nevergold highlight the board's Code of Conduct, which does not allow board members to share information discussed in private sessions with the public.
We were properly advised that it was lawful for us to meet with counsel in a private session to review the viability of a petition to remove a member from the Board.
A key part of Mach's offering is its ability to help people in private sessions — nobody else needs to know what the system told you and you get to keep your data.
For example, if you are both a yoga teacher and a physical therapist with appropriate insurance, it would be within your scope of practice to make a manual adjustment to a student in a private session.
Connect with your intuitive self or find deeper healing in a private session with a specialized Miraval expert.
It is ideal for clients to book a one - on - one session with Sarah before taking the group class to have a clear understanding of your pelvic health concerns and how they are addressed in a private session vs. in a group class.
What I see in class and in private sessions absolutely upholds what the experts are finding.
Singles can gain added insight from her 20 years of interpersonal experience in a private session called the Ultimate Straight Talk Dating Advice.
Every participant will be offered the 100 - question test, and can get results (in a private session later on) for a special $ 50 deal.
The super-wealthy have access to high - priced financial advice and financial advisors are more likely to report what we have learned from the academic research of the past 30 years in private sessions with their wealthy clients than they are in television or newspaper reports that would inflame Buy - and - Holders.
I have been to many group classes, but we never got the individual attention and expertise that Julie provided in her private sessions.
However, If you get the below image, you should refresh or try again in another private session / Incognito mode.
As you can see above in the photo taken by the lovely Jessica Villarreal of Girls Got Game / All Games Interactive, I got to spend some time rocking out with a few other gaming journalists in a private session with all the new Rock Band 2 stuff, and it felt just like Rock Band one, which is exactly how it should feel.
«Prior to holding a private session with a participant, other than a pre-mediation interview, the mediator must ensure that each participant agrees whether or not information disclosed in the private session is confidential.»
On May 3rd, families were able to speak in private sessions, held by a Philadelphia arbitrator, about the effects the tragedy had on their families.
Do you have questions you would like answered in a private session with a Trainer at LexisNexis?
Individuals accessing gambling help counselling meet with a counsellor in a private session, where the counsellor will invite the individual to explain what has prompted them to seek help and what they are hoping will happen to improve the difficulties they are currently experiencing.
Often as a follow - up to a workshop, Damian works directly with individual couples in private sessions.
Bill Eddy will describe a program that is available in private sessions with trained counselors and online and has been proven effective.
Address your individual concerns in private sessions with a qualified professional.
In family therapy, Damian works with parents and children together in private sessions to practice more effective communication skills.
The New York state ethics commission met Tuesday, and spent most of its time in a private session, as a key appointee of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver resigned from the board.
«In my private sessions with Amy, I learn, expand and heal, and I leave more vivid in every way.
Cuomo has threatened not to approve a spending plan that didn't include his proposals to change ethics and education laws, but according to Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, a Bronx Democrat, has not mentioned it in private session.
The Joint Commission on Public Ethics, or JCOPE, met Tuesday and spent most of its time in a private session, as Patrick Bulgaro, a key appointee of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, resigned from the board.
Over the past several years I have attended many of Cyndi's yoga classes, in groups and in private sessions.
«One of the absolute best, most transformative yoga experiences I've had was in a private session with Amber.
In private sessions, the Yoga for Slow Living ℠ approach includes modalities such as Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy and iRest Yoga Nidra ® along with Restorative Yoga and Meditation, as well as Lifestyle Wellness coaching.
In our private sessions, we dig deep into what's really going on.
In private sessions, I meet students where they are.
In a private session with me, you can expect to have a highly personalized and effective session, to be seen and heard, and to learn something about your practice, yourself and your unique role in this world.
Whether he is working «in field» or in a private session, Hunt has a wonderful personality and attitude, and can work with even the most challenging of Clients.»
In the private sessions we can point out specifics and replay any reactivity, when needed, to help clients with the hands on knowledge to continue the training in their own territory.
In a private session, you will receive personalized attention from of our Nordic Pros, helping you advance as quickly as possible.
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