Sentences with phrase «in quotidian»

It is so entrenched in our quotidian affairs that we take it for granted.
Faisal Kutty mentions a lecture on Muslim «blackface» in Orientalism by Dr. Ariel Salzmann, on «the use of denigrating Muslim stereotypes in quotidian Western European culture.»
But journalists of lesser mettle were easily fooled or simply too caught up in the quotidian pressures of meeting deadlines.
If we can see the grace in quotidian landscapes and our everyday routines then perhaps we can begin to make better choices.
They are fantastic visions rooted in the quotidian.
Conceptual artist Hreinn Fridfinnsson often uses found objects in his art to reveal new meaning in the quotidian.
Sometimes infused with a sly sense of humor, Pierson's work is inherently autobiographical; often using his friends as his models and referencing traditional Americana motifs, his bright yet distanced imagery reveals the undercurrents of the uncanny in the quotidian.
She rejected the metaphysics and scale of AbEx painting, replacing this once - dominant form with a loose but measured geometry that exuded an interest in the quotidian, echoing aspects of the structures around her — doors and windows, for example.
Many of the early Video Drawings depict athletes in motion and have a vaguely conspiratorial quality to them, as if they're revealing urgent truths encoded in quotidian events.
Looking at the paintings, which feature teenagers having sex in quotidian domestic settings or en plein air, the viewer is compelled to ask whether the process, which breaks down the barrier between seeing and touching, is an erotic experience for the seventy - something artist.
Pérez Córdova's interest in quotidian events underlines how unremarkable situations can be compelling acts associated with a complex infrastructure of social or economic relationships.
The artist makes portraits of undocumented Latin American immigrants, and of other distinct communities, using the focused attention of observational painting to mark those who are socially unmarked in society, along with the apparently anonymous goods that constitute a transnational trade in quotidian objects such as flowers, garments, handcrafts and letters.
Lungiswa Gqunta creates installations, sculptures and audio - visual work revealing the hidden structures that perpetuate the legacy of colonialism in South Africa as presented to us in the quotidian form of the suburban garden and the leisure activities that takes place there.
Part of a generation of artists that reacted against the dominant action - oriented, gestural style of Abstract Expressionism, Wesselmann took interest in quotidian, figurative, and popular subject matter, as well as the representational and graphic qualities afforded by collage.
This relationship determines an equivalence between space and time, according to the theory of relativity and is widely found in the quotidian reality that we live every day.
With the several large paintings and stack - cardboard - box sculptures on view, Toren looks to find in the quotidian ample evidence of the supramundane... read more
The wood paneling in the portrait's background gives the work a nostalgic, homey feel and reminds us of women creatively composing themselves in quotidian, ordinary spaces.
That sensibility extends to her nudes (neither idealized nor misshapen), engaging in quotidian chores amidst a fertile landscape.
Vertical sculptures examining how people instil sensual and spiritual meaning in quotidian objects occupy the central position of the gallery; Ugo Rondinone's orange yellow green blue pink red mountain (2015) work, for example, features mountain stones painted with day - glo colours recalling ritualistic totems.
Sonsini, born in 1950 in Rome, New York, previously compared his painting practice to street photography, emphasizing its spontaneity and intense interest in quotidian detail.
Perhaps the notion of The Undocument here comes in the form of the risks the members of the Lexington Camera Club took with analogue experimentation and their ability to create compositional tension in quotidian domestic scenes and landscapes.
With the objective of discovery and enlightenment directed toward the everyday, Schonzeit illuminates splendor in quotidian reality in order to connect his audience to his work.
This grounds his work in the quotidian texts and visuals of our daily lives — the currency of exchange — the detritus of the collective unconscious that has become ever more universal in the social networks of our contemporary life.
Today she continues to create hyper - realistic sculpture in the tradition made famous by John De Andrea and the late Duane Hanson, but unlike the work of her male peers, who specialize in quotidian and unglamorous figures, Feuerman luxuriates in her models» grace and beauty — and their triumphant spirit.
Beshty writes further that DeFeo's object: «would appear in photographs of her home and studio, the images positioned uncomfortably between works of art, studies, and simple documentation, showing the object in its mundane existence, a nod to its modest belonging in the quotidian.
It carries pleasing echoes of Jim Jarmusch's Paterson, which, besides its structure grounded in quotidian repetition, its undercurrent of existential questions and its tracking of incremental internal shifts, it also shares with Lucky both a veteran protagonist and Barry Shabaka Henley in the role of a proprietor whose establishment the protagonist frequents.
What makes it our favorite movie in an exceptional year for them is the way that Lonergan, the playwright - turned - filmmaker behind Margaret and You Can Count On Me, manages to ground a family tragedy of staggering proportions in the quotidian crap of everyday life.
Grounds the life - and - death struggles of the downtrodden in the quotidian: where to sleep, how to get clean, who to love.
McEwan's theme, exquisitely celebrated in the adaptation by Stephen Butchard, the direction by Julian Farino and enviable performances by Cumberbatch, Macdonald and Moore, especially, is about the nature of childhood itself, about how it becomes subsumed in the quotidian routines of adulthood.
They taught me too that our biggest questions, our deepest desires and fears and joys, often meet us in the quotidian challenges of marriage, parenting and home life — at the 3 a.m. feeding, in the tantrum at Costco, amidst piles of dirty laundry, at the community playground, in the bouquet of weeds left carefully on your pillow.
It reconnects us, in quotidian observance, with the great meta - story that remains true even when everything conspires to make us believe it too good - at any rate, too bizarre - to be true.
It's not as important as seeking the Kingdom in the quotidian rhythms of the everyday.
The ending, which I won't ruin here, beautifully captures this faith in quotidian things and mankind's inexhaustible capacity for wonder.

Not exact matches

Suffice it to say that there are few quotidian moments in Gerard's account of a life and an apostolate lived for nearly twenty years against the background of the real risk of arrest, imprisonment, torture and horrible, but longed for, martyrdom.
Written from Jerusalem: Walking through the narrow, winding streets of Jerusalem's Old City on my first visit here in fifteen years, I was powerfully struck once again by the grittiness of Christianity, the palpable connection between the faith and the quotidian realities of life.
The world of Psalms is often pragmatic, anchored in the immediacy and the urgent concerns of quotidian existence.
The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy and «Women's Work» (Madeleva Lecture in Spirituality) by Kathleen Norris.
So, too, the Spirit, inhaled and exhaled in a million quotidian ways, animates, revives, nourishes, sustains, speaks.
I find God in the ordinary quotidian rhythms of my life, I do.
«I have come to believe that the true mystics of the quotidian are not those who contemplate holiness in isolation, reaching godlike illumination in serene silence, but those who manage to find God in a life filled with noise, the demands of other people and relentless daily duties that can consume the self.»
I studied The Quotidian Mysteries and prayed the prayers of Brother Lawrence, who famously declared that «the time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer; and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen... I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament.»
And I wonder if Jesus wasn't reminding his disciples that faith isn't manifested in flashy magic tricks, or pointless, self congratulatory displays of power, or in destruction and uprooting, but in daily acts of faithfulness — those quotidian acts of obedience that grow the kingdom, one carefully tended little mustard seed at a time.
November (Domesticity): - Martha Stewart's Cooking School - Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook - The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy, and «Women's Work» by Kathleen Norris - The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence - Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald - The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Shaeffer - Next to Godliness: Finding the Sacred in Housekeeping by Alice Peck
Fever Pitch is about the quotidian and what one man can learn about himself by participating in the national obsession; The Soccer Diaries starts with a child in search of something thoroughly other, a citizen cheating on his own country's sporting culture.
Tough also leaves out the work of world - renowned child development researcher Ed Tronick, who describes everyday or «quotidian» resilience that develops over time in early childhood in an attuned caregiving environment.
In the bedroom, lactation became quotidian, an entirely healthy part of my body.
Bujalski takes a sledgehammer to the carefully ordered surfaces and dramatic conventions of narrative cinema, favoring instead an unpredictability in which the crosscurrents of quotidian life collide on the screen in a series of brilliantly alive patterns.
The look of the film complements the pervasive dourness; cinematographer Rachel Morrison captures this purgatorial locale with the same kind of gray - green quotidian palette favored by Tim Orr in his collaborations with David Gordon Green.
Yasujiro Ozu's ode to childhood interweaves observations of human behavior with the simple surfaces of quotidian life in Tokyo.
One hundred and twenty - seven pages into this substantial biography of Eric Rohmer, Antoine de Baecque and Noël Herpe, having described their subject's quotidian routines, throw up their hands in seeming...
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