Sentences with phrase «in radical freedom»

In this time, when powerful forces are seeking to mold, manipulate, and define culture and consciousness altogether, art and artists (who habitually deal in radical freedom) can indeed be a bulwark and a cathartic inspiration.
One is hard put to conceive of a more wholistic understanding of the self in its radical freedom.

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Metaxas explains that the US is not bound by ethnic identity or geography, but by a radical idea based on liberty and freedom for all, and that Americans must reconnect with this idea or risk losing the foundation of what made the US exceptional in the first place.
We follow a parenting / educational philosophy called radical unschooling which is very much based on gentle parenting and allowing your children the freedom to work out what their interests are and giving them freedom to learn in a connection partnership with their parents.
I love being Catholic, but there are a few things I miss: the freedom I shared with my brethren in spontaneous prayer; the radical openness to God that asked «What is God doing?»
Wary of the dangers that radical subjectivism and moral fanaticism pose for social solidarity and cultural coexistence, he urges us to practice humility, civility, and humor in our political dealings while holding fast to core principles such as individual freedom and human rights.
suffering, true sociality, as qualities of the divine, along with radical differences (as we shall see) in the meanings ascribed to creation, the universe, human freedom, and in the arguments for the existence of God, those inclined to think that any view that is intimately connected with theological traditions must have been disposed of by this time should also beware lest they commit a non sequitur.
The «orthodox» Protestant may say that he tolerates radical heresies in his Church only for the sake of freedom of conscience and teaching, but that they are not for this reason part of the official creed of his Church, while that of the Catholic Church includes doctrines which he must reject in conscience, even if it were only the doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope or perhaps a Marian dogma.
What Kant perceived as «radical evil,» rendering the freedom of man subservient to the mechanisms of nature that persisted in him, takes on an even darker and more subtle turn in this emergent situation.
What it proposes is akin to the existentialist search for radical freedom for man, and the acceptance of the risks of being; but process philosophy is closer than existentialism to the classical philosophies in its search for an intelligible metaphysics.
However, as a social being man lives necessarily in community, and though he is the subject of radical freedom, he is yet not its abstract subject, confronted, as it were, with the variety of its indifferent possibilities.
The presence of such radical freedom means that the part ceases to play any role in the configuration of the whole.
That council shook up the Catholic Church in much the same radical and vigorous way that the stirrings of freedom and democracy rocked the Eastern bloc countries last year.
The eschaton of radical freedom for all is inevitable, the forces of History will sweep toward their ultimate victory — and therefore it is essential that every good citizen accept liberalism (communism) in his heart and promote it publicly, eagerly detecting and shaming bias (class interest) and intolerance (oppression).
FOX news is reporting that radical fundamentalist Tea Party patriot «heroes» have defended freedom in a very Christian and Second Amendment way against the «Islamo - Fascist Communist Libtard Socialist Kenyan - by - birth squirrel - homo Bippy», while CBS is reporting that Bippy was the victim of one Cleetus Joe Dogwanker of Klanton, Mississississississippippippississippi, who they are reporting simply saw a good opportunity for an afternoon snack of deep - fried - chocolate - covered - bacon - wrapped - squirrel - roadkill - on - a-stick, and of course, CNN is reporting on WalMart unveiling Black Friday deals.
That is why I indicated at the beginning that there is danger that our freedom to speak in radical ways as paid servants of the church may not last.
The radical muslims that terrorized America, along with their supporters, hate the cross of Jesus Christ... so, you atheists are not alone in your stand against religious freedom.
The personhood of the Creator is manifested in his radically free relationship to the created world, the radical freedom of agape, the love that gives being.
What the Essay on Radical Evil teaches about freedom, indeed, is that this same power that duty imputes to us is in reality a non-power; the «propensity for evil» has become «corrupt nature,» although evil is still only a manner of being of the freedom which comes to it from freedom.
This radical mystery of freedom continues in the free act of the subject as such.
Thus is posed in radical terms the question of the real causality of our freedom, the very same freedom which the Practical Reason postulated at the end of its Dialectic.
This led Brague to the Biblical roots of the Western idea of freedom, where we can find something completely fresh — a basic, radical new idea that comes before all other talk of what it means to be free in our society.
In addition to such practical distancing of objects, there is a more radical form in which the object is accorded its freedom also from the interests of the subjecIn addition to such practical distancing of objects, there is a more radical form in which the object is accorded its freedom also from the interests of the subjecin which the object is accorded its freedom also from the interests of the subject.
A substantial sector of religious America, for example, sees the firefight in Waco as an attack on radical religion and places the cutting edge of religious freedom in the defense of cults» free exercise rights.
The radical freedom found in the world can not finally overthrow him; his love is supreme over all.
Brague focused on the freshness of Christian freedom, the «radical new beginning» that it engenders in a more primitive stage of being than the political sphere (more on this below).
And since the world has a radical freedom, being in fact the realm of choice, such as we know at the human level in conscious decision but which in differing mode is present at every level, this may be not only a «natural» recalcitrance but a quite definitely elected refusal to move.
In this second half of Romans 13 we see Paul, a radical Jew, excited about the dawning of the day of liberation, and calling on his readers to live as those who have already tasted of that freedom — and to do so in how they love not only each other, but strangers and enemieIn this second half of Romans 13 we see Paul, a radical Jew, excited about the dawning of the day of liberation, and calling on his readers to live as those who have already tasted of that freedom — and to do so in how they love not only each other, but strangers and enemiein how they love not only each other, but strangers and enemies.
People tend to transform Christianity into a religion because the Christian faith obviously places people in an extremely uncomfortable position that of freedom guided only by love and all in the context of God's radical demand that we be holy.
The radical, prophetic freedom of God is fully realized when we see the face of God in our victims and our enemies» (p. 122).
The crucial significance of religious humanism for new turns in religious thought consists in its illumination of radical freedom / autonomy as the essence of human reality and its program to construct a systematic theology / philosophy on the exclusively anthropological foundation of the functional ultimacy of humankind as the theological singular.
But neither does Derrida's philosophy in its basic presuppositions advocate a radical relativism and a denial of freedom as some of his interpreters propose.
But instead he have to persuade Moslem newspaper all over the world not to print headlines of «Islam is under attack», instead it should print; I, Rauf has learn tolerance and freedom to change religions in America, it is very good, many (stupid) American has convert to Islam, also to print «the Muslim radical in the Muslim world» have to realize that the American troops are educating our barbarian manners into a modern democratic tolerant society such as me, Rauf has received here in America.
The societal view effects an even more radical change in the process conception of God's freedom.
Conservatives, radicals suggest, stress democratic process and freedom more than justice in order to rationalize the economic self - interest that exploits the poor.
Freedom is not and can not be achieved unless the society is based on justice, radical justice, in which the worth of every life is equally affirmed.
Against the institution's detractors» from Marx to radical feminists to Michel Foucault's theories about oppressive «disciplining» mechanisms» the family provides the modern world with a zone of freedom joined to responsibility in a way that no other institution does or could.
In Section 1, I noted the closely related argument, common among process thinkers, that the separation of God and creativity results in improvements in theodicy because it establishes a radical freedom for the creatures, where God does not create the creatures» particular decisionIn Section 1, I noted the closely related argument, common among process thinkers, that the separation of God and creativity results in improvements in theodicy because it establishes a radical freedom for the creatures, where God does not create the creatures» particular decisionin improvements in theodicy because it establishes a radical freedom for the creatures, where God does not create the creatures» particular decisionin theodicy because it establishes a radical freedom for the creatures, where God does not create the creatures» particular decisions.
There is a radical capacity in human freedom to create realms of meaning and reshape the world, but it can also deny meaning to existence, reject God, and plunge toward self - destruction.
The most important element in the Franciscan doctrine of love is related to Joachim's theme of radical freedom.
Yet the Reformers combined this radical freedom with the insistence that the new life is lived in the community of the church with its tradition, its scriptural authority and the celebration of the sacraments, for now the church is known as the community which God creates by his grace.
By positing a profound tension between freedom and reason (or, in his construction, will and reason), Ockham created a situation in which there are only two options: determinisms of a biological, racial, or ideological sort, or the radical relativism that, married to irrationalism, eventually yields nihilism.
The fact that the Christian passion for humanity may resemble other forms of humanism which appear to owe nothing to specific Christian origin or inspiration, and that humanists outside the Christian tradition can make a common commitment with Christians to enlarge and enhance the human and humane, does not mean that these individuals» differing sources of humanism are to be treated deprecatingly or indifferently; Christians will see in those sources evidence of the radical freedom and the unpredictable activity of the Logos, to which the Fourth Gospel first gave witness.
Radical changes in sexual self - expression accompanied an unprecedented freedom from fear of conception.
The freedom which is given in Christ is radical insecurity from the human standpoint or from that of social structures and technical and political forces.
The social gospel made a novel, radical and far - reaching contribution to Christianity and society by claiming that Christianity has a mission to transform the structures of society in the direction of equality, freedom and community.
Kierkegaard would call this a «leap of faith» and Sartre would call it «radical freedom», but in either case it is up to you decide what is important to you and act accordingly.
«The ability to choose who governs us, and the freedom to change laws we do not like, were secured for us in the past by radicals and liberals who took power from unaccountable elites and placed it in the hands of the people.
Like his father, he is a Republican who has little regard for the party line and believes in a philosophy that might best be described as radical individual freedom — privatize as many functions as possible and reduce government to its barest bones.
A bit radical, he's for collecting phone data and monitoring mosques, stating that (more or less) «preaching anything jihad isn't in our freedom of speech, so we should listen in to make sure nothing is happening.»
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