Sentences with phrase «in regard to the church»

It looks like you and I are traveling along similar paths... especially in regard to the church.
As the actual Church in fact does not fulfill it, does not advocate concrete social demands energetically enough, does not dissociate itself radically or quickly enough from dying social forms, does not stigmatize nuclear warfare profoundly enough (all this according to the opinion of these Christians, which objectively is by no means necessarily false), they experience one disappointment after another in regard to the Church, protest against it, hurt and irritated, and turn into lay defeatists.
The conservative is bold to reject such an imperial conclusion in regard to the church, but not in regard to the Bible.)
We live in a time of extraordinary self - consciousness in regard to the church.
A rising gay / lesbian consciousness performed a similar function in regard to the church's heterosexism.
Yes, terrible things have happened in regards to the Church, but how much different is the rest of humanity?
We've all read the nauseating statistics that disparage Millennials in regards to church.

Not exact matches

In this regard, patriarch Bartholomew and metropolitan John Zizioulas are notable exceptions, who staunchly oppose Orthodox fundamentalism and manifest a greater openness of the church leadership to the world.
An evangelical caucus, formed early in the Assembly, issued programmatic recommendations to the policy committee, and, at the conclusion of the Assembly, released a letter to churches and fellow evangelicals regarding their experiences.
At the root of the question you pose, and beyond any apparent theological dispute, we must keep in mind that we are addressing a problem that casts doubt on the fact that it is necessary for the Church always to remain faithful to the doctrine of Jesus, whose words in this regard are absolutely clear.
I do not attend any kind of church or social gatherings in regards to my non-religious beliefs.
HI Susan - I want to share some information regarding the mormon church and women in the church.
The question of women's ordination is regarded as church - dividing, at least from the Orthodox angle... Consequently I think we on the Lutheran side have to think about whether progress in dialogue is to be expected at all.»
Substantially, Gahl says: In the moment in which the penitent confesses a behavior that constitutes gravely sinful matter, committed without full consciousness and deliberate consent, the confessor will explain to him the doctrine of the Church regarding his particular problem and will refuse to impart absolution if the penitent will not commit himself in the future to avoid that behavioIn the moment in which the penitent confesses a behavior that constitutes gravely sinful matter, committed without full consciousness and deliberate consent, the confessor will explain to him the doctrine of the Church regarding his particular problem and will refuse to impart absolution if the penitent will not commit himself in the future to avoid that behavioin which the penitent confesses a behavior that constitutes gravely sinful matter, committed without full consciousness and deliberate consent, the confessor will explain to him the doctrine of the Church regarding his particular problem and will refuse to impart absolution if the penitent will not commit himself in the future to avoid that behavioin the future to avoid that behavior.
Ask them to train you and provide honest constructive criticism regarding your work, and ask them about the areas of neglect in the local arts community that your church could help to fill.
It's high time the Catholic Church embraced the 21st century with regard to women's reproductive rights and women's rightful place in the church, such as serving as priests and biChurch embraced the 21st century with regard to women's reproductive rights and women's rightful place in the church, such as serving as priests and bichurch, such as serving as priests and bishops.
What saddens me is that the church, which should be leading the way in that regard, proves itself again and again to be the greatest stumbling block to that unity.
Indeed, I have a treasured memory that gives me hope in this regard: I was once a member of an inner - city Reformed congregation that was also home to a woman from the neighborhood who considered this congregation her parish church, as it were.
This image reminded me of the gracious convo we had on FB last night in regards to my leaving my church after being asked to join the board.
I think those of us who cringe at the «v - word» are not referring to necessary rules or agendas in regards to the regular functions of a church community.
If those in the church who are in favor of changing long - held attitudes and ordinances relating to homosexuals were merely cultural relativists with no regard for the Bible or tradition, the debate would be easier.
Orthodox Jews have been expelled from the military for wearing yarmulkes; a religious community in which all members worked for the church and believed that acceptance of wages would be an affront to God has been forced to yield to the minimum wage; religious colleges have been denied tax exemptions for enforcing what they regard to be religiously compelled moral regulations; Amish farmers who refuse Social Security benefits have been forced to pay Social Security taxes; and Muslim prisoners have been denied the right to challenge prison regulations that conflict with their worship schedule.
Furthermore, Hoge and Wenger discovered a consensus among judicatory officers regarding pastors who have left local church ministry: «These pastors tended to be loners in the district or presbytery, for whatever reason not part of ministerial friendship groups or action groups.
You are projecting the religious claims of other Christian denominations in regards to heaven and hell onto the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints but you are markedly incorrect.
Few things are uglier than a thoroughly irascible person, and it is clear why very early in the history of the church anger came to be regarded as one of the seven deadly vices.
I have had some changes in my theology regarding church, and I now believe that we don't plant churches or go to church, but we ARE the church by loving the people around us whom God brings into our lives.
The church can not just say no to these people in regard to this procedure.
The purpose of my project was to unpack and explore the phrase «biblical womanhood» — mostly because, as a woman, the Bible's instructions and stories regarding womanhood have always intrigued me, but also because the phrase «biblical womanhood» is often invoked in the conservative evangelical culture to explain why women should be discouraged from working outside the home and forbidden from assuming leadership positions in the church.
What is less clear to me is why complementarians like Keller insist that that 1 Timothy 2:12 is a part of biblical womanhood, but Acts 2 is not; why the presence of twelve male disciples implies restrictions on female leadership, but the presence of the apostle Junia is inconsequential; why the Greco - Roman household codes represent God's ideal familial structure for husbands and wives, but not for slaves and masters; why the apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy about Ephesian women teaching in the church are universally applicable, but his instructions to Corinthian women regarding head coverings are culturally conditioned (even though Paul uses the same line of argumentation — appealing the creation narrative — to support both); why the poetry of Proverbs 31 is often applied prescriptively and other poetry is not; why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the supremecy of male leadership while Deborah and Huldah and Miriam are mere exceptions to the rule; why «wives submit to your husbands» carries more weight than «submit one to another»; why the laws of the Old Testament are treated as irrelevant in one moment, but important enough to display in public courthouses and schools the next; why a feminist reading of the text represents a capitulation to culture but a reading that turns an ancient Near Eastern text into an apologetic for the post-Industrial Revolution nuclear family is not; why the curse of Genesis 3 has the final word on gender relationships rather than the new creation that began at the resurrection.
I found the apostle Paul's instructions to the Corinthian church especially helpful in this regard.
* Note: I acknowledge there are many other racial and ethnic issues to be addressed by the Church regarding ethnic groups living in the U.S.. However, I am primarily speaking to the issue I know and live while trying to respect the fact that only so many things can be discussed in one blog post.
Second, their deaths «afford church communities the chance to recognise in each other what all Christians regard as the truest devotion to Christ - following him in his death on the cross.»
The charismatics at that time were generally regarded as being a bit odd — as indeed some perhaps were in those early days before John Paul, with the aid of the magnificent Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI), called them to a realisation of their place with Peter in the fullness of the Church and to growing Eucharistic and Marian devotion.
These have never died out in our churches altogether, but they have lost much in intensity and have come to be regarded as optional rather than central to our participation in the movement.
Thus Fuchs has carried through with regard to Jesus» action the same thesis which Käsemann presented with regard to his message: in the message and action of Jesus is implicit an eschatological understanding of his person, which becomes explicit in the kerygma of the primitive Church.
In this relationship between Church and state, the government fosters a marketplace of ideas where religious exploration and expression are open — where men and women of all faiths are able to reason together regarding how to flourish alongside one another.
So please feel free to participate no matter your theological convictions regarding women in church leadership.)
Then, too, Christians are convinced that the church can no longer play its traditional role in regard to the poor — the role of assistance, partial response, individual aid, palliative measures — because, as they see it, the problem is no longer that of the poor individual but of the system; and to ameliorate the situation of some poor people is in fact to reinforce the system, and to end injustice for one individual is to refrain from combating social injustice.
The apostle Paul writing to the church in Ephesus encouraged them «with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self... and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.»
«When taking vows as elders at Coral Ridge, each individual commits before God to strive for the purity, peace, and unity of the church,» Coral Ridge stated to CT. «We are saddened that these two elders failed in their vows by withholding this information regarding our former senior pastor, which has since caused many families and churches much harm.»
For Catholic schools to be a worthwhile enterprise for the Church, they must survive and flourish as institutions where pupils grow in a «personal relationship with Jesus» which includes following the teaching of Jesus, through His Church, that we should attend Mass every Sunday, go to confession regularly, say our prayers and be loyal to the magisterium - especially in its moral teaching regarding the sanctity of human life, and the meaning and purpose of sex and marriage, in accord with Humanae Vitae and Evangelium Vitae.
Sent to New York by the Government to study education, he was disgusted by what he regarded as the lack of real spirituality in the churches.
«If the Church does not regard Israel from a Christian point of view,» he remarked, «if it does not recognize the theological significance of this people, having a national destiny that can be cultivated only in Zion, the Church has no right to pass judgment on Israel.»
Instead, the Church too often seems to front a position of defensiveness regarding science, a defensiveness that is not lost on the younger generation of Catholics pursuing careers in biology, physics and chemistry, to say nothing of medicine.
Hopefully, this clarification in regard to homosexuality as the basic problem that caused the crisis will result in a number of new steps being taken to protect the Church, the priesthood and teenagers and children.»
Writing on the subject of Arminianism, Piper asks, «But how should we regard these errors in relationship to the teaching office of the church and other institutions?»
In answer to a question about the attitude of churches to the occupation, I was criticised for implying that I regard the Messianic churches as an abomination.
There is also nothing new here; the church and many other scholars have been well aware of the impossibility of fixing a date for Jesus» birth for millennia, due to a near complete lack of detail in that regard in the bible.
From Gregory XVI to the Declaration of Vatican II on toleration, the Church traveled a long way before it could formulate its position in regard to modern society in a many - sided and to some extent mature form.
There is immutable divine law in the Church and the Church in its clear unclouded awareness of the faith has always been conscious of the fact in regard to such fundamental laws as a whole.
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