Sentences with phrase «in religious»

F. C. Happold, for example, in his Religious Faith and Twentieth - Century Man, published in 1966, spoke of the mystical «as as a way out of the spiritual dilemma of modern man.»
In religious courts the judge usually passes judgment according to the canonical interpretation of the school of law which the suitors follow.
Rather they emphasize the experience of mystical illumination and seek in their religious action to overcome all dualisms and find unity with nature and the universe.
We first connected through a mutual interest in religious freedom behind the iron curtain; within a few weeks, Bohdan was giving me private tutorials in the history and culture of his native land, including an in - depth introduction to the story of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC)....
For me, this shows that INTERPRETATION is found in ALL religious books!
Value is also involved in the religious concept of faith.
5:14) The slave was required and to participate in religious observances (Gen. 17:13; Exodus 12:44; Lev.
But it is so open to be all - inclusive, all - consuming, like a unifying theory that applies to everyone from atheist to believer in any religious or spiritual tradition, that most wouldn't accept me as a part of their club.
The whole animistic approach to man, which in both religious thought and philosophical analysis can be traced back to man's earliest attempts to understand himself, has been destroyed by the modern sciences most closely related to the study of man.
The author of Sexless in the City: A Memoir of Reluctant Chastity, she holds an M.A. in religious studies from Arizona State University and has written for The Atlantic website, Books and Culture, Paste, The Journal of the History of Sexuality, Christianity Today, Beliefnet and other publications.
It's always best if women don't involve at all in religious leadership positions except for certain emergencies.
«So religious wars has that beat over 809 million people have died in religious wars.»
But delusions «quite often» manifest themselves in a religious way, said Bonnie, who in addition to teaching directs his university's Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy.
One of the creative process philosophers, Charles Hartshorne, states in the beginning of Man's Vision of God his conviction that «a magnificent intellectual content — far surpassing that of such systems as Thomism, Spinozism, German idealism, positivism (old or new) is implicit in the religious faith most briefly expressed in the three words, God is love».1 If this be true what is needed is not the discarding of metaphysics but the exploration of this new possibility in the doctrine of God's being.
The metaphor of governor is allowed into the discussion, but sinfulness is seen as existing exclusively in religious and economic systems that oppress the poor.
To the extent that they are careless about their instruction in the faith, or present its teaching falsely, or even fail in their religious, moral, or social life, they must be said to conceal rather than to reveal the true nature of God and of religion.»
As might be guessed, the Konigsberg kid was submerged in religious imagery in his Brooklyn childhood, which included eight years of Hebrew school.
and not the proper disposition toward membership in a religious body.
It may be quite modest, corresponding to the daily life of the individual, and can be very different for the parish priest or the layman from what it is in a religious house.
Maybe if you were to frame it in a religious way you would get more responses.
The details do not matter, what is important is that there can be no vigorous spirituality without discipline, without a certain hardness against oneself, without a plan, without making demands on oneself also in the religious sphere and if one does not feel like it at the moment.
Without his putting himself in a religious frame of mind, creating for himself religious experiences, awakening within himself a so - called natural consciousness of God, thus without his being compelled to adopt forms of consciousness which he can no longer recapture, he must be encountered in his life, which has become secular, by the good news from the Lord of the world, who has committed himself in the man Jesus of Nazareth to the world and the secularity of the stable and the gallows («without the camp» of religion, Hebrews 13:13) 15
After Wieman's review of Process and Reality, his first published text relevant to our concerns was «God and Value,» a chapter in Religious Realism, ed.
A perusal of the literature in religious and theological journals following 1859 throughout the «sixties will reveal a resounding sense of despair and denunciation.
I am also polydox in that I believe that «all truth is God's Truth» and I find authentic insights (and errors) in every Religious Tradition.
He may also offer support in periods of stress or anxiety during treatment, help the patient fit his religious background into his therapeutic experience, and participate in religious rituals that may therapeutically benefit the patient.
For Hart, the ancients in every religious tradition got philosophy so right that there is little left to be said about the intellectual foundation of theism.
In a series of grant - in - aid cases, the Court held that students in religious schools had to be denied benefits offered to students in nonreligious private schools.
Coming into the 1960s, therefore, there existed primarily a four - part structure in religious television.
That's the real world though in the religious community for some reason this is the height of «truth.»
In other chapters, Wuthnow examines further significant questions, such as who goes to church or not, why different religious traditions are gaining and losing members, faith and the Internet, recent trends in religious beliefs and spirituality, the role of families in faith formation, and generational differences when it comes to religion and public life.
There is no where in any part of Quran or Sunnah where it says people or youth are to be chained... and kept in dungeons... Thisnis ignorance, arrogance and conspiracy done by ill hearted people in the name of religion when it is by no mean a part of religion... I have seen such cases only at remote poor areas when they have mentally sick youth or people who could be dangerous for others and can not afford to hospitalize are being kept chained like that but not in religious establishments, rather at places where fraud witch doctors who claim that those are possessed...!!!
is the Spirit of Truth working and inspiring human beings in their longing and search for truth in any religious setting.»
«Her delusion was absolutely rooted in religious beliefs.»
This has been the case in religious education, social action, and even theological education.
Many of that day thought it highly improper for women to engage in religious work, but the outstanding service of nurses during the war helped to change things.
Gopher has said that he did not grow up in a religious household.
I also suspect that only a theological understanding of the transition in religious experience from an apprehension of God the enemy to God.
The movement called «existentialism» in its religious bearings has included an attack on the objective, rational understanding and control of human life and has encouraged reliance upon a freely chosen «faith» which is not rationally demonstrable.
However that being said there were definitely times in my life where I strongly questioned my beliefs not unlike many an atheist have done in being brought up in a religious home.
One may observe this feature in almost any college classroom, not only in religious studies, but within the humanities in general.
It's uglier when wrapped in religious garb.
Additionally, the Court, overruling Aguilar and similar cases, has held that where services are provided to private school students, students in religious schools can also receive those benefits (see Mitchell v. Helms [2000]; Agostini v. Fenton [1997]-RRB-.
He says it took time to make sure all the criteria were met and that the permit was in accordance with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, which allows bald eagles to be used by Native Americans in religious ceremonies.
The reason you say: «It's always best if women don't involve at all in religious leadership positions..»
So, for example, on - site remedial educational services could be provided to disadvantaged children enrolled in private schools, but not their counterparts in religious schools (Aguilar v. Felton [1985]-RRB-.
In religious terms, let me use this illustration: when we are little children, some of our parents comforted us when we were afraid of dying that God wouldn't let us die, that we would be safe... see you in the morning!
This happens because delusional beliefs are tied to a person's culture and what they know, and we live in a religious society, he explained.
Yet what an alteration this enduring dogma has undergone in regard to its more precise formulation, its more exact theological interpretation, its perspectives, the consequences that are to be drawn from it, the weight it has in religious life.
Even more sad is that this article is about real heroes and the point of the article is lost in this religious debate.
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