Sentences with phrase «in remote locations»

Most operators are on call 24 hours a day, and often work in remote locations for long stretches of time.
The commission would issue new protections for consumer privacy, and ensure Web access to consumers with disabilities, as well as for those living in remote locations without broadband.
Although other methods can diagnose TB, such as chest X-rays and blood tests, these are expensive and difficult to use in remote locations that lack clinical infrastructure.
The obvious one is the ability to instantly download books in remote locations where there are no bricks and mortar bookstores.
Not surprisingly, people in remote locations did not understand why the military was in their communities.
CEOs must learn to report to board members and manage others, often in remote locations.
We've helped countless singles find love even in remote locations and rural communities.
An added bonus is that the course can be taken online, a huge benefit for students in remote locations or with families or jobs.
If you fall ill or get injured in a remote location, it also pays for emergency transportation to a health - care facility.
[14] In my view, merely viewing in a Web browser an image stored in a remote location on the Internet does not establish the level of control necessary to find possession.
Its usage has seen a surge in recent years enabling employees — even employees in remote locations — access learning content in the comfort of their palms.
Like the location of missing stuff on hidden parts of the roof which I can travel too or see things in remote locations through out of body travel.
These rapid tests can help health workers and vendors in remote locations to prescribe the correct treatment for malaria.
Please be sure your personal insurance is adequate to cover unforeseen expenses that may arise in remote locations.
It can give users a physical presence in a remote location, including the ability to move around and manipulate objects — and it is set to become even more immersive.
To start, it's important to note what rural schools are not — namely, urban or suburban schools, only set in remote locations.
However, even with these computers, individuals in remote locations still do not have access to the internet.
To my understanding, you will need a Personal Assistant to help new managers in their remote locations.
We believe that this style of hybrid configuration will be increasingly used, particularly in remote locations and emerging markets, as the world transitions to a clean energy future.
This should be sufficient for preventing dropped calls or slow data from occurring while traveling in remote locations.
The second reference to tenure is in relation to the «national principles for investments in remote locations».
My reasoning is that companies that compete globally from a small starting country have to expand into bigger markets, and to help do so they post their lawyers in those remote locations.
The Australian Government will introduce reforms for housing and municipal services delivery to Indigenous communities in remote locations.
Common sense, and this evidence, shows that is it simply impossible to enforce regulations for a practice that occurs primarily on private land in remote locations.
Additionally, they've discovered that not all fractures start at the point of impact — some actually may begin in a remote location and travel back toward the impact site.
The CD - ROM could be read by a portable computer in remote locations.
The material's first applications may be in objects in remote locations that are difficult to repair, such as spacecraft or deep - sea drilling equipment.
Finding romance in remote locations can definitely be difficult, singles events are few and far between, and it always seems to be the same faces at your singles bars.
The vast majority of e-readers and tablets only have WIFI internet access, which makes it difficult to buy e-books and other digital content in remote locations.
She said team members could not reach her to update her on what they had discovered because of bad cell phone reception in the remote location.
Having a designated team that can respond and initiate help is especially critical in remote locations.
Adventure travel is typically physically demanding and often fraught with personal danger, rustic accommodations, and unfamiliar foods consumed in remote locations.
Likewise, technicians working in remote locations — on an oil rig, say, or in an aircraft — can call on distant experts for help with repairs.
That's why being a Content Writer is a viable career choice for those who travel, students, stay - at - home parents or individuals living in remote locations.
And in the worst case scenario, if you got injured in a remote location and required medical evacuation, you will be protected from this enormous cost by purchasing travel insurance.
We take a look at the benefits offline learning provides, particularly for people in remote locations or on the move.
The mobile bank brings local banking directly to customers, even in remote locations.
An added bonus is that the course can be taken online, a huge benefit for students in remote location or with families or jobs.
In the event where customer is stranded in any remote location, apart from safe towing, arrangements for a taxi shall be made on request basis under this plan.
We focus on issues of financial literacy among indigenous communities, particularly in remote locations.
During the expedition, he was at sea, on an ice cap or in some remote location for weeks or months on end.
He produces intense, raw images of athletes pushing their sports to the limit and has risked life and limb on a variety of assignments to bring back stunning images of rock climbers, mountaineers, kayakers, and mountain bikers in remote locations around the world.
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