Sentences with phrase «in response to food»

Insulin, for those who need a quick refresh, is a hormone released in response to food consumption.
And just as there are individual differences in susceptibility to diseases, there are differences in response to food, too.
Another line of evidence suggests that the brains of overweight people are wired to feel more pleasure in response to food.
But the data are supported by a parallel study that looked directly at the gut bacteria in 10 sets of twins in response to food supplements.
Overall, they found that adolescent girls with greater BMI showed increased reward region activation in response to food images.
There is considerable variability, mainly in response to food availability in the local environment.
In addition to regulating metabolism, immune response and even mood, «friendly» gut bacteria produce beneficial chemicals in response to the food we eat.
Our variability in response to food is one of the unique human features we each possess as individuals.
Cats may develop food allergies at any point in their lives, often in response to the food they eat most frequently.
Insulin is a hormone that is released in response to food.
FoodTest95 ™ provides reliable testing of food sensitivities by measuring antibodies in the blood your immune system has produced in response to the foods you're eating.
The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) today issued the following statement in response to the Food and Drug Adminstration's Notice of Final Determination on Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status of Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs):
Incretins are hormones released in the stomach, which increased the insulin secretion in response to food.
Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies are produced immediately in response to food allergies.
A preliminary study conducted by Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago explains that participants who slept only four hours showed greater brain activity in response to food smells, like potato chips and doughnuts, compared to when they'd slept a full eight hours.
Translating the probable climate outlook in the region as predicted by ICPAC's climate outlook forum into a regional food security outlook in response to food security risk through: Development of climate related crop thresholds for arid and semi-arid areas and quantified skills of the food security outlook.
Participants in whom peanut allergy was unlikely (no wheal after a skin - prick test at months 30 and 60, no history of allergic symptoms after ingestion of peanut, no diagnosis or suspicion of allergies to sesame or tree nut, and no history of anaphylaxis in response to any food) received 5 g of peanut protein in a single dose.
The charges were brought against the company in response to the Food Authority's investigation into a salmonella outbreak in 10 aged care facilities on the South Coast and ACT between January and March 2015.
The Alliance was formed by FDA in cooperation with the Institute for Food Safety and Health in response to the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011 (FSMA).
If your baby is breastfed, he or she may develop diaper rash in response to the food the mother has eaten,» states trusted online health website, Mayo Clinic.
Instead of being the «Food Police,» pressuring kids into eating certain foods while banning others, body positive moms try to focus on helping our kids understand how our bodies feel and react in response to our food.
Land grabbing surged from 2005 to 2009 in response to a food price crisis, according to a 2012 report from Land Matrix, which is run by a group of organizations that advocate for land rights for the poor.
Rats also stopped their lever - pressing habit when researchers blocked the animals» receptors for dopamine, a chemical messenger associated with feelings of reward in response to food, sex or drugs.
The child, unearthed in the Atapuerca Mountains of Spain, belonged to the species Homo heidelbergensis and was probably part of a small tribe of hunter - gatherers who migrated in response to food and weather.
«The Y6 gene is highly expressed in a part of the brain called the «hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus», which is known to control the body's circadian rhythm and may also critically modulate metabolic processes in response to food.
To find out what difference this unusual chemistry makes, Schultz and colleagues plan to see whether these E. coli fare better than the 20 - amino - acid variety in response to food shortages and other challenges.
In this week's online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists report that they have identified the region of the brain that seems to adjust a body's circadian clock in response to food.
Therefore, scientists have been searching for what they call a food - entrainable oscillator, a region of the brain that sets daily rhythms in response to food.
For instance, gut - derived cholecystokinin, glucagon - like peptide - 1, and PYY3 - 36, as well as stomach - derived ghrelin, all of which control feeding behavior, are secreted in response to food ingestion [32].
GLP - 1 is an incretin hormone that is produced by the intestine in response to food.
Coelho JS, Jansen A, Roefs A, Nederkoorn C. Eating behavior in response to food - cue exposure: examining the cue - reactivity and counteractive - control models.
The immune reaction in response to these foods might (but doesn't always) lead to digestive symptoms and often also causes symptoms like headaches, joint pain, fatigue, nasal congestion, poor immune function, skin rashes and acne.
Australian research into the mysteries of food digestion has pinpointed exactly how an important metabolic hormone is released from the human gut in response to the food we eat.
Leaky gut is a condition where the small intestinal junctions, which serve as gateways between the intestinal tract and the bloodstream, become weakened in response to food allergies, toxins, or other foreign particles.
Dulloo AG, Jacquet J. Adaptive reduction in basal metabolic rate in response to food deprivation in humans: a role for feedback signals from fat stores.
This finding, combined with the lack of a significant prospective association, provides support for the theory that restriction is a technique used in response to a food responsive eating style, and not necessarily a cause of it.
Body mass correlates inversely with inhibitory control in response to food among adolescent girls: an fMRI study
(Washington, D.C.) The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) today issued the following statement in response to the Food and Drug Administration's Notice of Final Determination on Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status of Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs):
The food responsiveness subscale measures the extent to which children eat in response to food cues rather than satiety (e.g. «Even if my child is full up s / he finds room to eat his / her favourite food»).
Pancreatic secretion in response to food is mediated by hormones such as CCK and secretin, parasympathetic stimulation, and duodenopancreatic nerves.
«When tired, participants showed greater brain activity in two areas involved in olfaction — the piriform cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex — in response to food smells than they did when well rested.
However, new research led by the University of Exeter Medical School, which has been funded by Diabetes UK and published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes), shows that around three quarters of patients with the condition possess a small number of beta cells that are not only producing insulin, but that they are producing it in response to food in the same way as someone without the condition.
Brain scans showed that donating money activated primitive areas like the ventral tegumentum, part of the brain's reward circuit that lights up in response to food, sex, and other pleasurable activities necessary to our survival.
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