Sentences with phrase «in rich form»

Match Predictions: Arsenal always turn things around when they have their backs to the wall but they are at their most vulnerable when coming into a game in rich form.
The club have been in rich form coming into this game, having won all of their last 5 fixtures.
Tiquinho Soares and Moussa Marega have been in rich form, scoring five and four goals, respectively, as the Dragões have tightened their grip on first place.
The English winger is most definitely in his richest form of his Gunners career, and has already matched his goalscoring tally in the league of the last three years.
The power and depth in rich forms of inquiry arise in part from teachers» opportunities to negotiate their relationships with practice, students, content, and colleagues.

Not exact matches

The bulk of bribery and other forms of corruption (though by no means all of it) goes on in developing countries where rule of law is lax and the opportunities for profit are rich.
He was part of a New York City dinner circuit that includes people who believe the US should go back to the gold standard, rich people who don't think they should have to give back to society in the form of taxes, and anyone interested in either of those ideas who wanted to write a book about them.
LONDON (Reuters)- Smartphone app developer Shazam has found an unlikely ally in the form of Carlos Slim, one of the world's richest men, who is investing $ 40 million to back the development of the start - up best known for helping music fans identify catchy songs.
Rich Uncles believes that with the ease and transparency of the internet, the company can deliver a real estate product that has roughly 10 % more of the investment amount actually being invested in real estate rather than being paid to others in the form of commissions and reimbursements.
Entrepreneurs in the cryptocurrency movement may be wise to explore possibilities for making massive ammonts of cash with various forms of internet marketing.There could be a rich reward for anyone daring enough to brave the cryptocurrency markets.Bitcoin structure provides an instructive example of how one might make lots of money in the cryptocurrency markets.
It'd be better to hedge the risk by spreading it across a property fund for example, the tax bribes for the rich will still apply, just in nominally different form (name) to buy - to - let.
Hallie Janssen of Anvil Media, Inc. — «Structured data in the form of rich snippets will take on a larger role in helping to connect users to relevant content based on the intent of their search query.
The new world order is basically a social change that is happening right now because of: the advent of networking and networking communications, the degree of inequality that is starting to surface across the developed worlds, the richer getting richer and the poorer getting poorer, and a number of other factors that we'll get into, but it's changing the forms governance, it is going to change the forms of institutions that haven't changed since the Breton Woods at the end of the Second World War which were predominantly US - based institutions if you would: IMF, World Bank in Washington, the United Nations in New York.
Bachelor subculture, he holds, shaped and was shaped by city life and contributed to the diversity of America by encouraging new forms of social order different from, and in some ways richer than, family life.
They are found to be a very Rich & Powerful Groups and Mother of Groups that control lives of Millions... Now Finding Peace means that we should think on how to get those Master Keys or Super Master Keys of Super Powerful Groups that are to be gathered all in one Ring lock that works to getting them to work towards One Purpose only and that is on how to make Human Life better Globally and that by investing in them human populations worldwide not minding their Race or Faith or Political interests such will work towards Building Bridges between all Nations holding and calling one Message of Love and Sharing in some form of Brotherhood that works towards a Greener Planet Earth!?
But it also embraces the core insight of communitarianism: the recognition that the self is made in relationship and culture, and the richest forms of individuality can not be achieved without the sustained company of others.
Without ceasing to be itself charity enlarges its scope to become an upward - lifting force, a common essence, at the heart of every form of human endeavour, whose diversity tends in consequence to be drawn together in synthesis into the rich totality of a single operation.
It appears natural to many that whites, males, the rich, and Christians are superior to other human beings, and that human beings are more valuable in all respects than other forms of life.
As a consequence of his being alienated and being faced with his «Other,» God is able to realize himself in a far richer form.
Tell them to do good and to grow rich in noble actions, to be ready to give away and to share, and so acquire treasure which will form a good foundation for the future.
But if they live in a rich society, they depend in fact on the existence of those economic mechanisms, technical rigors, and open or hidden violences that form the warp of that society.
Gross inequalities between rich and poor no longer exist, exploitation in its obvious forms is rare, while the Welfare State has removed many secular anxieties.
The emperor allowed the rich landlords to acquire victims in the form of condemned criminals at 1/10 of the price they actually had to pay for the gladiators.
It always seemed that the majority of the money collected for charity stayed in the hands of the rich white folk who collected it and the majority of the «help» that was given came in the form of the rich white folk telling the poor folk that they should be happy with a few crumbs and continue to support the status - quo because it was gods will.
Furthermore, the Spirit is thereby set loose in the world to reconcile men and women with their God and to set up the conditions for a deeper and richer form of human life (CG 247 - 49).
As Lewis Lapham says, the barbarism in Washington today doesn't dress itself in the costumes of the Taliban, but wears instead the smooth - shaven smile of a Senate resolution sold to the highest bidder — for the drilling of the Arctic oil fields, for the lifting from the rich the burden of the capital - gains tax, for bigger defense budgets, for reduced medical insurance, for enhanced surveilance, or for some new form of economic monopoly.
Thousands of practical forms and methods of accounting and controlling the rich, the rogues and the idlers should be devised and put to a practical test by the communes themselves, by small units in town and country.
With more than twenty words in the Eskimo language to describe snow, some observers suggest that Eskimos actually experience snow in a richer and more variegated form than non-Eskimos.
Loving Earth Dedicated to sourcing the highest quality organic raw chocolate, their mission is to create chocolate in its purest, richest, most essential form.
Dedicated to sourcing the highest quality organic raw chocolate, their mission is to create chocolate in its purest, richest, most essential form.
Give me a richer world of substantial forms, and we can dispense with talk of humans being machines, much less spiritual machines — indeed, in such a richer world (and I believe it's such a world that we inhabit) there are no machines in the sense that I define the term.
The modern study of the «forms» of literature, their origin and early development, has found an exceptionally rich field in the biblical literature, so varied as it is, and extending over so long a period of time.
As this example illustrates, explanation in modern physics is almost entirely in terms of mathematical structure and involves an enormously rich set of ideas about form.
Ordinarily one would not regard the great national epics as scriptures though, in the case of the Iliad and the Odyssey, they come close to forming at least an equivalent of scripture for the Greek people, and to students of Greek religion they provide a rich mine of material with reference to the gods of classical Greek religion.
Babylonia was rich in its alluvial soil, the age - long deposit of the Euphrates and the Tigris, those two great rivers that year after year unceasingly carried their load of silt to a resting - place, first in the Persian Gulf, then in the swamps that were slowly forming, and at length in the plain which gradually emerged from the waters, though at inundation each year it once again was claimed by the floods that had made it.
In both forms of the rich man's question it is assumed that salvation is to be gained by doing something.
Stating the issue as a sharp either / or question is hardly fair, of course, demanding as it does a simple response to a body of literature that is rich in varieties of forms, moods, and functions.
Malaysia is a country rich in such juxtapositions, sometimes jarring to sensibilities formed in other cultures.
This spontaneity may be minimal for protons and electrons, but in the course of the evolutionary advance, sustained until now, it has manifested itself in ever richer forms as the vitality of living cells, the conscious activity of the higher animals, and the self - conscious freedom of man.
The Bible is rich in forms of expression: poetry, saga, historical narratives, proverb, hymn, diary, biography, parable, personal correspondence, drama, myth, dialogue, and gospel, whereas most sermons, which seek to communicate the messages of that treasury of materials, are all in essentially the same form.
Without ceasing to be itself; Charity spreads like an ascending force, like a common essence at the heart of all forms of human activity, whose diversity is finally synthesized in the rich totality of a single operation.
Worship has always included, in however tenuous a form, a rich variety of elements.
The presermon «clinic» in its various forms is a procedure with rich possibilities.
Christians are not better than non-Christians in no way, shape, or form, just like rich people are not any better than the poor.
We seek through the vitality of influence and power to arrest the injustice of others but impose in turn new forms of injustice because we are never as just as we claim to be: parent with child, children with parents, protesters with establishment, majorities with minorities, minorities with majorities, rich nations with poor, and poor nations with rich.
If indeed we are to judge all thought by the way it «promotes the art of life,» then I think that we must recognize that there are many ways in which that «art» can be promoted, just as there are many different forms and styles within the fine arts, all of which can give rise to particular kinds of rich aesthetic experience.9
Although Christ was filled with the form of God and rich in all good things, so that he needed no work and suffering to make him righteous and saved (for he had all this eternally), yet he was not puffed up by them and did not exalt himself above us and assume power over us, although he could rightly have done so; but, on the contrary, he so lived, laboured, worked, suffered, and died that he might be like other men and in fashion and in actions be nothing else than a man, just as if he had need of all these things and had nothing of the form of God.
We stand in solidarity with our sisters in the developing world against what Pope Francis has described as «forms of ideological colonization which are out to destroy the family» and which exalt the pursuit of «success, riches, and power at all costs.»
His latest novel, Rabbit Is Rich, marks Updike's return to form: to the depiction of our irrevocable human ambiguity in clear and compelling art.
There is an extraordinary passage in Ezekiel 16, where the history of Israel is told in the form of a romantic tale about a foundling child who was adopted into a rich family and then went to the bad.)
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