Sentences with phrase «in seafans»

In the deeper areas small coral bommies covered in seafans are scattered in the sand.

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It is known as the kingdom of the pygmy seahorses, as well as having small allied cowries in the gorgonian seafans, and nudibranches.Best known diving areas around Misool: Within each of the following areas, there are always several dive sites.
It destroyed some fragile coral, such as elk horn and seafans, especially near the water surface, and caused temporary loss of pigmentation in hard coral, but it scoured out green algae and cleaned out sand.
It's really a series of massive granite boulders covered in gorgonian seafans and a variety of hard corals.
The area features lots of large seafans and small coral gardens hiding in the shelter of giant boulders.
Further north where the reef meets with the southern part of Beacon Reef, there thrives what is said to be the biggest gorgonian seafan in the Similans.
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