Sentences with phrase «in severe injuries»

A pedestrian accident can be extremely serious and result in severe injuries such as head injuries, brain injuries, broken bones, and spinal cord damage.
Car accidents can result in severe injuries for both parties as well as extensive costs for their survivors.
Hard steel bars next to your head can result in severe injuries unless you are very tightly secured in the seat and wearing a good helmet.
Commercial vehicle accidents often result in severe injuries, largely due to the size and weight of these machines.
Calling for a revulsion of the frequent use of live ammunition by the police during riot control, Mr. Mubarak, said such brutal use of force have in other cases resulted not just in severe injuries but loss of lives.
In addition to death, bicycle - related injuries can result in severe injuries such as:
A fall from scaffolding resulting in severe injuries demands support from a skilled Long Island personal injury attorney when seeking compensation for damages.
Collisions involving a motorcycle and an automobile usually result in severe injuries for the cyclist.
Because of the massive size and weight of 18 - wheelers, truck accidents result in severe injury and death more often than other motor vehicle accidents.
Even gentle or playful shaking can result in severe injury or death.
When this partnership with citizens are called into question by acts of excessive force on the part of the enforcers of the law, such as we witnessed during the march, when unarmed peaceful protestors were physically assaulted resulting in severe injuries; it is seen as a symptom of an ailing system championed by a failing government who seek to curtail the right of its citizens to exercise their constitutionally mandated rights.
This incident is one of 129 documented cases of beatings that resulted in severe injuries to inmates.
Has your dog ever attacked another domesticated animal species (cats or livestock but not «small pets» like hamsters, guinea pigs, etc.) resulting in severe injury or death to another domesticated animal?
Has your dog ever attacked another domesticated animal species (such as cats or livestock but not «small pets» like hampsters, guinea pigs, etc.) resulting in severe injury or death to the other animal?
Aggression is not something to take lightly, and passing an aggressive animal on to someone who is not prepared could result in severe injuries or worse.
There is certainly less owner motivation for attempting treatment when the attacks result in severe injury, even when they are very infrequent.
An impact at that speed usually results in severe injury or death.
Because of the sheer size and weight of 18 - wheelers, truck accidents result in severe injury and death more often than other motor vehicle accidents.
Instead, they have suffered even more as the transvaginal mesh implants have resulted in severe injuries and physical complications like:
Because of the size, weight, and physical dynamics of a truck, any truck accident is likely to result in severe injuries to people involved in it and also has greater potential for damage to property.
The most typical types of accidents which result in severe injury are specifically trucking, car, and other auto accidents.
A truck accident frequently results in severe injuries that lead to a lifetime of ongoing medical treatment and rehabilitation, requiring accommodations in the home and vehicle, causing loss of a career, and imposing a dependence on other people to carry out the most basic of tasks.
Even a low speed impact between a motor vehicle and a pedestrian can result in severe injuries or death.
Motor Vehicle Attorneys for Motorcycle Accident Claims Motorcycle accidents in Missouri and Kansas can result in some severe injuries and sometimes those personal injury claims can turn into wrongful death claims because the nature of motorcycle accidents in general is so grave.
Whether you are involved in a minor collision with no injuries involved or a major crash that results in severe injuries or even fatalities, you should know what do to after the accident — whether you are at fault or not.
So there is a huge issue with the extreme vilence of some of these people and again we have managers that have no clue what to do and some that think they know what to do which has resulted in severe injuries to employees.
Part III of the POA covers more serious offences — for example, a violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act that resulted in severe injury to a worker.
Not only do they usually result in severe injuries, but establishing the cause of pileup accidents can be difficult, sometimes making it impossible to figure out which driver was the liable party.
However, sometimes falling down because there was no floor mat at the entryway results in severe injuries.
By far, the majority of incidents which resulted in severe injuries or wrongful deaths were due to driver negligence.
Aircraft accidents may result in severe injuries to you, or the accident may have injured or killed your loved one.
Vehicular accidents often result in severe injury, and the costs associated with medical treatment — not to mention the loss of income — can be considerable.
Dog bites can result in severe injuries and infections for both adults and children.
Passengers in a car vs. truck collision are often most affected by the impact of a collision, resulting in severe injuries or wrongful death.
While bus drivers are becoming more cautious, accidents involving buses still result in severe injuries.
A catastrophic dog bite injury is typically an injury that could result in severe injury and permanent disfigurement for an individual attacked by a dangerous dog.
An accident involving a big rig, semi truck, 18 - wheeler or other large commercial vehicle can result in severe injuries as well as fatalities.
Vehicles that are manufactured and designed in a careless manner can result in severe injury to those who purchase and drive the cars on a daily basis.
When a tragic collision or tip - over results in severe injuries, the personal injury law firm of Wagner & Wagner Attorneys at Law is here to pick up the pieces.
A small trip may be common; however, falling down broken stairs can result in severe injuries and emotional distress.
In other instances, a faulty elevator or escalator can cause a serious accident resulting in severe injuries.
Whether the vehicle was hit by another car, ran into a tree or building, collided with a larger vehicle such as a train or bus, explosions can occur and often result in severe injury.
Although slip - and - fall accidents are often joked about, they can actually result in severe injuries.
Unfortunately, sometimes the fun results in severe injuries or even fatalities due to careless or negligent drivers.
These head - on accidents are much more likely to result in severe injuries and wrongful death than other types of motor vehicle crashes.
Motorcycle accidents may not be frequent as compared to other forms of accidents, but the riders are more likely to result in severe injuries or even death.
The negligence of pediatricians, such as the misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis of a serious condition or illness, may also result in severe injury or death to a child.
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