Sentences with phrase «in similar locations»

Lavender honey is also generally available in similar locations.
On the other hand, credit is not a factor that's used, so everyone pays a roughly similar amount for similar coverage in a similar location.
Of those currently living in an urban area, just 39 percent would purchase their next place in a similar location.
Other babies and children (both human and animal) face the challenges of life in similar locations around the world.
It compares homes with similar specifications in a similar location to the subject property.
Even though they are located in similar locations with very similar feeling and texture on physical examination, these masses are made of of very different kinds of cells.
Additionally, it will be important to consider whether other apartment buildings in similar locations had similar security measures in place.
Oh and the micro USB ports are in similar locations too (bottom right corner, seen from the front).
I can see that this will do well in similar locations where rents are highest and people are looking for additional income.
On the other hand, credit is not a factor that's used, so everyone pays a roughly similar amount for similar coverage in a similar location.
This apartment cost us almost half the amount of staying in an average private room in a similar location in the city, and was only slightly more expensive than paying for two dorm rooms.
For the most part, search in similar locations as mentioned for Kindle and Nook.
Attorney Boulton has handled numerous premises liability cases throughout Hendricks County and all of Indiana, and we have witnessed a number of these cases occurring in similar location types and under similar circumstances:
At some point prior to trial, the plaintiff explained that she had seen a puddle of water in a similar location other times.
A typical franchisee will not only be able to generate higher revenues than a manager in a similar location but will also keep a closer eye on expenses.
Very harsh decision I remember Koscielny making challenge in similar location and being sent off for maybe his first game (was it Liverpool) and I thought that was wrong also but then there was the last man rule.
In the study, experts isolated strains of S. aureus from the noses of healthy monkeys in The Gambia and compared the monkey strains with strains isolated from humans in similar locations.
And because these voice areas are found in similar locations in the brains of both dogs and humans, the scientists suggest that they likely evolved at least 100 million years ago, when humans and dogs last shared a common ancestor, an insectivore.
«And so in the case of the research I was doing in this study, I wanted to know if squirrels would basically arrange their nuts in a way that might facilitate either recall of the location or recaching and redistribution of those nuts later, making it more convenient for them to remember where nuts were stored — because they stored nuts of a similar type or value in similar locations spatially.»
The freshest produce, however, can be found during fall harvest months in similar locations, as well as in farmers» markets.
Following on the model of subsidizing new medical graduates to practise medicine in underserved or smaller communities, we may have to fund debt relief for those willing to work as lawyers in similar locations.
The location of the fingerprint scanner has been changed, and it is now in the similar location as on the Galaxy A8 (2018) & A8 + (2018) that launched recently.
I am generally saw stronger signal and better data transfer rates with the ZenFone than with other phones in similar locations.
Make sure you pull comps of other homes in similar locations to compare and explain pricing differences to sellers.
Using the idea that properties with the same number of bedrooms in similar locations should have the same rental rates, you would likely underprice one unit and overprice the other.
Fresh varieties are available in similar locations, as well as in many farmers» markets, during spring and summer months.
The largest, an M 8.0 event known as the 1934 Nepal - Bihar earthquake, occurred in a similar location to the 1988 event.
That's analogous to Apple's simple Apple logo, and it's placed in a similar location.
After getting Harper on an outside fastball in a 2 - 1 count in the first at - bat, he changed up in a similar location in the same count.
Interestingly, when mouse neural precursor cells were examined for similar Cohesin / CTCF - bound loops, not only did the cells have such loops, but they were in similar locations as in the ESC genome.
Like cats, they prefer to have clean living spaces and will relieve themselves in a similar location each time.
Size and location: Most households anticipate their next housing purchase will be of similar size and in a similar location to where they currently live, though renters and younger buyers said their next purchase will be bigger than their current home.
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