Sentences with phrase «in small print»

Many cards offer other perks — often hidden in the small print of your credit card agreement.
Often in the small print on your application it will state the company can do this if you do not qualify for the card being offered.
Some of their terms were hidden in the small print of a secure page on the publisher's website.
If desired, the phrase «Please, no gifts,» may be included in small print at the bottom of the birth announcement.
It states in small print that it takes 6 weeks to do so....
Some agreements say in the small print that interest will be added as soon as a payment is missed.
The more thoroughly you understand the various terms and their implications included in the small print, the more likely you are to avoid future problems with your lender.
They published in small print runs and made games with enduring quality.
Title at the top, centered, author name in small print near the bottom, centered.
Some sites to write in small print that you can sell or distribute data to whom they wish.
You would never look in the smaller print for your favorite cereal brand.
Many dating sites and apps will have their own safety policies or tips outlined in small print.
He designed the font so that it is easy to read in small print on computer screens.
Go into any t - mobile and its written on the price cards in small print.
Beware of unexpected fees, charges or taxes concealed in the small print.
When you sign up for some sites in the small print you can be giving away your approval for doing with that information anything they like.
Others, however, are worried that voters won't be able to find the question, which appears on the back side of the ballot in small print.
I'll keep my eye for a pair — maybe in a smaller print.
You can only see one metric at a time at the bottom of the screen in small print, and to swap out metrics you have to dig into the settings.
In contrast, some contests are free to enter (but might include rights issues in the small print).
We have had many cases over the years in which coverage in a small print outlet or a local TV or radio interview has resulted in additional media opportunities, including national ones.
Not only banks, but other companies and firms are pretty fond of complex products themselves and many risks and costs get lost in the small print.
Like many pricing tricks, they usually live in the small print.
There are special rules and limitations that apply which are usually hidden among legal wording in the small print.
That is in the small print at the bottom of the temptation.
Of course, things could change later on and that is stated in the small print.
While you will have legally «agreed» to this when signing up (look in the small print), it is a practice that worries some.
John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, said that information buried in the small print of last month's Office for Budget Responsibility report showed that three tax avoidance measures were now expected to raise significantly less than when they were first announced.
The difference in co-applicant and co-signer is often a matter of semantics and can be found in the small print of a contract.
Only after I saw the warning, did I see in small print on the bottom of the package, made in China.
This is a big, big book of more than nine hundred pages, documented with thousands of footnotes and supplemented with a bibliographical essay of twenty - two pages in small print.
But lurking quietly in the small print there will also be some hard facts about Britain's economic decline, about the failure of our current finance - and public sector - led approach to jobs, about the politically inspired fantasy forecasting from the Treasury in its pre-budget report just six months ago.
Even something like the standard «best before July 2008» note in small print below the logo would be helpful.
Because, for legality, there is a little line in the small print of most image licenses that says these images must be used within twelve months.
Though we give our permission (often in the small print few of us read), many of us probably don't realize all the times we're authorizing a third party to access our credit report and the potential affect on our credit score of such an «inquiry.»
There's a big difference between ticking a box and having to ring a phone number, or find the information in the small print.
Foods that have MSG have to be labeled, but it's often in small print on the back of the container.
In - N - Out also prints Bible citations in small print onto its food packages.
On a kitchen shelf at home, there was a small box adorned with the Royal Warrant of the Queen of England and some Edwardian - sounding patter in small print, attesting to the «curious crystals of unusual purity» contained within.
And there are hints in the small print of recent changes to immigration rules that it's May who is implementing her vision.
The Welsh Liberal Democrat Assembly Member for South Wales West, Peter Black is demanding tough action over mobile phone insurance in the light of the recent Financial Conduct Authority investigation which found poor claims handling, poor sales practice, anti-customer exclusions in the small print, and poor product design.
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