Sentences with phrase «in social constructs»

He negotiates the needs of the self against his place in a social construct.

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It also feels like the kickstarter «revolution» or the holacracy movement: an innovation in social (monetary) constructs that is very attractive to techies.
«We've created this social construct where your working life ends at 65 and retirement begins,» says Sinha, whose own parents are both still working as physicians — by choice, not financial necessity — in their 70s.
They are constructed so that an increase in the measure reflects more optimism / positivity being conveyed through social media channels.
Buyer's use of digital and social communities will continue to evolve and businesses must find out what that means in terms of how they construct engagements with buyers.
It is true that hetero - ists sometimes do sin in the actions of sodomy which is a vile and wicked malignancy of all social constructs that endorse the sodomizers» wants and wills all for but a few moments of pleasure and then comes one's thoughts of doing the abomidable Act of sodomy!
As it seeks to apply this voluntarism to marriage and family, which are not mere social constructs but are firmly anchored in God's creation, we may see liberalism at last reaching a breaking point.
Assistant Professor of Social Work, Barb Burdge, published an essay in July on the importance of social workers undermining the alleged «social construct» of gender.In «Bending gender, ending gender: theoretical foundations for social work practice with the transgender community,» Burdge asserts that social workers must reject «a dichotomous understanding of gender» in favor of «more accurate and affirming conceptualizations of gender.&Social Work, Barb Burdge, published an essay in July on the importance of social workers undermining the alleged «social construct» of gender.In «Bending gender, ending gender: theoretical foundations for social work practice with the transgender community,» Burdge asserts that social workers must reject «a dichotomous understanding of gender» in favor of «more accurate and affirming conceptualizations of gender.&social workers undermining the alleged «social construct» of gender.In «Bending gender, ending gender: theoretical foundations for social work practice with the transgender community,» Burdge asserts that social workers must reject «a dichotomous understanding of gender» in favor of «more accurate and affirming conceptualizations of gender.&social construct» of gender.In «Bending gender, ending gender: theoretical foundations for social work practice with the transgender community,» Burdge asserts that social workers must reject «a dichotomous understanding of gender» in favor of «more accurate and affirming conceptualizations of gender.&social work practice with the transgender community,» Burdge asserts that social workers must reject «a dichotomous understanding of gender» in favor of «more accurate and affirming conceptualizations of gender.&social workers must reject «a dichotomous understanding of gender» in favor of «more accurate and affirming conceptualizations of gender.»
Morals come from an evolved social construct, or set of rules established by society in order for a group of a species to work together in harmony for the greater good of the group and therefore the individual.
In traditional societies, world views may be more uniform and explicit than those we encountered in Western, technological ones, but the social need to construct a commonly satisfactory setting for our lives was also evident in the sophisticated encounters in my hospital rooIn traditional societies, world views may be more uniform and explicit than those we encountered in Western, technological ones, but the social need to construct a commonly satisfactory setting for our lives was also evident in the sophisticated encounters in my hospital rooin Western, technological ones, but the social need to construct a commonly satisfactory setting for our lives was also evident in the sophisticated encounters in my hospital rooin the sophisticated encounters in my hospital rooin my hospital room.
Belief in God is not taken to be purely a social construct.
This rejection of nature is manifest in the now orthodox distinction between sex, which is «merely biological,» and gender, defined as a construct either of oppressive social norms or of the free, self - defining subject — one often finds protagonists of this revolution oscillating back and forth between those polar extremes.
The loss of a compelling sense of otherness in social institutions is accompanied by a sense that the orders we participate in are transitory, relative, or artifically constructed and controlled.
In his Histoire de la Sexualité, Michel Foucault argues that homosexuality is a social construct, and one constructed terribly recently at that.
Mack believes that a study of the sources Paul used to construct his authority also helps the interpreter to reconstruct and describe the social situation Paul addressed, one in which standards for authority were unclear and under negotiation.
He offers particularly compelling documentation for his central contention that childhood is a social construct whose meaning changes to accord with changes in the larger cultural definitions of human nature.
This article by Richard John Neuhaus, who passed away January 8, 2009, was published in the February 1999 issue of First Things, and is reprinted below in honor of the feast day of Mother Teresa.A couple of years ago physicist Alan Sokal published an article in Social Text arguing in the most abstruse postmodernistic jargon that gravity, among other things, is a social consSocial Text arguing in the most abstruse postmodernistic jargon that gravity, among other things, is a social conssocial construct.
His point is not that we should, or even do, live in everyday reality all the time; rather, it is that everyday reality is a familiar world and yet an arbitrary world, because it is a world constructed of symbols, social experiences, and casual presuppositions.
This assertion is not meant to imply that religion is either false or ultimately nothing more than the fabrication of human minds — indeed, Berger argues in other writings that the transcendent seems to break through humanly constructed worlds, as it were, from the outside, However, the social scientist must recognize the degree to which religion, like all symbol systems, involves human activity.
Feminism challenges the legitimacy of sex roles Along with other social movements, feminism is rooted in the critique that a society so constructed that certain people and groups profit from inequalities — between men and women, rich and poor, black and white, etc. — is a society in which money is more highly valued than love, justice, and human life itself.
The world picture of the social scientist is a human construct in a double sense.
Like Michael Hannon, I cautiously appropriate Foucault in my own study, and think him generally correct that «heterosexuality» and «homosexuality» are modern social constructs.
Once the social constructs of the contemporary side of the model are established, then the discussion will turn to the dynamics of corporate life inherent in the scriptural text.
The most urgent immediate task, therefore, is the development of education on the basis of the sciences, both natural and social, for only with their help can society as a whole be taught to construct a life completely in accordance with that knowledge which has become the factor by which our age is distinguished from all preceding periods of history.
We see Nature combining molecules and cells in the living body to construct separate individuals, and the same Nature, stubbornly pursuing the same course but on a higher level, combining individuals in social organisms to obtain a higher order of psychic results.
The social situation in which Jesus lived was one in which a distinctively Jewish identity had to be constructed in the face of constant pressures to become assimilated into the Roman Empire.
It continues to shake the foundations of all moral systems invented by men, it relativizes all social hierarchies, and, in the final analysis, it shows up the hollowness of all humanly constructed orders.
A couple of years ago physicist Alan Sokal published an article in Social Text arguing in the most abstruse postmodernistic jargon that gravity, among other things, is a social consSocial Text arguing in the most abstruse postmodernistic jargon that gravity, among other things, is a social conssocial construct.
In any event, here is where an authentic theory of natural law proves to be indispensable for Judaism, but only when the social contract theory is abandoned, a task that «requires radical criticism of the key political idea of the Enlightenment,... that human beings can construct their own primary society autonomously.
There is a determined attempt to impose gender theories in many countries — with attempts to change language or to castigate parents for bringing up children as male or female, as if the structures of language and grammar bore no necessary relation to human biology and were just a social construct of a patriarchal or «straight» society — and forgetting that «non-binary» language is itself a construct and an attempt to ideologically cleanse language to suit a particular theory.
It is fundamental to any adequate understanding of Ricoeur to note that his phenomenology is so constructed as to be open to the «signs» generated by «counter-disciplines,» and indeed to read the meaning of human existence «on» a world full of such expressions generated by the natural and social sciences, as well as in the history of culture.
I suspected when I first heard this claim that the Committee on the Status of Black Americans, loaded as it was with social scientists, had demolished a straw man, a bloodless construct so rigidly defined as to be meaningless in terms of the actual lives of the humans who inhabit the nation's ghettos and who, for the most part, make up what has come to be called the underclass.
Sociology is essentially a critical discipline that has exposed the deceptive notion that the social world is an absolute given arrangement, by bringing to visibility the ways in which society continually constructs itself.
Her place in society is strictly according to social constructs.
Theological reflection has, for example, converged to a remarkable degree with some aspects of the social sciences in its concern for the symbolically constructed character of reality.
The task was not so much to reformulate belief in a non-problematic way, but to construct a structure of belief in a situation in which everything, including the passion for social justice, was problematic.
With this filter in place, the next step is to diversify voices we listen to by reading ethnic minority authors who are communicating their assessments of the social constructs inside and outside of Evangelicalism.
From Katherine: In your opinion, How much of gender is a social construct and how much is innate?
Divorced from his identity in God, man finds his gender to be merely performative, a result of oppressive norms and social constructs that must be undone.
We invite all the parts involved in the conflict to prudence, to social solidarity, and to action aimed at constructing peace.
In this brave new world, the family — the institution on which our social order rests — is being redefined as a socially constructed unit, constituted by our sovereign will, not by nature itself.
The state's propensity to assign individuals identities through voter registration lists and social security numbers or more generally to reinforce conceptions of individual rights serves as an example; the roles of educational systems (through individualized test scores) and professional careers (organized around cumulative skills attached to the individual's biography) provide further examples.7 This work is important because it shows the dependence of self - constructs on markers in the culture at large: the self is understood not only in terms of internal development but also as a product of external reinforcement.
«a women with decades of scholarship in the area of gender studies, a woman with impeccable feminist credentials» Just wanted to say that «gender studies» is whats left of women's studies and is not feminist anymore because real feminists know that gender is a social construct that is basic feminism and also I do not believe one needs credentials to be a feminist.
Instead of viewing mothering as a service they willingly give their children, they view it as a social identity that they construct for themselves, boosting their own egos in the process.
According to the same study, «children's participation in mundane daily life activities (i.e. bathing, eating, chores) are a critical foundation upon which social relationships and ultimately cultural meaning systems are constructed
The enduring and powerful sense of what it means to be Scottish may, in many respects, be a construct of sentimental depictions of the place, but — regardless of whether it is based on ancestry, a love of the real place or on Braveheart and shortbread tin imagery — the diaspora's relationship with Scotland does have real economic and social consequences for the nation.
This kind of interdisciplinary engagement may also have the side benefit of heightening the theorist's reflective awareness of the underlying sociological assumptions — about power, human nature, the main tendencies of social life and so on — that s / he inevitably makes in constructing a political vision of how the world ought to be.
One can argue for the use of race as a social construct, but in that case, skin colour has as much to do with it as shoe size.
On social interventions, he said he provided 100 bags of cement for rehabilitation of churches and mosques, purchased 10 packets of roofing sheets each for some 4 communities (Konkomada, Batiyok, Kpalsako - Champiani - Susudi and Basyonde), ensured absorption of all primary schools in the constituency into the Ghana School Feeding Programme with 90 caterers engaged, supported 7 elders to perform the the Holy Pilgrimage to Mecca (the Hajj) and constructed some market structures at Bulpielise and Nagani.
Nana Addo usual of him and his cohorts, downplayed all the achievements of the President in the Western Region telling the President rhetorically that he did not see the projects the Chiefs themselves thank the President for.His apostles in their state of Akuffolic hallucination, also started posting pictures of supporters of PDP (Nigeria) on social media platform in an attempt to create fake impression that the President was snubbed by the people of Agona Nkwanta.The irony is that Nana used the newly constructed (Asphalted) road from Agona Nkwanta to Elubo, he saw the modern bridges being constructed on the road so why the mischief.
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