Sentences with phrase «in space time»

Modern science: Looks like the beginning of our universe was a huge explosion where everything came from a single point in space time.
This «multimessenger astronomy» promises a more comprehensive picture of the titanic collisions, explosions and other cosmic events that generate powerful ripples in space time.
He then opened what I assume was a rift in the space time continuum in order to hurtle his German made steal cage of doom through said continuum.
That is, it is a way in which the world is actively appropriated at a particular locus in space time.
It clips to the front of the tablet enabling sleep mode, allows the tablet to clip into it and unlike previous efforts in the space this time round Lenovo has equipped it with a standard microUSB charging port.
A disturbance in the space time continuum however causes classic Sonic to be thrust into the fray.
We certainly didn't know, although certainly the air seemed a bit sweeter, the sun has been shining a bit brighter and generally, it has felt as if there was a shift in the space time continuum.
the whole point of time travel in pop culture is the infinite possibilities in the space time continium which are effected by even the tiniest little decision.
Ripples in space time have already been observed when hyper - violent events, such as stars collapsing into black holes or supernova explosions, occur.
Jumping to the conclusion that «ripples in space time» are proof of god as creator of the universe reveals Ms Wickman's true bias.
Here goes another try... The Universe is a chaotic mixture of matter (sub-atomic particles) and energy (motion and, light) in space time, where matter, through evolution, recombines to raise up consciousness, such as yourself.
I feel like I say that in this space every time we begin to change seasons.
If gravitational waves — ripples in space time — have a handedness, primordial particles could interact with them to form a dark matter superfluid that spreads through the cosmos
The team attributed the pattern to gravitational waves — ripples in space time — generated during the earliest moment of the Universe, when cosmologists believe that the cosmos underwent a brief but tumultuous episode of expansion known as inflation.
Security chief Alara Kitan (Halston Sage) is green behind her fan - like ears and super strong, hulking Bortus (Peter Macon) comes from an all - male planet, and Dr. Claire Finn tasks Penny Johnson Jerald with more or less reprising her peace - keeping, sounding - board character from The Larry Sanders Show — but in space this time!
One day Neptune gets caught up in a space time rift and is thrown into another dimension.
I was planning on saving my views and impressions for the review, yet several dire circumstances have manifested themselves in the space time continuum which must be addressed.
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