Sentences with phrase «in specific environments»

Many job advertisements seek a candidate who has reached a «master» level of a certain skill while working in a specific environment.
Traditionally, researchers used visible traits, such as pod number, to select crop varieties that grow well in specific environments.
Various conditions in different locations require special breeding to enable the dog to perform in their specific environment.
Doctors want parents to keep their baby's temperature normal, and adding or taking away clothing in specific environments can cause temperature change.
You might think they are perfect for you but understand that you only know your partner in that specific environment.
The duties described below apply to administrative assistants in specific environments including sales, marketing, medical and human resources.
This may include a minimum numbers of experience, experience in a specific environment, minimum education level and specific knowledge and skills.
The best cover letters show that you took time to research the company, position, industry, and ways you could contribute in that specific environment.
It all depends on what works in your specific environment and causes you less pain..
However, its important to understand the differences between countries and dispassionately assess weather a business is configured to succeed in a specific environment.
Dr. Paul Bosland, director of the Institute, cautioned that these heat levels are the result of a single test of chiles grown in that specific environment and...
Now, searcher intent literally determines which algorithms and ranking factors are more important than others in that specific environment.
Non-cooperative species, such as puffins and penguins, tend to only be found in specific environments.
«Virus - bacteria and virus - archaea interactions are probably quite important to the dynamics of that microbe, so if researchers are studying a microbe in a specific environment, they've been missing a big chunk of its interaction dynamics by ignoring the viruses,» Sullivan said.
This is a different way of thinking about solar cells, which are normally described in terms of how much energy they can produce in lab conditions, rather than in use in a specific environment.
My goal is to understand the genetic programs that allowed cells in multicellular entities to evolve a germ - soma division of reproductive labor in specific environments, not to analyze how our multicellular origin has affected the evolution of our societies.
Some random changes improve an organism's chance of surviving and reproducing in a specific environment, and some decrease it.
«Tagging technology is allowing us to observe whales underwater, much as land - based biologists study animal subjects in their specific environments,» said David Wiley, sanctuary research coordinator and a co-author on the paper.
The experiments with the artificial models indicate that hoverflies prefer certain combinations of flower characteristics in specific environments.
«As a result of our transport studies, you could determine the distance GO will travel in a specific environment as a function of the soil matrix conditions,» said Lanphere.
The researchers speculate that some physical process might make quasar activity much more likely in specific environments.
This technology â $» genomics on a huge scale â $» enables a survey of the different microorganisms present in a specific environment, such as water or soil, to be carried out.
Although conducted in a specific environment and under controlled conditions, these important findings suggest that similar evolution of naturally - occurring avian flu in the «real world» is biologically plausible and should be taken seriously.»
I thought it was interesting to kind of make a masculine companion to «It Felt Like Love,» sort of exploring similar pressures on sexuality in a specific environment
The HMI system is even capable of «learning» driver preferences and habits to anticipate driver responses in specific environments and situations.
Level four autonomous vehicles are capable of driving in specific environments, like towns and cities without any driver intervention.
This entails basic obedience classes 1 and 2 and the Canine Good Citizen Test, which focuses more on testing the dog in specific environments, encountering things they might meet with on visits, such as exposing them to different smells, wheelchairs, walkers, loud sounds etc..
As an independent institute in a (supra) national network AIR Antwerp is offering national and international artists a temporary stay in a specific environment with selected partners.
The method of ascertaining financial targets must not be copied from others as each firm operates in a specific environment.
This speaker is also IP67 certified for water and dust resistance, while the speaker comes with auto - sensing indoor / outdoor EQ, so it should adapt to its surroundings and provide the best possible sound in a specific environment.
When it comes to sourcing personnel with the traits needed to excel in a specific environment, you're able to identify the potential in candidates based on their resumes and interviews, and screen them to ensure they're a great fit for the culture.
Why Mesenchymal Stem / Progenitor Cell Heterogeneity in Specific Environments?
The more perfectly she insulated the pressure cooker, the less comfortable nurses were in adjusting it to work in their specific environment.
Thus, if an individual reaches the goal of reproduction, it is implied that the caregiving strategies have succeeded in that specific environment.
Dr. Paul Bosland, director of the Institute, cautioned that these heat levels are the result of a single test of chiles grown in that specific environment and therefore should not be considered definitive heat levels for the particular varieties.
Bred to flush, point, retrieve under the direction of their people; each bred to work in a specific environment
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