Sentences with phrase «in structural biology»

«After that, I was determined to continue my studies in structural biology,» he says.
It is recognised for excellence in structural biology, biochemistry, developmental biology, cell biology, and computational biology.
«Everybody now in structural biology is excited about integrated approaches to really get a complete picture of the molecular structures and dynamics,» he says.
Dr. Mayo's honors include a Rita Allen Foundation Scholar Award, a David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellowship, a Searle Scholar Award, and the Johnson Foundation Prize for adventurous and innovative research in structural biology.
Ban chose to work on one of the most difficult problems in structural biology: imaging the active site of the ribosome, a site within the large subunit of the ribosome where the bonding of individual amino acids into a protein chain is catalyzed.
This trans - institutional initiative applies computational techniques in structural biology to answer mechanistic questions directly impacting the care of individual patients.
She immediately redirected and began doctoral studies in structural biology at Rockefeller University.
She took the same approach when choosing where to do a PhD in structural biology and bioinformatics.
After a slow start, productivity in terms of papers and projects grew steadily in both structural biology and bioinformatics.
We're still fully focused on neurobiology and imaging but we've hired people in structural biology, particularly in cryo - EM [electron microscopy].
«Far too many pieces of code critical to the reproduction, peer - review and extension of scientific results never see the light of day,» said Andrew Morin, a postdoctoral fellow in the structural biology research and computing lab at Harvard University.
With the arrival of 240 IBS specialists on the site, the epn campus reaffirms the international level of its research capacities in structural biology.
James Holton first got interested in structural biology in the late 1980s at a biochemistry summer camp as a high school sophomore.
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a powerful computational tool in structural biology, widely used for understanding conformational changes in proteins, and folding of peptides.
A Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) professor and a colleague who mentors HHMI - supported undergraduates in his structural biology lab are using the...
Mark Lemmon's career in structural biology began with a decision not to pursue structural biology.
Highlights deCODE's capabilities in structural biology and x-ray protein crystallography; may enable design of more effective anti-cancer compounds Reykjavik, ICELAND, November 11, 2002 — deCODE genetics (Nasdaq / Nasdaq Europe: DCGN) today announced that scientists from...
The Institute decided, among other initiatives, to make a major investment in structural biology, to help with the initial funding for the sequencing of the human genome, and to create a separate grants program.
Adapting federated cyberinfrastructure for shared data collection facilities in structural biology.
Automatically modeling «hidden» multiple conformations of proteins using our algorithm may help drive biomedically relevant insights in structural biology pertaining to, e.g., drug discovery for HIV — 1 protease and other therapeutic targets.
Our research training will yield new scientific insights on fundamental properties of protein structure and dynamics: one of the most challenging problems in structural biology; and technological advancements in diverse fields from pharmacology to nanotechnology.
According to Professor Lithgow TOM 40 has resisted all attempts, using x-ray crystallography and other standard techniques in structural biology to unlock its transport secrets.
After completing graduate studies in structural biology at the University of Toronto, Sliz signed on to provide computing expertise in the lab of Stephen Harrison and the late Don Wiley at Harvard University.
At Utah, she's been asked to do what she did during her time at Los Alamos: to bring together seemingly disparate disciplines, build large multi-institutional programs, and continue her research in structural biology.
The standard methods used in structural biology to achieve this assume that the macromolecule is present as a single crystal or in the form of individual molecules that are dissolved in water.
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