Sentences with phrase «in such a competition»

Try to participate in such competition and you will be able to judge your performance and this will improve your writing skill also.
During my time with this device, I got to see if it could truly shine in such a competition.
To acquire good grades in such competitions, connect with our unit of engineering assignment help professionals as they have experience and depth knowledge on each subject and topics related to engineering.
During my time with this device, I got to see if it could truly shine in such a competition.
Pacini: I'd definitely recommend taking part in such a competition.
Science can get bogged down, he said, in such competition just as easily as in political fights.
The script also happily tells flagrant lies about how technological idiots could thrive in such a competition by learning computer programming in less than a month, or cramming enough study about Gmail in one night to effectively man a helpline the next day.
«People are hungry for this,» says producer Hillary Wells, noting that when they initially put out feelers last year to see if public schools in Eastern Massachusetts would be interested in such a competition, more than 70 signed on in just two days.
Support for competitive programs, even among reformers, is apt to plummet as it becomes clear that the vagaries of peer reviewers and the prowess of grant writers are what drive results in such competitions, not true policy change, political courage, leadership or public commitment to reform.
Arsenal have enough top players who normally make the Bench and I think this would give an opportunity to fringe players to participate in such competitions.
To stand out in such competition you need to have a perfect resume.
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